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  • and if one guy do one this the other 50 guys will do the same. It's just how we work

  • Hello,I am a guy and a while ago I started noticing that guys love to wear branded clothes.I don't usually buy branded clothes I also started noticing and many girls don't have branded clothes. (Maybe it's just me that don't know girls brands) Why is that?Does guys need to show their status?

  • how thick is a thick penis?

    franciscofixe - - Puberty


    Hello, What's the size for my penis to be considered thick ?

  • Quote from FKKGirl: “Quote from franciscofixe: “Quote from EmilyAnne: “Who is making you feel insecure about this? Other boys? ” no, no one is making me feel insecure. The only person that is making me feel insecure is me. It's because we talk about dicks sometimes and my friends have straight dicks. Also in porn they have straight dicks. ” You do know porn isn't real right? Like it's not real world people. ” i know that porn isn't the real life, but I feel like that many people have straight di…

  • Quote from EmilyAnne: “Who is making you feel insecure about this? Other boys? ” no, no one is making me feel insecure. The only person that is making me feel insecure is me. It's because we talk about dicks sometimes and my friends have straight dicks. Also in porn they have straight dicks.