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  • the most important thing is its your decision. if you think you need to loose weight and thats what you want to do.. do it! if you are taking it up just because you wanna loose a few pounds here arnd there and you cba going to the gym then dont! once youve started if you like it you might just cary on and then become adddicted to it. if you dont stop. if your struggling with your appearance now its most likely you will struggle all the way until yer an adlt. unless you find something whech makes…

  • weight is normally spread evenly. but like in different people it goes to differenet places. wear some chicken fillets in yer knickers will make you look bigger or just eat a lot more are excersize less. but then you might get a heart attack when yer older if you lost control just to be lighthearted lol xxxxxxx loveeee

  • does it matter if it is bulimia. its like its still as bad love xxx

  • no. lol sorry but you can tell me wether you prefer getting yer cock out in the open or..having it done in yer pants. because im that cool xxxxxx lvoe

  • lol shampoo bottle?! oo er. making outs fun. but i am jealous of boys because its easy for them to frigg a lass but not so smooth or lass to jerk a guy! lmao! xxxxxxxxxx

  • Re: Body modications

    avocado - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from pinkspiders: “pierced thrice.” i love the word thrice your so cool lol. personally. id love an eye tatooed ont back of my neck. so when i have my hair up its like IM WATCHING YOU! as thats the kinda person i am. atm i have bellybutton and ears. all done myself. its well fun love xxx

  • Re: Smoking?

    avocado - - Health and Fitness


    yer! why not smoke! i smoke. to some people it doesnt matter what happens tto there health we are al gonna die anyway! we could all get run over n die! it doesnt mean that we never cross roads! i dont smoke around people though. because i dont want them to die. you know. hypocritical n all that love yall xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Re: emotional eating.

    avocado - - Health and Fitness


    munch on some gum or eat something wich takes AGES to eat... that way you dont have time to eat as much. and by the time your done eating it youll be more satisfied. or. lol. make yourself into little time consuming habits. like is you have to eat alot. you have to eat it all in rainbow order! fun sorry hope your ok xxxxxx lvoe

  • you can either like give him a chance and see if he grows on you. you never know. or like just tell him that your not in that place and to go out with him would be leading him on and would only hurt him more. he might whine or get angry. but its better than a big disastrous break up good luck. xxxx love

  • i dunno. i was kinda seeing this lad for like 10 months when i was 12-13 ish. and like he helped me through loads and i was there for him andwe had this deeper understandging as well as HYPERACTIVE FUN LOL. and like even though we were young we could sit for hours on end with eachtoher. and it was so amazing! and since i have been with another guy for 5 months . not as great but still pretty cool. im only young but i think i have like experienced the woops and wows of love. even if its not prope…

  • just let him kno you are a bit pissed off with him. and well if you are best friends he should be EXTRA nice to you. so i think if he isnt after you have had words you should try and hang around with a few other people and give him time to miss you so he tries a little harder if he doesnt miss you he cant be that greater friend. and its up to you weither to stick it out with him. xxx lvoe

  • i think if you are just kind to her. you can take kind of the responsibility off your shoulders. because like if she cant see how great you are to her then its her problem. eventually you will make peace even if it mean not talking for a while. try keep out of her hair and just treat yourself to a FABULOUS bubbly bath xxx lvoe

  • eat infront of them. but you dont have to eat what they eat. if yer parents are gonna cook you a meal steam some vegetables yourself andeatthem instead or on yer plate and then leave the meat n stuff saying your full. you jsut have to get in there before them love xxxxxxxxxx

  • my sister and her boyffriend have sorta become part of the family, he knocked her up at 14 and then she has been through alot.. obvs she dint keep baby or stay pregnant. but oh well. he comes for tea often. but they aren't allowed 'the opportunity' to sleep together. mum dunt realise they can shag in the daytime lol. hes oryt i spose. xxx love

  • Re: Who...

    avocado - - Friends and Family


    im not close to anyone. my family pretty much lives there lives independent of themselves. i never talk to any of them except for whats for tea. lol. i would say my sister though. even though she scorns me and when we walk past eachother in school we ignore eacchother. when she was upset once i hugged her and it felt great. lmao im well chuffed when i did that. xxxxxxx olve

  • Re: I'm 15 and Pregnant

    avocado - - General Advice


    good for you. its gonna be scary. dont do anything your not comfortable doing. or because you think its 'right' eg getting married. because if you get scared and split up its gonna be 100 times worse. 15's young. but manageable. youll have good relation ship with yer kid because its not a huge age gap. it will be hard. but you will get so much out of it! hope you are excited! your parents need to be there for you. and if not its a shame. be for your child. and they will come around eventually lo…

  • cutting seems like OMG cutting yourself that horrible. but like tbh. its not that bad. rite don tyou think because its not like its hurting you properly. aand you feel better after it. anyway. still dont do it because questions are asked. and it often draws oyu in and hten you get all argh bout it i think. replace it with some sit ups. but dont tryn losse weight. if yer parents are arguing. dont cut yerself. get out of the house. go for a run. youll feel better after it try help yourself through…

  • i know it sounds biut harsh but theres not much you can do. they have to sort themselves out. and it will happen eventually. i managed it. i think. also the last hting i wanted was to be cut off from stuff. but when they did. i had no choice. and like i went through some dire problems. but like worked out for hte best. try everything bad and then go for the good stuff theyll be fine. just lots of hugs and spesh treats. take them out to have fun. dont cancel or leave them! xxxxx lvoe

  • mine are too. i have to tell the,m everyminute detail. so ive got good at hiding stuff just ignore them. theyve gotta learn that your the same as your siblings. and you need the experience. if they let you go and learn for yourself youll be better when yer older. and have more fun stories to tell! but dont tell them that bit xxxxxxx love

  • Re: Friends Ditched Me! :(

    avocado - - Friends and Family


    i think thats bit horrible n awkward. but if you give titime n make new frends. youll get over them. everyone has to move on at some point. just matter of when where n how. hope its ok:) xxx love