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  • Quote from Zen: “Regardless of what you call it, my point was half of what you said didn't relate to any of my claims. I don't care about who wrote the bible or what they did or didn't know. Many Christians claim Genesis 1:29?30 (NKJV) - "And God said, See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; ..." - as proof that life was originally vegetarian.” well all i was saying was ive never learned that we w…

  • Quote from Zen: “If God originally intended for all animals to be vegetarians, why were there carnivorous and omnivorous dinosaurs? I don't see what you're trying to argue with me. I'm not blaming the writers for not knowing dinosaurs existed or trying to discredit Christianity.” oh man im not trying to argue with you, im just trying to have an intelligent debate. i dont remember god wanting all creatures to be vegetarians. i never heard of that one. i know why the jews were not allowed to eat p…

  • Quote from artizhay: “Going by the whole each-of-the-7-days-of-creation-was-actually-millions-or-billions-of-years theory, the whole fifth and sixth days could have spanned the life of dinosaurs. So they were there while God was making man, but when man was created, only animals as we know them were left. However, Genesis itself makes the idea of Bible days not being equivalent to present days quite cloudy: This would imply that Earth had a regular, 24-hour day considering that all conditions we…

  • Quote from Zen: “I'm not a paleontologist, but I believe the dinosaurs were around quite a bit before humanity, and if they coexisted wouldn't the meteor strike that wiped out the dinosaurs kill humans as well? Should, for some reason, God choose to place humans on the planet after the dinosaurs got wiped out, I think in Genesis it states that God originally intended for everyone to be a vegetarian. Some dinosaurs were carnivores and omnivores. In short, less confusing terms: Humans with dinosau…

  • Quote from Zen: “I would think the archeological existence of the dinosaurs and humans conflicts at least slightly with the Bible.” in what way?

  • Quote from Treebark2268: “Terrorism against a Fascist government is perfectly justifiable.. As long as the terror is aimed towards government officials, and not the people.. Fear is a powerful weapon..” oh i agree 100%. if there is tyranny and something can be done to stop it then they should do it. if it benefits the safety of mankind then it should be done. but terrorism should not directly attack innocent lives. like 9/11 was not justifiable. the bombings in london were not justifiable.

  • ya agreed, she obviously feels that ye would be happier as just friends, it sucks man, believe me ive been there, im going through it now. but trust me, if you choose to break off contact with her, you will regret it soo much in a month or two down the line, maybe take some time away from her so you can get over her, i felt the same over this girl over a year ago, and i felt that i cant be just her friend after what we have been though, that was one of the biggest mistakes of my life, because i …

  • stick to the basics, they work the best, if you try some brilliant intelligent way of asking her out, it usually backfires, and you end up looking like an idiot. im speaking from experience here. that slow dance idea is good, it should work, if the opportunity presents itself then why not, if it doesnt however though, just go up someday and ask her if she would like to get a coffee sometime or go to a movie, its the simple things in life that work the best. good luck man

  • i dont think it can be justified, like all i have to do is look at the troubles in northern ireland, like for 2-3 decades the IRA bombed and fought with the english and killed innocent people, like they were fighting because they wanted a free 32 county ireland but the fact was that wasnt possible, if britain freed the north then there would be dissident loyalists fighting with the irish, soo why bother fighting, like i would love a free ireland, but its not going to happen, we were lucky enough…

  • Quote from Treebark2268: “Im pretty sure a day is how long it takes for the earth to orbit the sun..” im pretty sure it takes 365 days for the earth to orbit the sun!! why would dinasours be mentioned in the bible?? they werent alive when man first appeared as we look today, the dinasours died out 65 million years ago, man first appeared as we look today roughly 200,000 years ago. we cant look at the whole god created the earth in 7 days as we see a week, we see time as a linear constant, always…

  • Re: What song is stuck in your head?

    kopite - - Music


    rise against- saviour

  • Re: David Guetta

    kopite - - Music


    i used to not like him, but the stuff he has done with like akon and kelly rowland, there are some cracking songs that he has done.

  • 30 seconds to mars nirvana guns n roses radiohead tokio hotel plus sooo many more bands, i could go on but id be here all night

  • well it depends on how he feels, like long distance is hard, ive been in one, and getting a text/message from your gf does help. but are you the only one sending the texts?? like it can become a bit overwhelming at times when a girl does text you alot, but it honestly depends on the guy, some guys love that, others hate it, maybe tone it down for a week or so, but in my opinion, i dont think you are being too needy or clingy, because speaking from experience, you need to send alot of texts becau…

  • hey man, i am with you on this one, my gf pretty much did the exact same thing, we were long distance and she dumped me and then never gave me a reason why for like 3-4 months, i know your pain man, its tough, unbearable at times, its like a pain that you would never wish on your worst enemy, all you can do, is keep active, use the pain maybe and put it into getting fit or putting it into some kind of sport so you can have a healthier out let than alcohol. alcohol clouds the mind, and more than …

  • i dont think its weird at all, every person is different, we all have our different tastes, like i would cringe at some things where others would not. dont worry too much about it. and dont let anyone pressure you into doing something that you are not 100% comfortable with, its good that you want to wait until marriage, not many people can say that they will do do that. but once you meet that special someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with, all of those things that make you cri…

  • Quote from Jenna: “Depends on how much you are interested in the person. Anywhere from one to as many as it takes :)” agreed, it may take time, but some things are worth the wait, it depends on how much you like the person though. i would say between 1-5 depending on how into the girl i was. not too sure if i would go beyond that though

  • ive been there mate, i was best friends with this girl, and we got together and we were closer for a while but then i developed feelings for her and she didnt feel the same, we dont even talk now. i guess all you can do is try and move past it, talk about it first and then try and move past it, start doing the stuff ye used to do when ye were friends, just hanging out, talking, activities. it hurts way more to lose the friendship than if you actually liked her, some people are just better as fri…

  • dude it shouldnt matter what we think, if you think she is cute then thats all that matters. if you would even consider breaking up with a girl because someone said she wasnt pretty then you probably should not be dating her in the first place, thats not really fair on her. you should go out with someone because YOU like them, not because everyone else likes them.

  • this is probably the most common problem that guys have, its the approaching of girls, but trust me, she is the same as you, just try and open up a convo, the pencil idea is good, maybe talk about the class ye are in, or just simply say hello im.... and go from there, i think it would be more weird if ye didnt talk, her moving desks, could be a sign, but more than likely is not, but use it to your advantage, just be yourself and try to relax. eye contact is essential, listen to what she is sayin…