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  • Someone unique, faithful and honest, someone who can make me laugh, romantic, someone who can hold a meaningful conversation and keep my interest, fun to be with and free spirited. As far as looks go, i'd like to be at least attracteed to him/her, somewith a nice smile and pretty eyes is deffinetly a bonnus. Oh and guys have to be taller than me, not like it's hard.

  • On like half a year, me and my gf made a list of 100 reasons why we loved each other and exchanged lists. I thought it was really sweet.

  • Thanks a lot guys =) He said I'm allowed to see my friend again aslong as he knows he doesn't have a chance with me. I still think he doesn't trust me but oh well, one thing at a time right?

  • Is it right for someone else to choose who you are and are not friends with? One of my really good friends told me he liked me and told him that he was trying to steal me from him which I admit is a very pathetic move on his part. That's when my boyfriend decided that I couldn't speak to him, hang out with him or even socialize with the group of people he hangs around with when he is there, who have also become very close friends of mine. Well I figured it wasn't my fault who liked me and that I…

  • Ofcourse everyone gets jelous or at least the majority, even I do, but he's beyond jelous, I feel like hes suffocating me. This was a while ago but one week he went away on vacation and when he did he got his friends to watch over me, make sure nobody flirted with me and that I didn't in return. I didn't even know this until he came back and told me that he had several friends watching me. Then just this past week, a couple of my guy friends said they had a crush on me and when I went to hang ou…

  • I think things from the heart are the best gifts you could give anyone, it means a hell of a lot more than something you paid big bucks for. I remember when my bf wrote me a poem or wrote 100 reasons why he loved me, very sweet ideas that don't cost anything at all. You could also take her out, maybe to the first place you met or where you first asked her to be yours. You don't have to spend to much to make her happy, maybe that's the reason she asked you not to buy her anything at all. But ofco…

  • Re: Favorite Lyrics?

    SweetTemptations - - Music


    Down - Jason Walker I shot for the sky I'm stuck on the ground Why do I try I know i'm going to fall down Stand still, look pretty - The Wreckers I am slowly falling apart I wish you'd take a walk in my shoes for a start And you might think it's easy being me You just stand still, look pretty All I wanted - Paramore I think i'll paace my apartment a few times and fall asleep on the couch And wake up early to black and white reruns that escape from my mouth All I wanted was you I could follow you…

  • Re: question for the bi's :)

    SweetTemptations - - LGBT


    Deffinetly girls, their softer and more gentle and they atleast for me know what the same sex wants

  • Thanks a bunch I'm going to try and get out there more and good luck to you to

  • Personally I think you should see who you have more feelings for, ofcourse theres always the chance that you and your best friend remain just that or even risking your friendship. If you don't have feelings for your current anymore you should let her go now, it will be way more easier if you do it before she gets anymore attatched otherwise it's just leading her on. If you like both then it's really your desicion and nobody give you an accurate answer to who you should chose but don't start some…

  • Movies isn't a bad idea, It will take the pressure off holding up the conversation. You can go early and maybe play the arcade games before the movie starts so that you have some time to chat. Friends might lighten the mood by helping along the conversation, but I wouldn't advise it if you want to be alone with her. Theres a number of good places to go i'm sure you'll find something that the both of you like. Be confident and be yourself if she's already said yes, assuming she knows that it's a …

  • I'm 21 and in college, if that helps at all. Basically once highschool was done which was atleast a couple of years ago everybody kind of seperated and so many friends moved away because I live in a small city and basically everyone wants to get out as soon as possible. I'm in College but after the first year or so a lot of people failed and kind of dropped out which were my closest friends of the class and ofcourse after a while we slowly drifted apart yet again. I am moving sometime soon and I…

  • Im the same and I live in a small city so there are no glay clubs here atleast that I've yet to see and I've always kind of wondered where to find a community. Also not being fully out except to chosen friends can be hard to. If there is a gay club where your at I would go unless your underage, then I would probably try to get involved in the community if your town has any at all like pride and what not. Word of mouth works great to you can find out who's bi or possibly a lesbian. ;D

  • Re: Songs about 'Love'

    SweetTemptations - - Music


    My all - Mariah Carey Speechless - The Veronicas

  • lol I don't know about guys but for me my conversation goes diferently with different people, some I connect with and can talk hours on hours about nothing and all and still be genuinely interested, and some just cant hold a conversation with me. If you find someone that has similiar interests it shouldnt that hard to talk to them, once you start all you have to do is keep the conversation flowing.

  • Who knows, no crush, no date, small town = Shitty. lol but probably go out with friends and party xD I remember in high school lol when you could buy those roses and I bought all my female friends a single rose and gave the guys nothing LOL. Good times!

  • It's hard to move on, but if he doesn't like you in that way then you really have no choice. Im still in the process of moving on from my ex and its almost been two years and i'm still not fully over it. It takes time, you never know things might be different later on, he may develop feelings, if not you'll find someone else.

  • So this past summer I told one of my good friends who's straight that I was into girls, and she was really cool with it. Also during the summer her sister's friend said that he saw me and my friend making out which was not true, her sister told her mom and for a while her sister thought we were dating. Her mom though is somewhat of a homophobe she doesn't really like same sex and w.e. So during the summer my friend would always hint at her liking me and I never really took it as anything just te…

  • Weight isn't a huge deal but to an extent it matters, people say it doesn't, but were all human and were all somewhat shallow, I mean we want to be attracted to the person we like.

  • Re: Signature Workshop

    SweetTemptations - - Creative Writing


    Your stuff looks cool. I would like to request a picture. Just a regular picture so I don't really care about the size. temperature-s-rising-Spencer-and-Ashley-spashley-south-of-nowhere-2881833-402-308.jpg That's the picture I want, I know someone else requested something similar but this is kinda different. I was wondering if you could take out the forest background and instead have light rainbow colours, or fireworks in the backround nothing to overwhelming. But I like colours. Then somewhere …