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  • ... Major industries concerning the production of electricity, plastic, metals and the burning of gasoline to power vehicles across this planet releases a variety of toxic gases, mainly Co2, or Carbon Dioxide. Carbon Dioxide is a gas that absorbs heat and retains it. Carbon Dioxide, which normally would be very small in out atmospheric content 200 years ago (before big industry) has risen exponentially. Thus this has led to the retention of energy coming from the sun, thus leading to the gradual…

  • As they said, all is fair in love and war. They just have nothing left to lose. Sorry if I seem rude, I'm just really intolerant and angry 98% of the time and I go overboard when it comes to arguments. I can be really sweet, otherwise. ;P Comes from being a Pisces. Now, I'm lewking fer mai Dean Martin C-Deiz.

  • Quote from Capt Sasha: “How would you know that you run the world if you don't know a penny about it? Last time I checked, the world is a lot more than Iraq, Afghanistan and a few third world nations. Perhaps a lesson in geography is in order....” I'm afraid I'm a bit of an intellectual and unlike the majority of my fellow students in high school, I can find Kuwait on a map. But, when another country decides to rise up and provide the maximum dollar for the United Nations, then I think we'll ste…

  • Poetry (right spot.XD)

    Jacob~Selphir - - Creative Writing


    I'll keep uploading poems every so often. Tell me what you think. Rain Upon The Saintly Martyr The sky cried and cackled Whence upon the earth trudged a man that was shackled For his dues he was doomed His silence, to their pleas, was met by thundering booms. They had come so very far, so very far to see this mar To see this mar hung on this day so dreary Many came and were very weary. Not he though, not he He did not shout nor did he plea He had made no effort to flee He was not tamed nor was h…

  • How many siblings? I have five.

  • Poetry.

    Jacob~Selphir - - Friends and Family


    Wrong spot. >> Please close.

  • What to do, hm.

    Jacob~Selphir - - General Advice


    I'm fairly confident that I'm not going to have any immediate family left (that bothers or stays in contact) within five, maybe ten (if I'm lucky) years and I'm constantly angry at every one. I'm a smart kid and extremely analytical, especially to my own life and I have spiraling problems... I just keep going back and forth between blown rage, silent angst and pitiful sadness. I've got a few pseudo-friends IRL, but not much companionship, um, with any one... And I feel ridiculous typing this shi…

  • CLOTHED WITHOUT LUBE! WOOT! Only true men. ;[

  • Re: male survey

    Jacob~Selphir - - Teen Sexuality


    age: 15 height: 5"11 weight: 210-ish sexuality: Straight. penis size hard: 8 inches (minus one, really, due to crotchfat.) penis size soft: Like, four? I don't know. XD do u masterbate? Yes. how often: 4-8 times a day. Usually four. most times in a day: I probably did it like, shoot or dribble: Depends on how many times prior, how long I've jerked it, etc. wot have u done sexually with the opposite sex: Unfortunately, not much. wot have you done sexually with the same sex: Nothing.

  • Re: What do you shave?

    Jacob~Selphir - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm hairy, um. Everywhere. I occasionally shave my face. I would shave my butt, but... I'm worried I'd cut it. >_> XD And it's not a place for injuries.

  • Re: Tits: Big or Small?

    Jacob~Selphir - - Teen Sexuality


    Well, alot of the girls I know are on the smaller side. But tits are tits; they're absolutely wonderful and make the world go around (or stop: Trojan war, case and point.)

  • Because I'm frankly too fucking lazy, I'm just going to copy/pasta a former argument. If God exists, then God is omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect. If God is omnipotent, then God has the power to eliminate all evil. If God is omniscient, then God knows when evil exists. If God is morally perfect, then God has the desire to eliminate all evil. Evil exists. If evil exists and God exists, then either God doesn't have the power to eliminate all evil, or doesn't know when evil exists, or do…

  • America is full of stupid fucking idiots that cling to their guns, Bibles and Big Macs. We don't know shit about the world around us, but effectively run it (or used too - now we just act the part.) But, even though I realize the rest of my population is absolutely pathetic, I do have to say I love this country. I love the destruction, the mayhem, the hypocrisy and the Grade-A bullshit. I do also enjoy the fact that most of the world is fucking terrified of us, because we're absolutely psychotic…

  • I'm hoping for natural disasters.

  • This is like arguing if shit stinks. It does. Get over it. We did it, boo-hoo. We've raped this planet for a good ten thousand years of industry and now it's time to say bye-bye.

  • It's one of those really stupid polls, you know. On one hand, you have this idiot who's going to die in three years after crusading across the Middle east even longer. And then on the other hand you have this inexperienced person who is going to pull us out altogether and create two nice power vacuums. If we have an intelligent, open-minded, experienced candidate running who would press stabilizing the power-vacuums in Afghanistan and Iraq, then we'd still probably vote for the other idiot who w…

  • Re: Are these any good?

    Jacob~Selphir - - Fashion


    ;[ What, no nudes? Nothing to compare too! XD Lmao, j/k. >_> It all looks great.

  • I'm a hairy mother fucker, through and through. It comes from all the Anglo-Saxon. XD The only part of my body that I think is genuinely weird to be hairy is mai butt. XD I think all my chesthair, happy-trail, quasi-beard, mangly hair, etc. is all cool. >> Except the butt. XD So I'm rooting for you girls that like hairy men! XD

  • Wonderful and you got it off of the ED website, didn't you? Also, does any one else realize that all of the people who beat off to the Chinese gymnasts are now PEDOPHILES because they LIED to us about their age? LOL. They we're really 12-13 years old. XD Hahahahaha! :O Even the FBI got caught off by that one.