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  • Re: piercings?

    Zireling - - Teen Sexuality


    As long as you take care of them, they definitely last longer. They are just really expensive around here. Regular hip piercings with staple bars are 150+ bucks where I live and no one will really do them.

  • Re: Blowjobs (girls only)

    Zireling - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't think so. I'm only gonna give blow jobs to people I actually want to have a relationship with or friendship with. Haha...I didn't even notice the pun. But yeah, it wasn't intended. lol you are pretty funny.

  • Thanks guys! I appreciate it! I figured a job would help out best just cause I'd be forced to talk to people in most career situations.

  • Re: Just a question

    Zireling - - Teen Sexuality


    I agree with Kevmo, but there is still that chance. My aunt took her birth control regularly and still ended up having two kids on accident. I would go talk to your doctor because taking birth control while being pregnant can be dangerous, but like Kevmo said...your most likely perfectly fine.

  • Re: penis size?

    Zireling - - Teen Sexuality


    I had no idea they aunt just had a baby, he was healthy weight and everything. >_> I heard about that one woman having that huge ass kid. I feel for the poor lady.

  • Re: piercings?

    Zireling - - Teen Sexuality


    I already know about the rejecting. That doesn't bother me. All surface piercings are temporary so I'm not to worried baout the rejection but micro dermals last longer and look the nicest.

  • I still think they could have worked something out. -_-

  • I actually plan on getting this guy a huge candle. Cause he commented on liking the smell of lavender and his room running out of candles. We're not dating but he knows I like him so I wanna keep it simple and show him that he doesn't have to buy m stuff. I actually like getting my boyfriend gifts and stuff. lol. But I plan on going out to eat or ordering pizza and watching a movie with him and getting that candle and a card. Nothing big, but it's something to show I care.

  • I plan on sending one....though I don't expect to get anything back from that guy. Though my mate is sending me something...not sure what though. I hope a videogame....

  • Re: piercings?

    Zireling - - Teen Sexuality


    I had them done because one had them and no one heard of them. I found them from the internet and I thought they looked awesome. They do look cool, but they are incredibly painful the next day after getting them pieced and not only that, but when i got them done I almost fainted cause it brought my sugar down. The people doing the piercing made me eat candy and drink a crap load of water. I wouldn't recommend getting them done with an empty only made it worse. But to an…

  • Social Life Is Crashing!

    Zireling - - Friends and Family


    I'm 16, and I grew up in a pretty unstable family. We were always moving so I never got to keep any friends. I just started cyber school so making new friends is not going to be easy. I'm like a hermit. I have trouble talking to new people cause I am not very open and I am somewhat judgmental and opinionated. Though I try to be the really nice girl, I feel it's all an act. Now, my bestfriend moved over 30 minutes away and no one will drive us to see eachother. My cousin is like my only bestfrien…

  • Re: penis size?

    Zireling - - Teen Sexuality


    I wonder if the 5.1 to 5.9 inch thing was just made up to make people feel better about themselves or something. Quite frankly I don't see anything as normal or average size. Everyone is different so any size is natural.

  • Re: Blowjobs (girls only)

    Zireling - - Teen Sexuality


    My first experience sucked. And since I was a noob I was super shy and embarrassed and nervous. lol. I've been thinking of trying to make better memories when it comes to blow jobs. Haha! :] and yes sucked...but I'm glad to know you atleast had a good first experience.

  • Re: piercings?

    Zireling - - Teen Sexuality


    I's said that they do supply pleasure. But I wouldn't know from experience. And you can actually pierce any part of the body as long as there is enough skin for it.... I have my ears pierced, snake bites, and my hips. I took my hips and lip piercings out though. The guy pierced my hips wrong so I am going to try and get dermal implants. If I can't I'm going for regular old staple bars. My lips actually getting redone within the next month and I'm getting my belly button done for the first time. …

  • Re: Your Favourite Band/Singer

    Zireling - - Music


    Framing Hanley, The Beatles, The Offspring, Escape The Fate.

  • Re: Blowjobs (girls only)

    Zireling - - Teen Sexuality


    It was perfectly fine until he came actually. It was my first experience to so I dunno. I try my best not to think about it. It'll give me nightmares. lol jk.

  • Re: Astrology

    Zireling - - Debate and Discussions


    I'm into it and I just recently started reading my horoscope but I don't stick to it like a hobby or anything.

  • Re: 99 truths.

    Zireling - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    About Me 1. real name: Mistylee 2. like it: Yes 3. single or taken: Single 4. zodiac sign: Sagittarius 5. male or female: Female 6. age: 16 7. height: 5'7" 8. lucky number: 12 9. eye color: Hazel (brown/green) 10. hair color: Brunette (currently black) 11. long or short: Medium (passed shoulders by a few inches) 12. marital status: Single 13. are you a health freak: Not really, but I try to eat healthy. 14. height: 5'7" 15. do you have a crush on someone: Yess. :] 16. do you like yourself: Yeah.…

  • I for one read all the Twilight Books. I noticed the first two books were a waste of time. The author was so repetitive with words and Bella was such a cookie cutter character. It was to unrealistic. Like, she is an average looking girl, but EVERY guy liked her and go figure, she supposedly gets the hottest guy? The last two books were good and I liked Bella the most in Eclipse. She was more like a teenage the last book though, it was insane by how sex driven she was. lol The first mo…

  • I loved Avatar. I thought it was much better than Titanic. After a way, I started laughing at the ending of Titanic. That bitch could have definitely of scooted over one way or another and let Leonardo on that door. lol I saw Avatar in 3D, it was by far one of my favorite films and it deserved to pass Titanic. Lets also not forget that the graphic designers did an amazing job making Pandora look wicked!