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  • In my case, there was almost a three-year gap between the first signs of puberty and the voice change. That won't be the case for everyone. For my best friend, his voice started to get deep almost immediately after he first noticed the "downstairs" signs of puberty. It just took much longer to happen for me (and in my case, it was fairly dramatic--it happened over the summer between my sophomore and junior year and almost everyone I knew had comments to make about it).

  • What are You Listening To?

    HeyCameron - - Music


    One of the best Daft Punk songs:

  • Two bowls of pasta Carbo-loading for an intensive workout later.

  • Boyfriends

    HeyCameron - - Gay


    Quote from maseb: “On the cheek in public, on the mouth in private ” Same. I'm not big on PDA, but it was the same when I was with a girl. In private, yeah, kissing is hot

  • Majority or Minority

    HeyCameron - - Puberty


    I have no idea. It's not as if I can see everyone or that we all share that information. I will say what I've said before on this topic: being cut is more common in the U.S. than in most Western countries, though it doesn't approach the rate in places like majority-Muslim nations or Israel. But even so, being cut is not equally as common in all parts of the U.S. It's less common on the West Coast, for example (where I'm from) and is less common among Hispanics (of which there are many in Califor…

  • Quote from HannahW: “Quote from HeyCameron: “Finishing up Jerusalem: The Biography by Simon Sebag Montefiore ” Is this good? I’ve read (and enjoyed) SSM’s biography of Stalin - The Court of the Red Tsar ” It is. (And I very much enjoyed the Stalin book as well). Granted, I've studied the Middle Ages and the Crusades quite a bit, so when I got to that part, it felt like a bit like review, but I also just enjoy immersing myself in that world again. Although I'm at the Ottoman period and haven't ye…

  • Quote from HeyCameron: “I have "done things" with both genders, but I have only had intercourse with the opposite sex. ” Update: I have now gone all the way with both. They are different. I do not have a clear preference. Some bi people do, but we're not all the same.

  • White Gap briefs with a gray band. These are new, but I hadn't worn them yet.

  • Finishing up Jerusalem: The Biography by Simon Sebag Montefiore On the fiction side, I'm re-reading Death in Venice by Thomas Mann (and other short fiction of his).

  • I literally have one chest hair. I remember first noticing it in my late teens. My dad has very little chest hair, so I get this from him, and I don't think it's likely to change.

  • After Ejaculation

    HeyCameron - - Teen Sexuality


    It's normal for it to be extra sensitive a bit sore during the "refractory period", and this is especially noticeable if you get hard again soon after. It shouldn't be outright painful, but a little soreness or ache I'd say is normal (at least for me).

  • Dark blue Calvin Klein briefs.

  • Good Night, and Good Luck It sort of felt more like a documentary than a feature film (it was quite short, but then again it was 2005 and movies were shorter back then. Now every director tries to make a 3 hour epic), but it covered some interesting subject matter that I only vaguely remember learning about years ago.

  • LGBT Flags

    HeyCameron - - LGBT


    Quote from BlackParadePixie: “Quote from HeyCameron: “Wtf is "Israeli trans?" ” someone who is trans....and is from/lives in Israel?? ” I thought maybe it was like French vanilla, i.e. a variety that may have originated in another place, but is no longer specific to that place and can be found anywhere. In either case, it's a serious omission to not have 192 other flags for the countries not represented here.

  • LGBT Flags

    HeyCameron - - LGBT


    Wtf is "Israeli trans?" I have no idea what most of those terms mean, and I don't think anyone other than maybe two people on Tumblr does either. That said, I'm getting myself that twink flag

  • We went for an early morning hike up in the Hollywood Hills.

  • The Bear Been hearing good things about this one for a while, but didn't start watching it until this weekend. Liking it so far.

  • Not briefs for once. A pair of blue American Eagle low-rise trunks.

  • BOYS ONLY: Penis throbbing

    HeyCameron - - Teen Sexuality


    ^I think that's quite normal for that level of arousal. Kyle is right that it's a result of your pulse, even if it is more noticeable when you're at the peak of um...horniness. It's kinda funny that "throbbing" has turned into some kind of erotic descriptor that you might find in the likes of Fifty Shades of Grey (I guess like "heaving" if it's followed by the word "bosom").

  • Just got rid of some old clothes today, including briefs that I wasn't wearing. But today I'm wearing black Gap briefs.