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  • Quote from Scorpio_: “The ones I left in the quote I either disagree with or partially disagree with. 1.) The U.S needs to stop playing "helicopter mom" and stick to themselves. None of this abroad help bullshit, even if it's to help another country. 2.) Progressive income taxes are STUPID. Yes, let's punish the successful. 3.) Yes, but not over humans. 4.) Should be a case by case basis. I know teens like to exploit the fact they can't get charged as much as an adult, especially in gangs. The s…

  • Quote from chelseaaa19: “thats awesomee” Ha, thanks. That's in the top five most badass things I've ever done.

  • I was born Athiest, and I live in a Christian home. My parent's recently came to terms with my beleifs, which makes my life a lot easier. Holy books tend to contridict each other and themselves. I think that most of the stories that were intended to teach lessons, perhapes shouldn't be taken so literally. Some people need to beleive there's something more, and that's just fine. But it causes so much conflict, and terrorism. Recently, my boyfriend and I were told by a preist that we were evil, be…

  • Schools don't just say things like that about marijuna, they say it about almost everything. They over step their boundries by pretending they have as much if not more authority as your parents. I think the main concern with marijuana is that it's seen as a gateway drug, though I agree it's not as bad for you as a lot of things that are legal. But what people don't understand is how amazing it could be for the economy. I actually did an L.D. debate about the legalization of marijuana for school,…

  • Re: Help!

    itwasalllikebam - - Friends and Family


    That's ridiclous. Apperently, they don't know how to raise you properly. Parents can physically punish their children, as long as they don't leave marks. Granted, you could have handled the situation better, what they did was even more wrong.

  • Good point. Under what circumstances do you feel it would be acceptable?

  • I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone thought of my debate topics for next school year. Resolved: When forced to choose, a just government ought to prioritize universal human rights over its national interest. Resolved: The abuse of illegal drugs ought to be treated as a matter of public health, not of criminal justice. Resolved: In political campaigns within the United States, corporations ought to be afforded the same First Amendment free speech protections as individuals. Res…

  • Unless the artist specifically puts it online "Free music downloads" are illegal. It's stealing from the artist. In the case of System of a Down's early album "STEAL THIS ALBUM!" someone put it online before they were ready to sell it. They named the album that because everyone already had it anyways. Had it not been put up, no doubt they would have made a lot more money.

  • I'm an atheist, and personally, I'm not comfortable with it. I mean, I'm all for a belief in God, and whatnot, but I think it kind of contradicts seperation of church and state. And, I know people vote for their state and national goverment basing their decision on what they beleive in, and therefore, they're likely to have similar religons. Since this is a dominatinly, but not offically a Christan nation "Under God" will probably continue to be in the pledge. Though I would prefer it to be remo…

  • Quote from Scaredycrow: “I wouldn't say your entire personality is in your DNA - it's definitely a contributing factor but the outside world likely has some effect on it too. Identical twins share the same DNA and may have similar personalities, but they aren't exactly the same. You aren't "sentenced" to your DNA. Anyway, I don't think the issue is really black and white. I can't speak from experience, but I think it would depend entirely upon the person and how they reacted to and dealt with th…

  • I'm very sorry that happened to you. I was rapped by my cousin at 14-15, and I know how awful it is, and how much it hurts. But back to the queston: Rape is tramatising, but your entire personality, including sexuality, is in your DNA. It's completly normal, and natural. You just need to work through how you feel. Maybe see a sexual or gender theripist, if at all possible. Best of luck.

  • Re: Is porn cheating?

    itwasalllikebam - - Teen Sexuality


    Porn isn't cheating at all. It's just a tool. It's like using a formula chart on a test. But if you feel wrong doing it, maybe you shouldn't.

  • No, but I told a teacher that's what I was doing when she tried to take up my phone. My boyfriend did when I told him I bought him a ticket to Mayhem Fest.

  • Alcohol, dextenmorphine (spelt that wrong, my bad), xanax, hydrocondone, weed, salvia, meth, speed, shrooms, baby hawian wood rose, and this doesn't really count, but I wanted to see what viagra would do to me, so I took it when I was drunk.

  • I'm taking 4 classes a school: Art World Geography Algebra Key Boarding I hate my art teacher (she makes it obvious that my sister, who she had almost 6 years ago, is much better than I am), world geography is wonderful, algebra is ight, key boarding requires no thought. Online health is the best. . . It's alright, I wish I could be doing something else sometimes though.

  • I want to be a Blue Angel. I price things at a resale store. . . Fun.

  • Re: Whats your dream?

    itwasalllikebam - - General Advice


    I'd like to join the navy, maybe become a Blue Angel, go to college, direct worthless little films, maybe have some children, and live life doing whatever I love. =]

  • Birthday present

    itwasalllikebam - - General Advice


    My mom's birthday is coming up, and she loves penguins. So, my sister and I are thinking about "adopting" one for her. (Donating to penguins at a local zoo in her name.) This would include: Adoption Certificate Animal Fact Sheet Zoo Newsletter Color photo of animal Year's subscription to Zoo publications Plush Animal Invitation to the Zoo Parent's Breakfast 4 Zoo Passes Keeper Presentation at the Zoo Is this a good idea or completly lame?