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  • Everyone goes through it whether it's a guy/gurl who plays you.They dont even have to be a boyfriend/gurlfriend...they could be a friend or even a family member who wants to just use you.The best thing to do is learn from it and move on.There is nothing more you can do.

  • It's caused me to have anxiety attacks.But thank God I don't have to be on medication =] Lucky I don't feel peer pressure as much anymore because I'm getting older.One day I won't have these attacks anymore.

  • Re: My mom

    Cuba15 - - Friends and Family


    Your mom can't tell you what to do.You are a grown women and need to start planning your future so that your successful in life.Don't let her hold you back.Get a job and save up money to move out.Sign up for community college and start taking classes that interest you that could help you get a degree.You can do it =]

  • Re: poor

    Cuba15 - - General Advice


    Stop selling drugs because if you get caught it's going to be even harder to get a job since you'll have a record.Take adavantage of your education because your going to need it when you leave home.Ask you school if they know anything about the marines or any programs thats you can join to learn more about them.The school can help you get connections so that when you graduate you'll be set.You have a year left of high school get those grades up!Go to tutoring and really work your ass off.If you …

  • Yes I think everyone does...but my parents say that when you get older things sort of change and that your kind of happy that certain things happen because it taught you life lessons.Regrets only keep you in the past therefore I push past them as fast as I can.

  • Re: It's hard to move on.

    Cuba15 - - General Advice


    Dude,stop putting youself down.Once you get control of that it will get rid of some of your sadness.There are creams and all kinds of things to get rid of acne.You should get more involved at school or outside of school so you won't be bored and can meet new people.Invite your friends over anyways and if your brother acts like a asshole stand up for yourself.Look you only have 4 years of high school and they are either going to be great or bad.It's you who decides if they are good or not.

  • It's time to find a new crew =] Apparently these people you call "so-called friends" are complete assholes.You deserve better.Anyone who disrepects you like that just arn't good people.

  • Re: Religious decision.

    Cuba15 - - Friends and Family


    Dude...I'm a True Christian and I think what they told you is wrong.First off Gays are sinful(to me),however they are good people to and deserved to be loved.There is nothing wrong with being involved or talking to them.Global warming is not bullshit.The bible says the world will end in fire;so much shit is going on with the environment that it wouldn't suprise me if oneday the earth caught on fire.God says love all therefore what's wrong with talking and being involved with people from other be…

  • Re: I hate my Brother!

    Cuba15 - - Friends and Family


    Right and Wrong.Right because you scared the crap out of him and maybe he knows now not to test you.Wrong because you could have really hurt him or your sisters if you had accidently pulled the trigger.He seems to have problems...he should start attending an anger mangement class.

  • I rather live with a guy because they are way easier to convince/reason's just too much that goes on when you live with another girl.It's enough having to live with my mom and sisters...they can be such bitches.

  • Re: Friend's Girlfriend?

    Cuba15 - - Friends and Family


    To be honest...this is one of those situations that you have to let be done by itself...because you really don't know whats going on..your guy friend may really like/love this gurl but is juss being a guy by joking around.Alot of guys do that.Maybe you should have a serious conversation with your guy friend if it's really bothering you.If it's not leave it alone because you could cause a serious mess if you've got the wrong idea.

  • I don't think you can make your dick bigger by doing exercises.You have to take what God gave you.ahaha =]

  • Re: Acne and Acne Scars.

    Cuba15 - - Health and Fitness


    I don't really have acne bad.But when I stress,worry,or start my period I break out with a bump or two on the sides of my face or on my neck(yuck)...and even though the pimples/blackheads arn't HUGE they sometimes leave scars.Try using sce stree control(oil free)by neutrogena.It really leaves your skin smooth,doesn't dry your skin out,and cleans your pores.If you have acne scars,try using skin sucess fade cream by "Palmer's".It's good stuff and helps fade/peel your scars.Depending on how bad you…

  • Re: showers at school

    Cuba15 - - Health and Fitness


    I haven't had P.E. since 9th grade so I don't really know if the P.E. kids have time to shower.I have been on several sport teams though and sometimes we are allowed to shower afterwards.However ladt year when I was in 10th grade no one was allowed to shower because the showers didn't work aha.Pretty wack.

  • Re: Has ur GF ever squirt...

    Cuba15 - - Teen Sexuality


    Alot of girls squirt dude.

  • It's time to get help.It's not your faught for whats happened,its just life.Some go through it worst than others but in the end we all go through something.The only way to get through it is accepting help from a bigger hand;don't be scared because millions of people are going through something simliar to your situation.Please seek help from a school adult,other family members,and even organizations.I wish you the best =] P.S. Don't give up.

  • Re: My brotherrr....

    Cuba15 - - Friends and Family


    Talk to your brother.My brothers don't smoke or use.But when I was about 8 and they were in high school I found drugs in their room.I have always been independent and keep secrets well.I confronted my brothers and told them how it made me feel because I knew it would get us in huge trouble with the law.They told me they were holding it for a friend(haha *sarcastic*)They got rid of it and I never found drugs in their again.Howver your brother seems to know better...I mean I agree with "SugarLips"…

  • I haven't had sex yet.But I shave and on occasions wax(for the summer).

  • Re: Weird...?

    Cuba15 - - Teen Sexuality


    You guys should wait =] Personally I don't think 4 days is long enough but that's just me.I think you should wait atleast 3 months or longer because what happens if it doesn't work out and you ended up having sex because you thought you were love,but wern't really.It's up to you and never feel pressured to do anything.When your ready you will know it.I hope I helped! =]