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  • My Friend Sara is dating this guy named Jason. I'm dating a guy named Juan. Sara and Juan used to go out, then Sara kissed Jason while her and Juan were still going out and broke them up. Sara started dating Jason, and Juan and Jason didn't talk anymore when they used to be best friends. A few months later Juan and Jason started talking again. They were friends again, then I started dating Juan. A few days ago Sara confided in me by telling me that if she talks to Juan, Jason hits her. I talked …

  • A godmother is supposed to insure that the child be brought in religion. I'm actually a godmother now as of like 3 weeks ago lol. My best friend had a baby too. But it's kind of different in her baby's situation because her baby's daddy is my twin brother So I'm the aunt. But I'm still the godmother I was present in the time of my goddaughter's birth. Although, if it wasn't my brother's then I'm not sure I would've been. Meaning I don't think my mom would've let me, but I think she would want yo…

  • Okay so there's this guy let's call him Paul. He has a reputation as a bit of a player. Anyways Paul had a girlfriend, let's call her Joanna. Anyways I'm the new girl at my school, and Paul started texting me on Friday night and calling me beautiful. He told me he didn't have a girlfriend. Then yesterday he told me he broke up with his girlfriend for me me(and he did). Well apparently Joanna found out why and came up wanting to fight after school. anyways my friend let's call her Farah. She kind…

  • Quote: “One of the reasons I f*ckin hate the modern teenager. I know that makes me sound like a total nerd because it is cool do do that stuff. I guess I was just dropped on my head when I was a baby or something. I just don't know why its so cool to be doing that stuff. But whatever. Rant off, before more "cool people" rush to the OP's defense.” I never said it was cool. The reson why I did that stuff was cuz I thought it was the only way I could solve my problems. I know that I was wrong now. …

  • About 4 weeks ago I got caught sneaking out. My mom was really mad, but she didn't say much. This was the first thing. Then, about a week later, I told her I was going to the movies. She's the kind of mom that will look up the movie and like calculate the time it's over then be there 15 minutes before it's over. So right about the time she pulled up, I was getting out of a white truck with my friends, and there was rap music blasting. She was in the car behind us. After I got home she got really…

  • Re: Attracted to Ethnicity?

    mizzmarisol - - Teen Sexuality


    I've always been attracted Hispanics, or Black. Don't get me wrong, I'm not racist. I'm half white lol I can't be racist. It's just I've never seen an attractive white guy.

  • Girls: Mia Isabella Iliana Boys: Juan Javier Luis

  • My friend was talking to this guy and they were about to start dating, and he found out she lied to him about A LOT of things (age, school, virginity). He started texting me, and calling me pretty and stuff. So then he started calling me baby, and I went to his house. At his house, his friends were there. Me and him went into the bedroom and all we did was make out and he gave me a hickey. Well my friend found out and got really really mad. His friend told her everything, well everything he knew…

  • Re: shower with friends

    mizzmarisol - - Teen Sexuality


    Only wit my homegurl nd my boyfriend.

  • Tuesday

  • I was 13, and we were at the lake.

  • Re: brunete VS blond

    mizzmarisol - - Teen Sexuality


    Brunette Guys almost every guy I know has black hair though.

  • It's whenever you're ready, and mature enough. I had sex at 13, and I regret it. I know I wasn't ready.

  • Re: Cyber

    mizzmarisol - - Teen Sexuality


    lol no

  • Re: Make Out Stories!

    mizzmarisol - - Teen Sexuality


    The very first time I ever made out with anyone, it was on a dare. I was 12 and they dared to make out with this guy, his name was Miguel. I didn't want to, but everyone was like Marisol you have to. So we did, when he stuck his tongue in my mouth, it felt weird, so I bit it lol. I was so embarassed!