Search Results

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  • Can You Grow Money?

    EKM - - Advertising Agency


    Yes you can Check out the Online Money Farm Forum

  • Re: Job advise

    EKM - - Education & Jobs


    It really depends on your age.. If you're younger, try odd jobs around your neighborhood. If you're older, apply at places you think you have a shot at. Work your way up.

  • Re: I'm never going to get a job!

    EKM - - Education & Jobs


    The job you're going for is probably more highly sought after than other work study jobs... You might not have been accepted because of your age; try again in a few years and I bet you'll get it! As for now, try a different work study job.

  • Re: I'm getting desperate...

    EKM - - General Advice


    Ask your neighbors if there's any odd jobs you can help them do. Especially elderly ones. Put up an ad in town that you're looking to do some odd jobs and include your details and hang it up. You should find some ppl that are interested.

  • Re: Tips on getting hired?

    EKM - - General Advice


    There are things you can do, but most importantly you have to try to set yourself from the rest! Places like that get literally hundreds of applicants, so you have to show to them that you're better! Good luck

  • V-Card Test

    EKM - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    The V-Card Test Result: Still Has V-Card ""You've messed around a bit and experimented, but haven't gone all the way. Waiting for the right moment."" haha how'd they know?!

  • Do you still have your V-Card?

    EKM - - Advertising Agency


    Take the V-Card test and find out!! CLICK HERE

  • Do you enjoy writing?

    EKM - - Advertising Agency


    If so, would you be interested in being a writer on a popular blog that does reviews on different subjects? Sports, movies, music, products, everything! If you like writing, and want to have people reading your stuff, PM me or post here! If you're good enough, I may even pay you!

  • Thank you

  • 5 Second Favor (Vote For Me) :)

    EKM - - Advertising Agency


    Could you guys please do me a favor and vote for my clothing here:T-Shirts Countdown Chart - Information Thanks so much!!!!

  • Sounds to me you're being too harsh on your skin, which makes it worse. Do you notice your face being pretty red? That's from being to hard on it. - Wash only 2 times a day, no more. - Do not use soap when you dries you out. - Use lotion if you get dry. - Eat healthy (greens) - See a doctor and get prescribed medication - Give it 2 weeks, you'll see results I promise!!

  • Pretty good id say!

  • Re: Nothing At All

    EKM - - Creative Writing


    Not bad

  • Re: I need some tips...

    EKM - - Creative Writing


    What I do sometimes is just write...dont think about rhythms just get the lyrics down (kind've like poetry) Then add the beats and make it fit together later. Hope that helps

  • Re: Do you want a SUMMER JOB?!

    EKM - - Advertising Agency


    Quote from art_051: “Dude, i checked out your profile and the website doesnt even work.” Click on my signature. If it's still not working try it in a different browser.

  • Re: Do you want a SUMMER JOB?!

    EKM - - Advertising Agency


    Quote from Foxygamers: “No.” This isn't a poll.

  • Do you want a SUMMER JOB?!

    EKM - - Advertising Agency


    Are you looking for a nice, easy, fun, yet well paying summer job? This one could be perfect for you! We are a clothing company who just launched our new line of fashion and are looking for affiliates to sell our clothing. We pay based on 20% commission. So the more you work, the more you'll be paid! Currently our tee's run $2.00 commission/sale and hoodies $5.00 commission/sale. That can add up very quickly! For example, if in a weekend, you sell 10 tee's and 7 hoodies and you've made yourself …

  • You need to see a doctor. It's really not as bad as it sounds. If you're embarrassed, just call your local clinic, say you'd like to set up an appointment with a doctor and if they ask what for say I'm having mental health problems. They'll most likely put you on a medication and you'll be a lot better off. Smile though, life is full of ups and downs

  • Re: Clubbing Clothes!

    EKM - - Fashion


    your attitude is worth more than what you wear...

  • why does every topic end in at least 1 girl going to "fuck" phuck buddy? lol