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  • hey, hey, hey... i havent done anything... just powerful, wrong thoughts... oh and about the bi thing... she doesnt realy approve that much.. she says its fine... but she doesnt treat t that way... why cant love and lust be completely separate..?

  • Re: I really need some advice

    werewolf - - LGBT


    side note, if you realy feel like you have to do this.. at least talk to your school councillor first... they are generaly the best help you can get.. ---------- Post added at 04:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 PM ---------- uh, were talking.. as long as you can wait school wise anyway... idk how accepting your peer group is.

  • Quote from Heatherbby: “Problem solved.” well i dont know about that... but my questions are answered

  • Re: I really need some advice

    werewolf - - LGBT


    you still have a long time in school, and the kids are young... maybe you should wait, at least until the other kids will accept you...

  • Re: I really need some advice

    werewolf - - LGBT


    it wont be easy.. especialy at your age... what grade are you in at school?

  • Re: I really need some advice

    werewolf - - LGBT


    this is something you are going to have to talk to your rents about sooner or later...

  • is it ok to completely abandon all reason and sanity and disregard everything you beleive in just because you are horny?.... i have a girlfriend... i love her... but when i get horny i cant help myself.. im bi, and though i havent done anythihng in a while i get off over guys more often than not... its just making me sick of sex... sick of thinking of it, sick of acting on it... and its starting to depress me... on top of it all... my best friend (female) keeps making me horny and then asking me…

  • Re: ending homophobia..

    werewolf - - LGBT


    thanks all, but its not mine.. credit should go to firekitten of deviantart deviantART: Firekitten's Journal: In Relation to Number 3

  • is love a choice?

    werewolf - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    is love a choice?.. answer the poll and show your thoughts in the comments

  • ending homophobia..

    werewolf - - LGBT


    i recently read this deviantart journal on homophobia and felt abliged to get this message out there.. i copied and pasted the text and emailed it to all of my contacts as well as the message to pass it on... anyway... if you wanna send the important message on or just have a read feel free to copy and paste it from below ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ time to change the world.. as far as im aware this started out as a devia…

  • Re: my friend cat..:(

    werewolf - - Friends and Family


    i dont think you sound cold... it is a possibility.. but.. i dont know.. and she realy has me scared for her safety..

  • i scrapped the link.. it isnt important anyway... but none of this has to do with linking together gifs..

  • my friend cat..:(

    werewolf - - Friends and Family


    heres the story.. her name is cat.. she's an awesome friend, one of my besties.. shes been realy depressed lately... she has met this guy.. well they were skewl friends for ages beforehand.. (to be honest.. i think he treats her like shit.. for someone in love..) anyway.. in the 5 weeks they have been going out he hasnt called her once.. nor even took her out on a date.. and yet she is planning on having sex with him.. that in itself isnt the thing that is bothering me.. though i dont think that…

  • for a project im working on for my new deviantart id.. i want to link 9 gif's together so they play at the same time and are configured in a 3x3 grid.. ie: XOX OXO XOX where each X or O symbolises a new image.. i have been playing around with both photoshop and gimp and cannot find a way of doing this.. so does anyone have any suggestions/ ideas on what to do.. ps.. i have photoshop cs2 and the latest releace of gimp... thanks in advance =D

  • Re: The best day of my life.

    werewolf - - LGBT


    the ending didnt realy ruin the day.. it just added to the story.. if it was a book it would have happened exactly like that.. im soo glad youve found someone.. you realy have to introduce me to him sometime.. (for that matter i should intro you to my girl sometime too.. lol) love ya lots *hugs*

  • Re: guys: how long do you last?

    werewolf - - Teen Sexuality


    i realised i didnt answer how long do you masturbate for? 15 mins approx how long can you? depends on how horny i am.. about 30 how many orgasms do you have/ have you had without stopping? 3

  • guys: how long do you last?

    werewolf - - Teen Sexuality


    how long do you masturbate for? how long can you? how many orgasms do you have/ have you had without stopping?

  • hmm.. i guess you could say theres two types of relationships.. those where you look at someone and decide you want to be theirs because theyre so attractive and those where your friends with the person already and you grow closer until you want to be theirs..

  • Quote from Ejayrazz: “Would you date an obese person? You would give this kid a 100% of a chance as you would to a 'hot guy', right? fatkid.jpg” i guess you got a point.. i dont think i could.. i guess that makes me shallow.. but yea... that and smoking.. huge turn off.. its the only thing that will make me disown a friend.. :(..