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  • Quote from No longer in Use: “Quote from royalemeraldbuilder: “It can. I view it the same way as drinking alcohol. There are some, including Jesus Himself, who can drink and not get sloshed, and for them, drinking isn't a sin. Others need to avoid alcohol completely, because for them it leads to sin very quickly. So it becomes a sin to even entertain what's become a major temptation for them. Masturbation isn't mentioned in Scripture, so we have to go with what IS, which is lust. I say if you ca…

  • Siblings

    royalemeraldbuilder - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    I have two younger brothers. They can definitely be annoying sometimes, but we were kidnapped from our divorced parents by the government and put in two different homes, me with strangers and them with my aunt and uncle, when i was 13 and they were 11 and 5. I discovered pretty quickly that our petty squabbles didn't matter and i missed them something terrible. I haven't lived with them since, except summers when i was still in high school (I've seen them a bunch though), and i love them both wi…

  • I shower at night before bed, unless I've worked out earlier in the day. I'll shower immediately after that, then I may or may not shower again in the evening.

  • It can. I view it the same way as drinking alcohol. There are some, including Jesus Himself, who can drink and not get sloshed, and for them, drinking isn't a sin. Others need to avoid alcohol completely, because for them it leads to sin very quickly. So it becomes a sin to even entertain what's become a major temptation for them. Masturbation isn't mentioned in Scripture, so we have to go with what IS, which is lust. I say if you can masturbate without lusting (a strong sexual desire to have so…

  • Quote from No longer in Use: “Quote from royalemeraldbuilder: “Quote from Sean2001: “Quote from royalemeraldbuilder: “...Since starting? 5 1/2 weeks or thereabouts. ” That's a long time. Was that a challenge or just circumstances. ” combination of No Nut November and just not feeling like it for about the last week or so of October and the first few days of December. I completed the challenge along with one other person out of the dozen or so I asked. We ended up celebrating together, though not…

  • Quote from Sean2001: “Quote from royalemeraldbuilder: “...Since starting? 5 1/2 weeks or thereabouts. ” That's a long time. Was that a challenge or just circumstances. ” combination of No Nut November and just not feeling like it for about the last week or so of October and the first few days of December. I completed the challenge along with one other person out of the dozen or so I asked. We ended up celebrating together, though not in person haha.

  • Quote from Gabraham247: “Quote from royalemeraldbuilder: “Quote from ethanc2009: “i don’t think i have whatever this is i’ve had organisms back to back before ” Can you ejaculate yet? Boys who haven't reached that point in puberty can have multiple orgasms, but once ejaculation starts, there's usually at least a bit of time afterwards when you go soft before you can get hard and cum again.And to answer OP's question, yes, the refractory period in men gets longer as we age. The stamina during sex…

  • First ejaculation

    royalemeraldbuilder - - Puberty


    Lol ok... Yeah I'm never doing that again. It's only hit me in the eye once. Mine points very slightly left as well and I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've even hit my face, let alone the one time it's ever gone in my eye haha

  • Which hand?

    royalemeraldbuilder - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from migo3864: “ - Are you right- or left-handed? Right - Which hand do you use to masturbate? Both ” Do you mean you use both at the same time, or you just switch back and forth?

  • Quote from ethanc2009: “i don’t think i have whatever this is i’ve had organisms back to back before ” Can you ejaculate yet? Boys who haven't reached that point in puberty can have multiple orgasms, but once ejaculation starts, there's usually at least a bit of time afterwards when you go soft before you can get hard and cum again. And to answer OP's question, yes, the refractory period in men gets longer as we age. The stamina during sex depends entirely on how much "practice" you get.

  • Which hand?

    royalemeraldbuilder - - Teen Sexuality


    - Are you right- or left-handed? - Which hand do you use to masturbate? I'm right-handed but use my left for that.

  • First ejaculation

    royalemeraldbuilder - - Puberty


    How old were you when you started puberty? 12 when I first noticed How long after starting puberty did you have your first ejaculation? About a year and a half What was your first ejaculation from (wet dream, masturbation, sex, other)? Masturbation How did your first ejaculation feel? Good but I remember concentrating on the involuntary pulsating sensation in my penis and going, "Oh, so THAT'S what it's supposed to feel like!" Where did your first ejaculation happen? In bed, at the treatment cen…

  • Most of the time, yes

  • Masturbation

    royalemeraldbuilder - - Teen Sexuality


    Once every other day is about average for me. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

  • 14 years 3 months, including my time in utero. Since starting? 5 1/2 weeks or thereabouts.

  • Fashion wrote:Been to the beach Yes Swam in the ocean Yes Played paintball Yes had surgery No been in the hospital Yes had sex Nope made out with someone in the shower Naw taken over a hundred pictures in one day Maybe? been grounded No been beaten up Punched two or three times at a go, but never truly beaten up beaten up someone else Never bullied someone Never intentionally, but yes been bullied Yes gotten a piece of gum stuck in your hair No failed a grade Never failed a test Maybe? Can't rem…

  • 1) They don't always. You just haven't asked out enough girls yet. 2) Girls (and women) are attracted to confidence. Even if you don't feel confident, you can appear you are by standing up straight with your shoulders back, and making eye contact while talking. Just those two things go a LONG way. The real confidence will come with practice, like anything else. 3) You need to be yourself, mostly. You should be kind, gentle, and loving...but NOT nice! Nice translates to PASSIVE & subservient, and…

  • Race: "white" Is your ball sac (scrotum) darker in color? Yes, everyone who has gone through puberty has this If YES: What color.... (a) pinkish (b) slightly darker than the surrounding leg area skin/light brown (c) tan (d) a lot darker than the surrounding leg area skin/ dark brown Does your sac ever tighten up/ get wrinkly? Yes, all scrotums do If YES, WHEN does it happen? When I'm cold, nervous, scared, very angry, or close to orgasm

  • So, I have been wondering; Do you remember the first time you saw the opposite gender nude? No, but I'll go off my earliest memory How old were you? 2 or 3 How old were they? 33 or 34 Had you started puberty? HAHA no Had they? ummmm yeah lol How did you see them, changing or other? coming out of the shower, I think Was it the first time you did something sexual? What makes you think it was sexual??? YECCCHHH Was it an accident? No Were you both naked? I don't think so Did you feel uncomfortable …