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  • Buddhism.

    ZebraStripes - - General Advice


    so, i have been 'christian' since i was about 13, and then i started questioning everything and decided i just didn't like what the religion was, and i've considered myself athiest for years, but i realized a while back that it makes more sense that i'm agnostic because i do believe that we have souls and that something superior happens to us after we die. so, i've been wanting to explore some other religions outside christianity, so i want to start with buddhism. can someone tell me a little bi…

  • Re: Addicted to sex?

    ZebraStripes - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from ivaiva: “Interesting reaction to: Sorry but that doesn't sound like something she does because she likes sex (completely lost value, don't give a shit) or something that's not a problem. It is problem I think, cos she posted a question here and is aware she has one. But OK, I wont lecture... I just want to say one more time that THIS doesn't seam like healthy relation to sexuality.” well when i say i don't give a shit, i'm not saying i don't pay attention to who im having sex with, ho…

  • well, as a mother i wouldnt want to sit around and basically allow my daughters to be raped right in front of me, but when it comes down to severely fucking with an innocent strangers life and body... i don't know. you're gonna get fucked over either way. what i wonder is if the crimminals would have really raped the girls had she not cut off the mans penis. could've been a bluff, you never know. that is fucked up, by the way.

  • Re: Addicted to sex?

    ZebraStripes - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from TPM: “yea, you should probably be concerned. well, it just depends on how often you have sex. if your just having sex ever so often with guys you like, then its not that huge of a deal. sex addicts have sex with anybody whenever wherever. so if your not having sex indiscriminately wherever you are every day, your not addicted to sex. so just dont make it a life long habit of sex with all your relationships, regardless of whether sex has value to you.” oh, no, absolutely not. i'm caref…

  • Re: I hate justin bieber.

    ZebraStripes - - Music


    he's mainstream, what do you expect? i just think it's dumb when 16+ girls go crazy over him. i think he's well suited for pre-teens. that is all.

  • Addicted to sex?

    ZebraStripes - - Teen Sexuality


    okay so. i feel like i have a problem. don't judge, just advise. thanks. so, i'm sixteen. lost my virginity at 15 in a way i throughly regret, but it's in the past. anyway, i've had sex with 5 different guys in the past 10ish months. i dated one guy who was just a complete asshole about sex, long story short, and after dating him it's just completely lost value to me and i just don't give a shit anymore. i don't just fuck any guy i see on two legs, it's with guys that i actually like or that i'v…

  • Re: Vagina.

    ZebraStripes - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from DeaExMachina: “Back in ye olde Europa the monarchies were in a state of unrest and the Church capitalized on this to gain control of the masses, the might and the wealth of Europe. This period in history saw all sorts of things from the Inquisition to the Burning Times and the Crusades from the rise of the Church's power turning Europe into one huge pseudo-theocracy. The point is, the Church controlled everything from rulers to education and they were none to light on people who broke…

  • Re: Vagina.

    ZebraStripes - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from DeaExMachina: “We'd be repeating the Reformation period of Europe. I'll refrain from that thank you very much.” what's that?

  • Re: iwrestledabearonce

    ZebraStripes - - Music


    they're not bad but there are way better metalcore bands out there.

  • religion can't explain everything.

  • blink 182, sum41, and the offspring. ♥

  • Re: Vagina.

    ZebraStripes - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Batgirl: “^And that would be a good thing.” not that i'm against your decision at all, but is there a reason WHY you don't want it? i mean, isn't it in our nature? what happens if you fall in love? do you ever face temptation? i'm just wondering, i've never heard someone say that they never want to have sex.

  • weed coke i had an insane nosebleed after the first time i did coke though, i'm not doing that again. weed=love.

  • well i see what you're saying. i think everyone does the same thing though, i wouldn't label it as chauvinistic persay. i mean there's a difference between someone saying "CONGRATS DUDE, SHE'S HOT!" or "congrats, she's a really great girl." i dont see it as a problem unless it gets out of hand.

  • Re: guys:butt or tits?

    ZebraStripes - - Teen Sexuality


    what the balls is so great about tits? i'm just wondering. they're nipples. you have them too. kind of.

  • i believe in extreme justification, so sure. not that it would ever actually happen in the modern world. it's an interesting thought though.

  • trimmed. a completely shaved one makes me want to throw up. i don't know why.

  • Vagina.

    ZebraStripes - - Teen Sexuality


    i had an epiphany. like, how different would the world be if everyone stayed abstinent? if people didn't even consider having sex until marriage. like as if it didn't even really EXIST until marriage. get what i'm saying? i think the world would be dramatically different.

  • Re: Nose piercing questions.

    ZebraStripes - - Fashion


    i think you covered it all. thanks so much! this was helpful.