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  • Re: Bi Sexual: Your opinion

    Chick_from_hell - - LGBT


    Hey anyway on here bi? I'm straight. . . Bi . . . . Confused and i'd really like to talk To people that know they bi lol. Its fascinating. Nothing wrong with being bi. As long as your happy f@!k what other people think

  • The way you prove something is real or not is by looking at the fact that you have in hand. The proof. But there is no proof. All we can really prove is the bible is a load of bull. I don't believe in god but i can't say there isn't one. But for those who do believe in god pls give me some proof without quoting bible Shit

  • Re: Who's Gay/Bi/Les?

    Chick_from_hell - - LGBT



  • Re: Who's Gay/Bi/Les?

    Chick_from_hell - - LGBT


    I love having fun with girls. Even tho i have a boyfriend

  • Re: Who's Gay/Bi/Les?

    Chick_from_hell - - LGBT


    I love having fun with girls. Even tho i have a girlfriend

  • Who's Gay/Bi/Les?

    Chick_from_hell - - LGBT


    So I've fell in love with this one girl from school. We're both on summer break for the next 3 months and will be in 11th grade next year, which kind of sucks because I didn't get to say anything to her before summer break. It's kind of ruining my summer, I can't wait to see if I can make a move next year. I started noticing her first semester of last year. We never talked much, maybe a few words throughout the whole semester. I had another class with her second semester where I really started t…

  • I think prostitution should be legalised. I mean if its not harming anyone or anything. Its a way for people to make money by satisfying the need of others. I'd never be one but yeah Nothing wrong with it. I agree with twomuchtime

  • Re: Suicide

    Chick_from_hell - - Debate and Discussions


    All i'm saying is my view on suicidal people is if they want to die let them. We don't need people like that in this world the world has its own problems as it is. So why should i think differently now if i want to do it? Besides if all the people in the world that really thought their lives weren't living died there'd be more jobs and stuff for the people that thought their lives were worth living.

  • Quote from Pressure: “ Chick from hell - You NEVER get bored of it. .” But if you do it every day you must eventually lose interest. I mean it becomes an every day thing and it takes longer to cum and stuff doesn't it? Most guys i know say it does

  • True he can clean it up i'd be more comfortable with that but what about girls that don't have guys to clean up the mess? Anyway squirting is new to me and i can't wait to try it. Provided my boyfriend is willing to clean it up lol

  • Sure its fun. However its a mess. That kinda puts me off trying it

  • Quote from redhunter1989: “I guess when I was 12, I can still remember the first time, it felt wonderfull. Now I can't live without it” But don't you get bored with it if you do it too much?

  • Re: Suicide

    Chick_from_hell - - Debate and Discussions


    CoS i don't think my life is worth living. My brother died a year ago and I've been depressed ever since. I live in hell and i just hate my life. I used to say that people that don't think their life is worth living should end it. The world doesn't need people like them. So there you go

  • Yeah you get the emos that look for attention and the ones that want to be left alone. Personally i can't stand the ones looking for attention. There's Nothing cool about cutting yourself and stuff. And just because one does it doesn't mean everyone wants to know what a fuck up they are

  • Yeah he is correct lol. And as far as i know it doesn't hurt. Lol its supposed to feel good not hurt. But good luck to anyone that tries i'm not crazy about the mess it leaves

  • I was 12. And i came a lot. Tons of orgasms it was like amazing! Then i got busted lol

  • Ok as a person living in africa i think i should give my opinion. Blacks run this country and lets look at the problems we have here. Regular load shedding, lack of jobs, lack of housing, and what's best is its law that businesses should employ more black than whites. I'm not saying all blacks are stupid there are some real smart ones out there. But the ones running this country i can question. I mean our next president has a standard 6 education. There are more blacks in this country than white…

  • I don't believe there is a god. There's No proof. Maybe science will prove that one day

  • Re: Suicide

    Chick_from_hell - - Debate and Discussions


    I've been obsessed with suicide. I used to dream about putting a gun to my head an blowing half my head off. But i always managed to survive. I'd love to commit suicide. The only thing I'm worried about it not doing a good enough job and having to live with it for the rest of my life. Like being a vegetable.

  • Yeah. But its messy