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  • That sucks...I just don't get it. If someone did this to me and I had no interest in them, I would avoid them. This has been going on since late last year, he would look at me in the halls then, too. So it's not like it all started happening after I sent the note. There was a lot of other things that were happening prior to the note. Sometimes I would look up and he would be watching me. Without me initiating the eye contact. What do you guys think about me sending him a message? Only this time …

  • The main reason I sent the message over facebook was because I never saw him when he was alone. And with me being extremely shy, I couldn't just walk up to him. What a mess...

  • Since my freshman year of high school I have had a “crush“ on the same guy. He was in my swimming class and always seemed nice. Junior year I had him in my lit class and started to go crazy about him. He was funny and just seemed like he had a great personality. I also had the feeling he was interested in me because he would always look over in my direction, etc. We talked a few times but it was never anything very deep. Now, I have just graduated high school. Since freshman year he has become h…

  • lol thanks! Good luck!

  • Eh that's okay. I've just determined he's just probably not wanting a girlfriend right now. He still looks at me though, I don't know, I guess there's always a chance he'll change his mind. But still, just do it! Think of how much you would regret it if you didn't do anything and you never saw her again. Let me know how it goes if you decide to send something

  • haha I just did the same exact thing! (well, it was a guy but that's besides the point). Anyways, he never replied to my message. While that sucks, I am happy I did it because I got it out and I overcame something that had been harassing me for months. I say do it! I'm assuming you are a senior, so what have you got to lose?

  • any other ideas out there?

  • Thanks! I guess I'm just going to have to find a way to talk to him. This guy is just so confusing

  • anyone at all? I'm not quite sure what to do?

  • So I finally sent the guy I am interested in a message 2 weeks ago saying how I was disappointed that we never really had the chance to get to know each other, not a creepy note, just basically letting him know I was interested in him. He was on vacation for a week and just got back this Tuesday. I was expecting him to send me something back but nothing really happened until yesterday. I was walking to class with my friend and I noticed he was standing in the hall with his best friend, like he w…

  • Re: eh, bored

    horses48 - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    When was the last time you saw someone attractive? Today Would you like to put last night on repeat, and live it forever? Nope Have you kissed anyone in the last week? No Name something funny that happened this weekend? Yep If you could pick the temperature of the outdoors for the rest of your life, what would it be? 70 degrees f Do you have any plans for tomorrow? School Is your bedroom window open? No How many drugs have you done in the last 7 days? None What do you hear right now? tv Do you t…

  • Re: All About YOU x

    horses48 - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    When's your birthday? 4-23 what's your star sign? Taurus Where is your birthplace? MI Where have you lived in the past? MI Are you in a relationship? No Are you a virgin? Yeah If no, do you regret losing your virginity when you did? --- Do you want kids? Yes Do you want to get married? Yes Have you consumed alcohol? A bit Have you smoked a cigarette? No Have you smoked a cigar? No Have you wanted to kill yourself? Nope Have you had chicken pox? Nope got the shot Have you fainted at the sight of …

  • yeah that would be wonderful!we dont have any classes together though...just my luck. I will have a class pretty close to his next term though....*sighs*

  • How old will you turn in 2010? 18 Who was the last person you watched a movie with? My brother Do you feel comfortable with answering personal questions? Yeah Are you doing anything tomorrow? Probably not Do you like Red Bull? Never tried it. Are you a forgiving person? Yep Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color? Yep, never dyed my hair Is anyone on your bad side? No How was your day? Boring What were you doing an hour ago? Playing cards Have your parents ever caught you drink…

  • I know I am assuming alot....believe me if I had an opportunity to become friends with him, I would. There just really isn't much I can do. Yeah, I could walk up to him in the halls, but then what? I mean, we don't know each other that well. How awkward would that be?

  • Blonde hair: Turn off, if its super blonde. Brown hair: Turn on. Red hair: Turn off Blue eyes: Turn on Green eyes: Don't care Brown eyes: Don't care Athletic: turn on Skinny: I like guys that are solid, too thin is a turn off. Few extra pounds: If it doesn't make them look grossly fat I dont care Glasses: Don't care Hat: Don't care Good student: Turn on. Good at sports: Turn on. Dorky: Turn off. Listens to rock: Don't care Listens to country: Don't care Listens to emo: Turn off Tough: Turn on Se…

  • Okay, I guess I should try harder. Its just that he has been confusing me with what he does and then makes me doubt if I think he is interested or not.

  • Thanks! I think I am going to do something soon. I know he has been hurt in relationships before so maybe he is afraid of that?

  • Thanks alot! That really does make sense, it would explain alot actually Do you think talking on fb would be a good idea? or would that be weird?

  • I have been interested in this guy for a year or so. I had class with him last year and I was convinced he was interested in me because of his body language. We have only talked a few times, but with steady eye contact. This year I tried making sure he knew that I was interested in him. I look at him in the halls(not a stalker-stare, just enough to let him know I was paying attention to him), I have attempted to smile at him(not sure if it turned out to be a smile or not), I wished him good luck…