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  • Re: Then and Now

    Memoria - - Creative Writing


    I love rhyme scheme. I can't write a poem without it, haha. It's weird. Thanks by the way.

  • Re: Then and Now

    Memoria - - Creative Writing


    Thank you. I wrote it as a freshman, so I was basically speaking out to everything I was seeing around me. I had lost a lot of friends, and had a lot of pressure on me to drink and have sex. So I wrote it because I was basically mad at the world.

  • Quote from Dr.Carter: “$30 million for developing a coat? I think that's a bit of an exaggeration. Maybe for Gore-Tex in general, but it has many more uses that just being coat material. And you aren't reinventing the wheel, not only is the new product more effective than the old, it's a lot cheaper to manufacture, and it doesn't require dealing in a controversial business practice (such as the entire fur industry).” I still think that the fur industry is a waste of a "controversial issue." Ther…

  • Quote from Scaredycrow: “I know people have said it, but you are really strong to be in a relationship like that (anyone in a distance relationship is). I'm not sure there's much you can do about the loneliness, though it is totally understandable. I've had a few long distance relationships but none ever worked out. But it does really make me appreciate having a boyfriend that only lives a few blocks away. Now, I'm moving to a city only 2 1/2 hours away at the end of the summer and I can already…

  • Then and Now

    Memoria - - Creative Writing


    So, I wrote this a few years ago when I was only 13 or 14 (I don't remember which). I stumbled upon it again, and unlike all the other things that I wrote at that age, I still thought this was pretty good. I'm sorry if it sucks, though. Keep in mind I was only 13. Anyway, here it is. Then and Now I remember when I was little and just moved down the block Met a girl Stacy who lived by the dock And her little brother Chris just older than me Who would chase us around with a realistic toy bee And C…

  • Quote from Gooeyswat: “Yeah, dad's are more protective though, so I can understand both mine, and your father on why they don't want us to either stay with them, or in my case, have him stay with me. It's their little girls growing up and they don't want it.” It is understandable, of course. It was just hard to accept. Of course my dad also was convinced that I was only planning on having hot, passionate sex the entire four days, so wanting to prove him wrong urged me more to rebel.

  • Quote from Heather: “I'm currently in a long distance relationship. We've been together for over 2 years, and the past year we've spent apart, seeing each other every 4 or 5 months. You really just have to find ways to keep yourself busy. I'm in school, so that's making it a bit easier, but it's still incredibly hard to do. Just stay strong, and remember why you're staying in this relationship. He's obviously worth the loneliness, and the pain, so just wait it out. Things will get easier. You'll…

  • Quote from Gooeyswat: “Ah that sucks. I'm glad that my parents are okay with him staying here if he can get here. That is my mom though. My dad will never let him stay over at his house lol. Bus is a good idea, I'm gonna suggest that to him. Thanks. And lol, boy are you right about the friends and masturbation lol. Sometimes that just makes me lonelier. :rolleyes:” My dad never wanted me to stay there. It was okay with my mom, though, so she was sad to tell me that my dad had said no. So, I just…

  • Quote from Gooeyswat: “Neither of us have cars, and I've been getting my parents to drive me to see him. It's hours away though. They wont take me up again now because they say it's his turn to come here. His family is poor, and they don't have a car he can use. I'm currently trying to think of a negotiation on getting my mom to pick him up and bring him here for a week. I'm willing to pay gas money, but it's that getting to and from where he is is 6 hours. Every three months is good I guess. Yo…

  • Quote from Gooeyswat: “Yeah I get what you mean. I haven't seen my boyfriend since April. And before that it was November. I used to feel a lot more lonely, before, but I've gotten used to it. I'm glad you get to see him in about a week. I still have no clue when I'll see mine. Just feel lucky that you see him more often than other people do.” I do consider myself very lucky. We see each other every 3 months on average, but sometimes it's more or less. May I ask why you have no idea when you'll …

  • Long distance.

    Memoria - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I've been really lonely lately. I'm in a long distance relationship, so it's normal, but it still hurts. It's weird, because I'm seeing him in a week and two days, but I'm still so lonely. Plus, this is the shortest amount of time we spent away from each other; It's only been a little over a month since the last time I saw him. So anyway, any thoughts on it? Anyone else in a long distance relationship and share the same feelings? By the way, we've also been dating for almost 15 months now.

  • Re: Faith Healing

    Memoria - - Debate and Discussions


    Homicide: the killing of one person from another. Learn the definition. They didn't "kill" her, if they did try to help her. You keep going on about ignorance ignorance ignorance, when that's far from the point. Comparing it to a terrorist attack is also invalid and foolish. The intentions are not anywhere near the same. Maybe terrorists do intend to protect their homeland, but they did intend to and purposefully killed many people. The parents did not purposefully kill their child. I doubt they…

  • Re: Faith Healing

    Memoria - - Debate and Discussions


    Terrorist attacks are completely different than faith healing. War usually happens so that one side can have peace, but there is always people accountable. There is two sides. With this situation, the only side being shown is that a pair of overly religious people tried to help their child in a way that they thought would work. If they thought that science and medicine would work better, they would have tried it. Have you ever had a child? If yes, then imagine your child became very, very ill. S…

  • Re: Faith Healing

    Memoria - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from DamnImGood: “Best of their ability? They don't think decades of scientific and medical advancements would help? I'm calling bullshit on this.” It's obviously bullshit. I don't even believe in God in the least, so I can't even comprehend why someone would believe that praying can save a dying child. However, some people do believe that. To them, it was to the best of their ability. Because they were doing everything that they believed were going to help her.

  • Re: Faith Healing

    Memoria - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from yax koux mo: “i agree with memoria. however, what the parents did was probably foolish even in the eyes of god. the old testament says that god created the physical laws and that is what made our medicines so we are supposed to use them. i don't think the parents killed her though. i think that they simply made a mistake.” It was obviously very foolish, and I wish that they gave western medicine a chance even, just to make the chances of the girl's survival better. Even so, I still st…

  • Re: Faith Healing

    Memoria - - Debate and Discussions


    I don't think they should be held accountable. It's what they believed in, so in their minds, they were truly helping to save her at the best of their ability.

  • Quote from Dr.Carter: “Fur coats are a fashion statement and not much else. Real fur is no more effective at keeping out the cold than any synthetic material, it just looks a lot better.” Not necessarily. Animal skin and fur are better insulators than manmade materials. And of course, they do look better as well.

  • Quote from ByTor190: “Very good point made. What, are we not supposed to use the leather made from cows that are eaten? Are we going to throw it in the trash? That's a waste of a good resource.” Animal skin is also the most effective way to keep yourself warm. Cotton only protects you so much, but a fur coat can keep you warm and cozy in a snowstorm.

  • Quote from Trigger93: “There are different kinds of gross and sick. The Gross and sick of squirting the anal glands of a dog is gross, but it is not sick. You are doing it to save an animal you are attached to's life. ( or at least you are getting paid for it. It's your job.) Wearing human skin is very gross and sick. You are wearing another person's skin. The skin of a person that might have gone on doing great things. You gotta realize that animals=/= people. When have you seen a Giraffe build…

  • Hunting for the sake of just killing for the sport is kind of pointless in my view as well. I just don't see how it's fun at all. However, I kind of applaud those who go out and hunt their own food. It tastes so much better than crappy old grocery store meat. At least they take the effort to go out and get their own food, and go through the process of cleaning it, storing it, properly cooking it fresh, etc. Everyone else just buys a steak wrapped in plastic and then complain that hunters are "hu…