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  • Re: your first gay act

    Tayhov - - Gay


    When I was 4th or 5th grade, a group of my friends and I used to play Truth or Dare all the time. So, at some point, I was dared to jerk one of my buds off. One thing led to another, and we all ended up naked on the floor, playing with each others' dicks.

  • Re: Dick sizes? honestly

    Tayhov - - Gay


    Quote from neonkovala: “6 1/2 hard 4 soft” Dude, me too!

  • Re: looking at another penis

    Tayhov - - Gay


    I enjoy the view if the oppurtunity presents itself.

  • 1. Name: Taylor 2. Age: (Bold Your Selection) - <LI itxtvisited="1"><13 <LI itxtvisited="1">13<16 <LI itxtvisited="1">16-25 <LI itxtvisited="1">25-35 <LI itxtvisited="1">35-50 <LI itxtvisited="1">50-65 - 65> 3. Nationality: American 4. What mode of purchase would you prefer for your clothes? (Bold your selection) a. Online - <LI itxtvisited="1">yes - no b. Readymade clothes (Bold your selection) - <LI itxtvisited="1">Branded <LI itxtvisited="1">Non-branded - Both Are you loyal to any particular …

  • Sac and ball size

    Tayhov - - Teen Sexuality


    I was just wondering if any girls, or guys, care about ball and sac size. Do you just look at the dick itself or do you like a large package in general?

  • Re: Locker room storys?

    Tayhov - - Teen Sexuality


    My locker room is insane. The cross country and soccer teams practice at the same time and its usually like an hour after school ends so we have a lot of time to mess around. People shave things into their pubes and show it off. We had the entire locker room singing "In the Jungle" one day. We have a whirlpool tub for sore muscles, and one of my friends was in it. So, we grabbed my bottle of body wash and pured some of it into the churning water. It ended up overflowing and pouring out into the …

  • Re: Question for the guys . . .

    Tayhov - - Teen Sexuality


    I would definitely choose a pretty girl without a perfect body over one that was ugly with a great body. I look at a face before anything

  • Help with six-pack

    Tayhov - - Health and Fitness


    Does anyone know any good work outs for abs? I saw a picture of a friend and he was ripped, I wanna get into that kind of shape. I'm already pretty skinny, I just need tone. Any suggestions?

  • Re: What is your height?

    Tayhov - - Health and Fitness


    I'm only 5'6" I wish I was taller SOOO bad

  • Re: Size?

    Tayhov - - Teen Sexuality


    Damn, I'm in one of the least prefered. haha

  • Re: gym showers (boys)

    Tayhov - - Teen Sexuality


    Nah, its not really a big deal. I'm not the biggest guy, but I'm not small either so I don't care if anyone sees me while I'm in there. Most of the people who see me are my friends anyways.

  • Re: Circumsized or not?

    Tayhov - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm cut, I really wish I wasn't though

  • Re: Changing room penis size!

    Tayhov - - Teen Sexuality


    Guys look at each other all the time, and I don't think anyone really cares. Plus, your's will look smaller from the angle you look at it. Keep that in mind, otherwise you probably still have some growing to do or It just looks small flaccid. Which is perfectly normal

  • They stopped making original box games a long time ago

  • Re: Who's Gay/Bi/Les?

    Tayhov - - LGBT


    Bi guy, still in the closet though. Only three of my friends know

  • Quote from AlVal92: “1.Why would a doctor checking for a sports physical even look at you down there(This doctor happens to be a girl,if a man did it...) 2.Why were you not bothered before your physical 3.Growth hormone disorders dont choose one organ to grow they affect all your organs and limbs. 4.Even if she went "down there" the size of your penis is completely irrelavant,and why would she measure your erect penis. 5.There are growth hormone disorders but you didn't name a specific one,you a…

  • Yeah, I'm cut. I seriously wish I still had my hood, though. that'd be so awesome.

  • Re: Girls+Guys: Trimming Pubes

    Tayhov - - Teen Sexuality


    I just trimmed last night, actually. Haha, it looks better and If a frnd sees you or something they probably wouldnt think anything of it if you trimmed.

  • Re: stuff with your good friends

    Tayhov - - Teen Sexuality


    I've done almost everything short of sex with one of my friends, not exactly proud of it, but it happenned.

  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    Tayhov - - Debate and Discussions


    Im gonna answer everything right now, Life is a learning experience. God put us here so we could learn and what do we do with what we learn? We use it to prepare ourselves for heaven, (or hell, for some of you saying he doesn't exist) andthat will make our life after death all the more rewarding.