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  • Hey there, Right, I've just started going out with a girl called Charlotte, who lives about 2 hours away from me on the train. Basically, I met her on Facebook, and we got to know each other really well. We met up yesterday, and now we're going out (cute story innit hah). Personally, I believe that I'll be able to bear the distance - It's 2 hours (costing £16) on the train to go there, and after next week, I'll be night-stopping every time I visit. So in other words, I'll be seeing her for a who…

  • Quote from DontBother: “I got a better one. Shut up.” Good Fight Laaawl This thread is awesome now lol, I've already seen her today (best day ever) and the gift ideas aint needed anymore... But it's fun to see you debate Shotgun There's always a soppy one, he goes by the name Shotgun.

  • Thanks to everyone saying she's hawt, I love her to pieces Here's another one of her that I think's hawt : Charlotte4.jpg I'm going tomorrow to see her btw, getting up at 6am lol... Meh. Shotgun.

  • Right ok guys, here are my responses to all of your suggestions, from start to finish. Thankyou all for putting the time into replying. ---------- Neal - Money isn't suitable in my opinion, cos that would make her think I'm trying to buy her (pfft... girls :P) Thanks anyways. Dokueki - Good idea with the handmade stuff. Nicole91 - I've got until Friday (one more day), and I like the photo idea thing. Fits well with Dokueki's idea. Onyxeyes - Would be good to give her the roses, but I've already …

  • Right I haven't got much time, but here's the story: My girlfriend lives like ages away, so I was gonna get her something special for when I see her on Friday. I was getting her a bunch of roses, with a fake one included, and doing the whole corny "I'll love you until they've all wilted" thing (sly isn't it). I happened to be reading out a list of stuff I needed to remember to her by the off chance, and I read out "Roses" to her like fucktard I am, and she was like "Roses!?!? OMG!!! You're so sw…

  • Clawing Orgasm Monster

    Shotgun-Hitman - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah it's just when they're having such a good time that they need something to grab onto for support - Be proud, only the best orgasms get that reaction :cool: Ooh and I'll be part of the movie! cropped.gif Pick Me! Pick ME!

  • Gotta say doughnut, you have one lucky boyfriend.

  • Hah, that was a typical guy response (go us guys :P) But still, you must be pretty damn sure of your sexuality if you still think you're straight after that? I take my hat of to you (and it's a damn cool hat). :cool:

  • Quote: “ Her sister, (2 years older), walked into the room. And saw us in the shower making out. She just sat there watching, even though we saw her. Suddenly, she put her hand in her pants and started fingering herself.” Omfg lmfao. When I first read this, I thought it sad "2 Years Old", not "2 Years Older". LMAO! I was just there wretching Either way, I can't see why someone's sister would want to finger herself over... her sister. XD

  • Quote from Vampiriclove97: “I like to date older women/girls cause the younger girls are just immature and have no sense of a serious relationship. All they want to is fuck.” That's very stereotypical. One girl I like (who is a year and a half younger than me, and 2 academic years younger) is interested in a relationship, rather than just the sexual side of things. Then again, she has matured quite a lot for her age. That brings me on to the conclusion that it's really the maturity of the girl, …

  • Interesting replies... Hmm. Well, I've not had anything directly like that, but when I was having sex with my ex-girlfriend, her Dad came up but when he came in the room I was still "in" her. I was too horny to take myself out so I carried on moving extremely slowly whilst she was chatting to her Dad (She wasn't impressed afterwards, but it was exhilarating lol).

  • Re: Is this too mean?

    Shotgun-Hitman - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah don't PM people things, and if it's too long, carry on into a double post (I'm sure the moderators wont mind if you've reached the post limit).

  • Re: hair down there

    Shotgun-Hitman - - Teen Sexuality


    Yeah girls tend to prefer not being faced with a load of hair if they're giving you oral.

  • Now this one's interesting. Because I'm quite young compared to other people in my year, the girls that I've fancied (and been out with) have all been older than me. However, the girls I tend to find attractive nowadays all seem to be younger than me (I'm in Year 11, my limit of "attraction" is Year 9). So both really.

  • Re: Does Size Matter??

    Shotgun-Hitman - - Teen Sexuality


    It's how you use it - But if you're big, it's easier to use

  • Wow this topic is old lol. Almost as old as Mayank! Hah. Still only had sex with 1 girl I'm proud to say

  • Quote from Coby: “I made Freckles, my hamster, chew on my ball sack.” That, my friend, is fucked up. ---------------------------- Personally I went through about a month of thinking I was bi. The most I did was flirted, but at one point put my hand on someone's crotch. Yeah, I enjoyed it, whilst I was going through that stage. Now, however, I'm 100% straight, and cringe at the thought of anything with the same gender. Most people go through a bi-curious stage.

  • Re: Is this too mean?

    Shotgun-Hitman - - Teen Sexuality


    For something like that? It wasn't enough. I think something more like "BME Pain Olympics" style pain would teach him a lesson on how to use his penis. Note: For those of you who don't know what the BME Pain Olympics are, I wouldn't advise you to find out. You'll be scarred, permanently.

  • Wow now that is a bummer (literally). I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree wit hthe people who have said not to take it further. There's too many negative points about the relationship. I think it's quite shocking that he kept that secret, and the fact that he's turned you homosexual (though from a PM I got from you a while back it wouldn't seem like you ever weren't) is kind of strange in my opinion. Homosexual feelings usually come from actual experiences...

  • Re: hair down there

    Shotgun-Hitman - - Teen Sexuality


    Personally I prefer heavily trimmed, but not quite all gone. So, like not so short that it's "stubble", but not so long that it's unpleasant for giving oral. Catch my drift? I'd say shave, but then see how he reacts as the hair gets longer again.