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  • Re: Should I tell that I love him ?

    zidane17 - - LGBT


    tell him before its to late...the age thing will probably just passed as we all never stop growing..

  • just always try to reflect on your actions...make sure that in your every actions towards other you'll consider the questions like "what if?".."what if I'm on his/her shoes?" "would I gain benefits if I continue being a bully or jealous?" These are things that I used and still do for me to avoid being a bully at the same time lessen my jealousy.

  • a coMbination of the two:)

  • Re: help pls

    zidane17 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    have you consider asking her directly about the possible problem?..

  • Re: help pls

    zidane17 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I guess, sometimes they just needed some space. Once they asked for it and you give it,the day will come that they will finally realized how important you are and how incomplete they are without you. *i guess this is in general*:)

  • It happened to me..and best solution is,,yeah,,talk to her..this will really for the conversation wouldn't notice that time passes and that you are talking like normal..

  • wooahh..I'm a student nurSe..and so far..i've seen a 14 year old girl delivered a child. just looking at her face during the labor you can see that she had difficulty in her situation. what more if the girl in her situation is 12 or 13?.. I agree with others, that you, using a protection was right.. but that isn't enough, knowing that it's not 100% effective. Lesson should be... know the 3 rights....right TIME... thanks for the space..

  • Maybe, friends are what they need atm. You just have to keep on waiting, after all this is where it starts.:cool:

  • or mayBe your BF threatened them to at least keep a distance from you..,well just a thought.., surely, telling them how you feel may be weird...,but i guess that's the only way you'll find out.. :)best of luck for you:)

  • Re: Coming Out

    zidane17 - - LGBT


    I guess, the reason you couldn't tell your friend is because you're afraid that he won't be friend with you once that he knew. But seriously dude, you should tell him. As what you said that he is one of your best friend, I guess you've done some connection to him that somehow give you an assurance that he won't let you down. If in case he let you down..,duh.. at least you know who your true friends are.. weLL..couldn't say more..Goodluck:)

  • Re: 75 questions

    zidane17 - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Hello! How are you? I'm good..(as always) Are you a boy or a girl? Boy How old are you? I'm TwenTeEn (20) Do you like being that age? Yeah So, what's your name? I'm Dave Do you like your name? sure..but it's really short.. Do you have lots of friends? yes Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No. How long have you been together? N/A. Are you a virgin? nope Do you want to have sex? who doesn't? Have you ever got into trouble with the law? nothing that i know For what? doing Do you…