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  • Quote from Pultost: “Quote from chloeglowy: “They’re ” Yes? xD AliveObedientDeviltasmanian-size_restricted.gif ” LOL on the I'm waiting guy.

  • Its because their jerks. I have met this troll named #Savage Hamster on battle bay and he is awful. We stopped fighting now but we have been fighting for a month. I mean he said some gay things and was calling me daddy. So I think they just enjoy being a jerk. Sorry I don't have an answer to stopping trolling. I only had it stop because I started playing Roblox with him but that was temporary. Now hamster is being a ass hole to me saying he hope my cats die a slow and painful death. Im guessing …

  • mine is burger king, and In n out. In n out is my top favourite one.

  • Sweat pants, and T shirt.

  • Quote from Heretohelp916: “Conan exiles. Was also the first of the genre that I had tried. I bought ark evolved the other day and it is almost unplayable, as graphic and lag are just so bad(ps4) I will try it again but just giving it time to hopefully enjoy it ” try updating Arc Survial Evolved. It works really well on my ps4 except I have Arc survival evolved Explorers edition. I gave my normal one to my brother.

  • Quote from No longer in Use: “Hmm. Idk. You should probably speak to someone who knows about computers. Just seems odd that a hacker would simply rearrange stuff without actually doing anything to the functionality. ” Sortof rearranges stuff and locked me out of my admin profile so I am pretty much using s computer where I have no way to download stuff.

  • Arc survival evolved

    The screaming cat - - Video Games


    Quote from Benni90er: “You can join private servers that are not hosted by the developers. You can host such a private server yourself if you have a server at home or rent one online. ” II sortof found out another way defeat the broodmother in the boss arena but sadly I might end up being a tasty meal to the bosses. It is sad that allmost all survival videogames make you kill a super hard boss just to get some of the stuff.

  • Trix, strawberry poptarts, lucky charms, or cinimon toast crunch. All are really good.

  • Quote from No longer in Use: “Have you not got an antivirus software? Perhaps if you do a scan or something it might find the issue. If you don't have one, you should as some websites can be a bit dodgy. However from what you say it just seems as if someone is putting random but non harmful stuff on your computer, which sounds odd for a hacker. So are you absolutely sure no one could have been using it? ” I am the only one using this thing.

  • Quote from teenager1234567890: “Doesn't razors cut the body? ” Yes they do. Use some with a skin guard to protect the skin but cut the hair.

  • Well mine is minecraft, Arc survival evolved, and subnatica.