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  • Gays and Virginity?

    Shikii - - LGBT


    Was talking to a friend the other day, and the topic of virginity came up. Hypothetically, if someone was gay, but so turned off by the concept of anal sex, when would you consider their virginity taken? I kind of jokingly said that since virginity is more of a reference to vaginal intercourse, technically speaking, we can't lose our virginity, but it made me wounder.... Let me know what you think, and if you're gay, what lines did you cross before you started saying you were not a virgin anymor…

  • Re: Getting ready in the morning

    Shikii - - Fashion


    Wake up at about 6am, pop two Ritalin which kick in after about 50 minutes and go back to bed. Makes sure I'm awake by 7. Get up, pick out what I'm wearing for the day. Shower Dry+straighten hair Wax hair Grab a cup of coffee Brush and floss teeth Out the door at about 8am

  • Re: condoms?

    Shikii - - Teen Sexuality


    Everyone has favorites. Ones that work best for them, feel best, fit best etc. etc. Honestly, only you have your specific preferences and penis, so you'll never know til you try If you want to try some before you go out buying a bunch, I suggest going to a health clinic or somewhere, they always have free condoms. If you don't have experience with condoms, you probably won't be concentrating on the subtle differences between the free ones and pricey ones.

  • I would never date someone because I felt sorry for them. That would be rather pathetic on my part. Only reason I'd date someone is if I liked them. This doesn't apply to me, because I'm gay, but when I "like" someone its because I'm attracted to them both physically and emotionally.

  • Re: Cum.

    Shikii - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm vegetarian and the last guy that blew me said it was notably different than the other person he had blown. Red meats,smoking, coffee, etc. give a bitter taste and its honestly a lot worse in my opinion, but like others said, pineapple works best for making it sweeter. Most fruit does. Also just being hydrated helps a lot, because it flushes your system.

  • Re: ahh

    Shikii - - Fashion


    Ehh... I have 2 gauge, and I like that size... it depends on the person, but there are still limits... I'll say turn off.

  • When I first came out, even some of my close friends did this... I had some rather unique ways to make people feel like a self righteous asshole for it. After years of being cynical, I don't really get it anymore. If someone says for me not to hit on them, I tell them not to flatter themselves, and how pretentious it is to even consider that as my intent. People will always be presumptuous assholes, it just gets easier and easier to take. Find the underlined humor in it and it doesn't become ted…

  • Re: Parental Issues

    Shikii - - LGBT


    I told my mom I was gay about a year and a half ago, give or take. She pulled the whole phase bullshit, and pretended to accept it. Eventually she lost it, couldn't pretend and completely bashed me for it. She ranted about how I'm an asshole for going against the family religion, about what the family is going to think, how I'm not gay, its a phase, and it's a crime against nature. That night, a lot changed. Her view hasn't changed at all.. nor her understanding or willingness to be there for me…

  • I know how you feel... When I was finished with my last surgery, it left me in a really bad state. even for about a month after I was healed up, it felt like I could hardly eat without getting the sick part of being full. Later that year, I was prescribed with some anti OCD medicine and it also increased apatite as a side effect, I actually felt hungry again, it was quite great. i took myself off that medication, but the sickness hasn't come back. If you aren't eating enough, and on a proper sch…

  • Re: smoking....

    Shikii - - Health and Fitness


    I started smoking when I was at risk of losing my job months ago, I ended up smoking heavily for a while and quit because my boyfriend at the time wanted me to, and so did I. Honestly, you can't quit if you don't want to quit. bottom line. when I quit that time, I went from regulars to menthols, because I don't really like menthols. it became easier to cut back from there, I followed it up by going to slims, and once i got to the point where I didn't smoke as much, I dropped it. I find that exit…

  • First timeee!

    Shikii - - LGBT


    So i've heard a lot of horror stories about people's first sexual experiences. A couple of my friends have exclaimed that no matter how hard you try, your first time is going to be an embarrassing, soul crushing experience. I was obviously rather put off by this statement, and after hearing it numerous times, I honestly came to terms with it. I mean, it's kind of what I figured anyway. BUT. About two weeks ago, I had my first sexual encounter-- well physical that is. It was honestly rather enjoy…

  • Re: if a guy said this to you???

    Shikii - - Teen Sexuality


    Just throw all 3 together to shorten things up! "if you were a traffic light, i'd like you... But I ran out of stars"

  • Re: How to make him admit it.

    Shikii - - LGBT


    Why is it a big deal if he admits it? He could Just only want relationships with girls, so what would be the point in saying he's bi? Why does it matter so much anyway? It's what -he- titles -himself-, it seems rather invasive to say his title is wrong, now go with mine. There's just so much wrong with this, I can't even word it without sounding like an asshole. But answer me this; why does it matter?

  • Swooned over Jake Gyllenhaal... Damn he looked good in prince of Persia :cool:

  • Re: So, I'm being completely candid

    Shikii - - LGBT


    I consider myself gay now, but earlier in life, I was in a situation similar to yours. I was only interested in guys, and have been my entire life, but still, the concept of a relationship or even kissing another guy was foreign, weird, and because I was told it was wrong to be gay my entire life (religious parents and teachers) I never even considered the possability. While I did more reserch and became desensitized, and realized there is nothing wrong with a homosexual relationship, I became m…

  • Re: Circumcised ?????

    Shikii - - LGBT


    Quote from Shane318: “thnks just wondering and i saw a guys a dick in the locker room today i looked up and it was right there” And how did that make you feel ::finger steeple::

  • Re: Im so screwed- help!

    Shikii - - LGBT


    That's called blackmail. And harassment. Call the cops on that bitch. My friend was in a similar situation, called the cops, they scared the SHIT out of the guy who was blackmailing her. If he apperently posted anything on facebook, he could get sued and potential jailtime. Could be different location, different laws, but it's still harassment, so you have grounds to call the cops.

  • Re: Considering Adoption

    Shikii - - LGBT


    i've heard quite the amount of stories where a gay couple goes into fostering a child because its faster, and then when they apply to actually adopt said child, they get refused, and remain indefinite foster parents... which is good in theory, just REALLY would suck to have the possibility to lose your child EVERY single day of your life... Personally, i'd wait until you are actually ready. like ready the day you sign the paper work to adopt a child. Trying to look into the future with adoption …

  • Gay men can not donate blood?

    Shikii - - LGBT


    Hey-- So, today I was having a conversation with my friend about donating blood. He is openly gay, and he said when we went in, he was refused the ability to donate blood because he has had sex with another male, yet he even brought in very resent testing for sexually transmitted diseases, all coming back negative, with his entire record being entirely clean (also being in a monogamous relationship with someone who also has a completely clean medical record) This initial law was passed because o…

  • Re: How do you mastrubate

    Shikii - - Teen Sexuality

