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  • Wet the bed

    KayleighLovesRiding - - Health and Fitness


    Does anyone else here have wetting accidents when you cough or sneeze or do some exercises and has anything helped you to stop them? Thank you.

  • Wet the bed

    KayleighLovesRiding - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Bye?guy: “Quote from KayleighLovesRiding: “Has anyone else stopped wetting accidents by doing Kegel exercises? I am doing them every day but still having accidents at night or if I cough or sneeze. I was told not to do more than 4 sets of 10 per day but I wonder if I should do more? ” how did things work out for you? ” The exercises dont seem to help much because I still have accidents. I have a watch that reminds me to go to the toilet when I am supposed to but it does not stop all t…

  • Thank you I dont think any puberty things have happened yet but I will see if I can have something ready just in case it happens.

  • Quote from BlackParadePixie: “For your very first, you won't just happens. ” Ok thank you but how do you know when to need tampons or pads to be ready for it in case it happens?

  • I was wondering how people know when they need tampons or pads? Like do you get a warning sign before periods? Also do periods only happen after other puberty things or can they happen first so how do you know when to be ready for them?

  • Bra for no boobies?

    KayleighLovesRiding - - Fashion


    Yes I dont want fake boobies because when i do ballet or swimming people will know they are fake

  • Bra for no boobies?

    KayleighLovesRiding - - Fashion


    Quote from kathyFL: “Quote from KayleighLovesRiding: “Quote from joannainthemiddle: “Quote from KayleighLovesRiding: “Quote from joannainthemiddle: “I think it's better to not wear one until your boobs get bigger enough to move around when you are exercising, for now it is fine and a good idea not to wear one. ” Ok I will do what you say ” You don't have to! but if your boobs are still quite small there's not really much benefit to wear one. ” I dont have any boobies yet but I was wondering if a…

  • Bra for no boobies?

    KayleighLovesRiding - - Fashion


    Quote from joannainthemiddle: “Quote from KayleighLovesRiding: “Quote from joannainthemiddle: “I think it's better to not wear one until your boobs get bigger enough to move around when you are exercising, for now it is fine and a good idea not to wear one. ” Ok I will do what you say ” You don't have to! but if your boobs are still quite small there's not really much benefit to wear one. ” I dont have any boobies yet but I was wondering if a bra with straps would look weird or not.

  • Bra for no boobies?

    KayleighLovesRiding - - Fashion


    Quote from joannainthemiddle: “I think it's better to not wear one until your boobs get bigger enough to move around when you are exercising, for now it is fine and a good idea not to wear one. ” Ok I will do what you say

  • Bra for no boobies?

    KayleighLovesRiding - - Fashion


    Ok thanks for advice but I was just wondering if there were bras that are like normal proper bras, but in sizes for no boobies. I don’t want fake boobies hahaha

  • Bra for no boobies?

    KayleighLovesRiding - - Fashion


    Thank you. I have like sports tops. I was thinking something that looks like a proper bra with straps but won't have floppy cups with nothing in.

  • Get Well Soon!

  • Bra for no boobies?

    KayleighLovesRiding - - Fashion


    Hi, I dont have any boobies yet and I have short stretchy tops for gym or the beach or ballet but a lot of girls in my class have proper bras and I am thinking it might be good to get something but that won't look weird. Is it a good idea and are there any bras that look ok if you have no boobies?

  • Quote from corey_stratton: “Hamster, named Harvey. Actually belongs to me and my lil brother ” So cute!

  • We dont have pets but I share a pony with another girl and we have Foxes in the garden who we leave food out for

  • I have to go to the library during sex ed class because my family are quite religious. But web sites like this are useful hahaha

  • Wet the bed

    KayleighLovesRiding - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from TessTheGreat: “Just saying, but I have just had an accident. I don't want my friends here to worry about that. I'm still TessTheGreat! ” Yes don't worry about it I have lots of accidents too but it's not our fault. It will stop one day but until then we have to wait.

  • Tanner Stage score

    KayleighLovesRiding - - Puberty


    1.7 which is weird because I am sure I was 1.8 when I did it before

  • Wet the bed

    KayleighLovesRiding - - Health and Fitness


    I had an alarm like that but it kept going off so much I was getting really sleepy in the day so my parents stopped it. I still have a lot of accidents in bed too but now I have to get stronger bladder muscles and learn how to control them better. Its good its getting better for you Quote from TessTheGreat: “I use a sensor at night and if I start to have an accident it sets off an alarm to wake me up. ”

  • Wet the bed

    KayleighLovesRiding - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from joannainthemiddle: “Quote from KayleighLovesRiding: “The nurse puts like a sensor on you and you sit in front of a TV. The bee is flying along and you have to squeeze the right muscles to make the bee fly up or he crashes into mountains. Sometimes the mountains are small but they get bigger as he flies along. Its really hard and I crash a lot lol ” Could the bee not just get in a plane? Or maybe a crawling bee then it wouldn't bee so difficult? What are the sensors like and where does…