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  • Darrick my current bf does. Mainly cuz i spend so much time with him. Now that he is at work and i'm not working i'm about to go crazy I should be sleeping right now cuz I'm so tired, but it doesn't feel right. I think I've gotten addicted to sleeping in his arms druing the day when i'm not working. *sighs*. Oh well this house needs to be cleaned.

  • dont worry bout what other ppl have to say or think. That will only make u more paranoid. Not everyone in the world will hurt you. A bunch of ppl probably will but u just have to find the right ppl for you. I found that out. My xbf, David, I thought he was great, but now he is pissed at me and to tell u the truth i could care less cuz i'm happy. Yea i've got myself into sum shit, but I'm happy. My kinda sorta bf right now is great. He is everything to me. Accuatally to tell u the truth when i ge…

  • Re: Condoms!!

    sweet8060 - - Teen Sexuality


    dunno either. That sounds odd.......Sounds very suspicious. hmmmm. If it tears in water, then why does it tear? hmmmmmm Sounds like my bf is ganna be answering ?'s. Wait he probably doesn't know alot about it cuz of the whole not wanting to use condoms deal. Iono. But I'll let ya know what i find out. I'll ask every1 around here if i have to cuz this has struck my intrest.

  • Re: Help! I have no life!!!

    sweet8060 - - General Advice


    find a party..... get warmed up to ppl and just start talkin to them. u can't be shy all the time. Just try gettin used to talkin 2 ppl.

  • John means the world right now to me. He has been through sum hard times and if i could i would take all the pain away from him and carry it myself. Wow he is just a friend by the way. and i would do ne thing for him. My bf is still important but iono.

  • Have u tried writing poetry let out sum of those emotions write a book anything. Or just make urself where you are so busy you don't have a single moment to think.<------ That one has always worked for me and my friend John. Hints the reason i've been up for 2 days straight.

  • Re: Feeling horny

    sweet8060 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from KGB: “i would have to say yes havent had sex in about 2 weeks =(” awwwww that is sad!!! *hugs* hopefully soon u'll get sum

  • Re: Feeling horny

    sweet8060 - - Teen Sexuality


    I AM!!! well I've felt like this for 3 days now. lol. My bf claims i'm worse than him but oh well he shouldn't be complaining should he? I mean he gets sum 5 times every 2-3 hours. he he

  • I'm not evil... I care, I can be ur best friend, i stick up for what i believe in but i'm not evil..

  • Yes it can. But it is really hard. If there is true love in a relationship nothing can get in the way of it.

  • A good nights sleep afterward. :D. Oh yea and pleasure.

  • Sometime Teens make stupid choices. I've done it, otherwise I wouldn't be in my current situation. But on average here kids start having kids in 8th grade. So being 16 and having a kid really isn't that bad. And it is just what you are raised around too. I'll post more later on cuz i'm about to get out of class

  • Awesome

  • Re: Bad situation

    sweet8060 - - General Advice


    I told. Yay me. lol. He got kicked out of the house but I still don't feel like I'm out of the danger zone. I guess that will take time to get over

  • Re: Bad situation

    sweet8060 - - General Advice


    Yea I'm ganna try to tell tonight. I know he won't be home for a while because his mom is having a birthday party for his nephew there. So I'll have time to talk to my dad so we can figure out what we are ganna do about it. I'll tell yall tomorrow how it goes.

  • Re: Bad situation

    sweet8060 - - General Advice


    I've decided tonight is ganna be the night that I tell my dad. It is ganna be hard.....and I'm scared and I don't know if I can do it, but I really don't want to run the chance of this baby gettin abused.

  • Re: Bad situation

    sweet8060 - - General Advice


    I don't think I can call the police. He knows them all and around here that will get ya out of anything. And I mean it would be a whole lot easier if I wasen't ganna be having his kid. I know I don't deserve it but sometimes it is like I want this kid to have a dad.

  • Re: what's ur fav song?

    sweet8060 - - Music


    This song on youtube called The Internet Is For Porn...I just think it is funny.

  • Re: Bad situation

    sweet8060 - - General Advice


    I don't know why I'm so scared to tell though. Usually I wouldn't have a problem telling on him. His mom knows and she said she is ganna have a few words with him. I'm like scared of what my dad is ganna do though, mainly because I'm my dad's baby girl but iono. I just feel lost.

  • Bad situation

    sweet8060 - - General Advice


    My xbf is choking me and I don't know what to do. I know I should tell on him but I'm really scared. I've told my bf about it and my bf really can't do anything because he lives a while away. So now he wants me to tell my dad. But it really isn't easy. I just feel like I've lost myself because of all the abuse from my x. I know it is a bad thing and I do want it to end but I don't think I can tell because I'm scared no one will believe me. In the past 3 days I have been hit and I've managed to g…