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  • Oh my...sweet baby Jesus, Icky's second pic made me shiver. That's not just chest hair that's a forest. If i ever met a guy with that much hair, i'd probably run away, it's hideous. But you have close to nothing. I'm not a fan of body hair, but i wouldn't really mind it. Don't shave your chest hair unless it makes you feel really uncomfortable.

  • It's not new for girls to be expected to remove at least their legs and their armpit hair, but i noticed this beauty norm is starting to be more and more widespread among men too. This made me wonder. Everything on our body has a function, right? Then, what is body hair for? Is it really healthy to shave/wax it or should we better not?

  • Quote from bad news: “Why? Why are you pushing us to stop the religion debate? Its a lot more interesting than going around in circles on the issue of whether or not 32 year age differences are just plain messed up, which most of us agree on anyway. This has gone on for seven freakin pages. Enough already! Let it continue. I'm getting tired of the people who freak out if a boring thread gets even a little off topic. ” Because, this is simply not what this thread was made for. Most agree, not all…

  • Quote from Trigger93: “ I do not mean to sound like an asshole or anything... but how the heck did another guy forced himself on you ( unless he was 100+ pounds bigger...) without you being able to defend yourself? Girls are considerably weaker, but they can make up for the lack of strength by knowing how to fight back. ” I don't get those who dare to ask such a question. women are not weaker than men, because "women" as a homogeneous group don't exist.Women are not all the same, some women are …

  • People, seriously, stop with the religious debate, it has nothing to do with the actual topic. You don't believe in God? Fine, that's good for you. Trigger Believes in Him ? Fine too, there's no reason why you should care or insult him or any other believer for that matter. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs (and these opinions and beliefs should be respected).

  • I'm not saying security should be put before freedom everytime. I'm saying it should be sometimes, at least on this subject. These scenarios are rare, but they can happen. the cases in this article show that the burqa has already been used by lawbreakers to go unnoticed. Just imagine someone you are close to or yourself being the characters of the scenario i explained previously. Again, i'm not saying it will happen, i'm saying that it could and…

  • Quote from Esmo: “ Walking down the street, I think people has the right to hide their faces. To have a law saying otherwise would just be needlessly oppressive, and I'd much rather take the fugitive than give away fairly big freedoms. I've just done some research and stumbled on the news item that Belgium is already well on the way to banning the burka by the end of April :o. My belief in a blissfully enlightened Continent is slipping away, I fear.” Even if the fugitive was a thief the police h…

  • Quote from AlexMason: “Yes I knew the difference before you said anything, but my point was not to go for things just to see if you like it. Sex offenders do that, and look where it gets them. If you can't see anything wrong with it then a how about this example. What if your dad got involved with someone 18 years old. Thats roughly close to all of our ages, and its just totally wrong. Or even worse than just any 18 y.o. but one of your closest friends. Now that would be horrific.” Quote from Al…

  • Quote from AlexMason: “So I guess we should all to try cocain then, because we'll never know till we go for it eh? Oh and while we're at lets go rob the bank! So basically what I'm trying to say, is that going for it is not always the answer. Izzy you said you know it can't last, but thats what makes relationships special. Also doing stuff with a 50 guy will turn away quite a few guys in the future if you ask me. Not everything in life was made for us to "go for it", and this seems like one of t…

  • ^I don't see the link between two legal adults who are at an age where they usually are mature enough to know what they want being together and two kids with one of them being only ten (and has probably barely even hit puberty) having sex together. Can most 10 years olds even consent to sex? In Belgium, the age of consent is 16, so it would be considered as rape if a 16-years old boy/girl had sex with a 10-years old child as, usually, 10-years-olds don't have the maturity, whether it's in their …

  • Quote: “The veil may have cultural foundations, but as you say the women who wear the burka do so out of a religiously driven motive for modesty, not primarily because it's in their culture. Hence, burkas today (and today is what matters) are above all a religious issue. Culture is not excluded, but it comes secondary. Of course, what the burkas mean has been put into a central position of the debate, but I don't actually think that's relevant.” A religious driven motive for modesty as you say. …

  • Uhm, you know, femininity is a subjective concept. Sensitivity and gentleness were only used as examples to illustrate the explanation "qualities traditionally ascribed to women", weakness (whether it's physical, mental, etc...) can be considered as one of these qualities. Basically, BRBRBR is the only one who really knows what he meant by "feminine".

  • I think it is the same thing. BRBRBR (still don't know how to spell his name, and still don't care) says gays should be kept off of the battlefield because the great majority of gay men are weak (according to him), and your counterargument was that this was a generalization, some gays are weak and others are not. Well, it's the exact same thing for women, really. Women shouldn't be kept off of the battlefield because they're women, weak women should be kept off because their weak, but not all wo…

  • Quote from RBRNR: “When I'm showering, and I know a gay guy is in the shower too, you expect me to be all cool and shit? Fuck you ya fag, in the military, if I showered with you and I saw you look at me funny I'd knock you on your ass. Whether or not you want to check my ass out is up to you, but I'm sure gay guys find some male they see in the military attractive, and I'm sure those fags in the military have looked at a straight guy's ass. And I lack common sense? Definitely not. I was raised i…

  • Quote from bad news: “Considering that there are few to none non-muslim women that cover themselves on the level that Muslim women do, I would question that logic. I saw this on another forum, and found it to be very interesting: "[/FONT]Show me someone faced with a completely free choice, and I'll show you someone unable to decide. If a burqa is worn under duress, that is clearly wrong. If it is worn through choice, then it is because the wearer agrees with what it symbolises. Choosing to wear …

  • Quote: “Seeing as it's done for religious reasons, I'd say it has everything to do with religion. Religion is not bound by the stipulations of its scriptures, it's a fluid thing and when someone behaves based on their personal interpretation - the burka being one such behaviour - then it's based on religion.” The burqa is not always worn for religious purposes. Many women wear it because they feel that their body belongs to themselves and shouldn’t be exposed for everyone to see. They perceive i…

  • RBNRNBR (whatever your name is), wow, reading you was so funny. I didn't know people with such a backwards mentality still existed in the 21st century. Your posts were really helpful though as they contained the answer to the question this thread has been made for. They explained exactly why the military has a problem with gays. Because of Idiotic stereotypes. Though i think they will fade away with all the actual antisexist movements fighting for equality (feminism and masculinism).

  • I do agree that the burqa should be banned. Firstly because it has absolutely nothing to do with religion, it is nowhere written in the Quran that women should cover everything. Secondly, for security. I don't mind the hijab (headcover), because it doesn't do any harm. For ^ knives and forks aren't a danger to your security (depends on what you do with them, but usually, they aren't). Now If a woman who wears the burqa steals or commits a crime of any sort, we will never be able to know who she…

  • I usually am an open-minded person and i'm thus open to discussion and won't immediately judge a religion i don't really know...i've read stuff, but i can't claim to really know the religion and all the good and bad sides of it. Though if Islam is really peaceful and nice and all that, what does surah 4:34 mean? This verse which apparently states that, if your wife disobeys you, you should follow three steps. I forgot the first, but the second was sleeping in separate beds (if i remember well) a…

  • ^No, but many of them are. And if they aren't, they usually become in a couple of years. And if they still don't have any wrinkles and no grey hair in a couple of years after that, well it means they're lucky and are aging very, very, very well. Or have found some really good anti-aging product. But then again, it all depends on what you picture when i say "grey haired and wrinkled men".