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  • Quote from nenafan: “lool i cant understand that >_<” It means a 12+ year old can consent as long as the other person is within 4 years of their age.

  • Quote from fourn7wenty: “considering they keep ALL records, pages, messages, pictures and files on cache. NO myspace is not safe.” That actually makes it safer for actual use..... But easier for the information to be hacked into.... Here's the real question: Do you think you will be unlucky enough for your information to be hacked from myspace? If not then sign up. You're are probably right, even though there is still a chance. Just about all information online can be gotten by someone. Myspace …

  • Commence kicking more video game butt.

  • Quote from nikitashot: “Here's what you said, "If school is too stressful for you to get a job, you are an idiot to get one."” Yes, I did. If school is too stressful for YOU, and YOU know YOU can't handle a job, YOU are stupid to get one. Especially if you are talking about kids in K-HS, they have a parent or (a) legal guardian(s) to watch over them and provide for them. If their parents suck, see my section on parenting. (even though it doesn't directly challenge parents who don't provide for t…

  • Quote from nikitashot: “So then people in the US should only follow your logic?” No, but that doesn't mean they should be completely illogical, either. I'm not trying to pass my common sense off as, "more right," I'm simply stating my views and opinions, and you're accusing me of doing something I'm not.

  • Quote from nikitashot: “But you are passing your common sense as more right if you're calling people stupid for not following your common sense. There are cultures where kids aren't expected to go to school and are taught how to hunt instead. They don't have a currency system either, so money to them doesn't mean anything. I wouldn't consider them stupid. And there are lots of kids that go to school and are bullied every single day. Stress from school is not only from academics, it's more than t…

  • Quote from nikitashot: “It's against the law to not go to school. Lots of people don't want to work, but are forced because they need the money to live. They're not choices. You're making the mistake in believing that your common sense is the right common sense. Your common sense is as right as anyone else's. And women KNOW that there's a possibility of them getting raped. Just like how many athletes KNOW that there's a possibility that someone will break the rules and come after their face. Mos…

  • Quote from nikitashot: “Going to school and working puts a lot of stress on students and workers and hurts them mentally and physically. How is that okay? How are any competitive sports like boxing or judo that can be dangerous be considered okay?” How are competitive sports okay? The players know what they're in for. When you step into the ring of a boxing match, you know you're probably going to get the crap beat out of you. You know there is a chance you will get seriously hurt. When a studen…

  • Quote from jias_: “13 year olds have the right to have no sex. There is a reason why a vast majority of countries have set the legal age for sex at 16.” Actually, 13 year olds have the choice to not have sex, but they have a right to safe sex. If not, they wouldn't sell condoms to minors, but they do.…orth_America#Federal_laws Check that out, that's for the U.S. but Germany may have a similar law. However, I do not know. "For the purposes of age of consent, the onl…

  • Quote from nikitashot: “Umm.. yeah, but the point is your common sense is not the same as someone else's. How can you even try and argue that your common sense is more right than theirs?” I'm not. But how can causing physical and mental violation/abuse possibly be, "Okay," in any sense, common or otherwise? There are some things that are just not right. Do I have the right to kill slugs just because I have the ability to and feel more powerful than them? That's not fair to the slug. Just as it's…

  • Quote from The Guardian: “It is their land... After all they do have the right to force you off it, on the pretense of trespassing. Where I am from, they have the right, after warning you three times, to shoot at you as a warning after that, they can shoot you.” What about in a store they do not own? I'm talking about around town, not dancing nude in my neighbor's yard. Also, can I dance nude in my yard? What if someone walks down the sidewalk and is offended I'm doing it on my own property? I'd…

  • Quote from nikitashot: “You can alleviate some people's urges by putting on clothes. Also, what about happiness then? If the whole human race was depressed, then no one would be motivated to do anything. Would you consider that essential?” Depression doesn't really have anything to do with the need to live.

  • Quote from nikitashot: “I hope you do know that rape is considered perfectly normal among some cultures. It was also fine a long time ago.” Depending on your beliefs, not always true.

  • Quote from The Guardian: “You do have the right to be nude, in particular areas. Just as in England at the train stations they have "designated kissing areas" Too bad you cannot make anyone allow you to walk across their property nude.” But they can make me do it clothed wherever they want except in these little areas? How fair. Does that mean I can make my own part of town, "The Baldist Colony"? I think I'd be laughed at when trying to pass this law.

  • Quote from The Guardian: “Make me. :p” Thank you for proving my point.

  • Quote from The Guardian: “What is common sense? Nasa sent a rover to Mars, with water and a plant. When it arrived, the plant was dead, and the water a block of ice.” I consider common sense something you DO know better than to do. Like raping someone. You DO know better, and if you don't, you're not mentally stable. And it's my fault if someone gets raped by a mentally unstable person because I feel people should have the right to be nude in public if they wish, not confined to colonies.

  • Quote from The Guardian: “The breast are breast not a word. uncovering it would be such, however normally the woman places a towel over, the child as he or she is breast feeding. Not true. Normally people have sex in their home or room.” Yes, but what do you want me to do with my penis when I'm not using it? Cut it off and sew it back on when I'm ready to use it? [/sarcasm] I need a reason to do this first, then I might consider it. And I'll only consider it if you can provide a viable reason, n…

  • Quote from The Guardian: “Instead of a drive by shooting today... (In anchors voice) There was a drive by sex drive of a young teenager that could not withstand the urge. Silly people.” Fair enough. Maybe he should try masturbating seeing as it would cause much less harm to fellow humans? Why hurt people when you have a decent (at the very least) alternative? What common sense does it make to hurt someone when you can achieve almost the same thing without hurting anyone? Mental instability, I ca…

  • Quote from nikitashot: “So.. what's essential for life? You can't pick out rapists until they actually do rape someone.” If mothers could not produce milk for their babies, they would die because their digestive systems cannot digest more complex foods. The milk comes from the breasts, which are considered nudity. If you cannot raise any children to adults because they all die, the human species will go extinct. If you cannot reproduce because you have no sex organs (considered nudity), the huma…