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  • neon green

  • Re: am i a wierd gay?

    GregW - - LGBT


    You like what are called "bears" in the GLB community. There are alot of websites for guys just like that. I wouldn't say you're 'weird', it's just what you're into. I hate the girly and 'queen' gays.

  • Re: i cant sleep..

    GregW - - General Advice


    Masturbation helps. Try it before you lay down, and you will sleep good. I am very serious here. It releases chemicals in the brain to help you relax.

  • Anybody else just love these songs?

    GregW - - Music


    [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] Because I do.

  • Re: Age of people in this section (boys)

    GregW - - Gay



  • Morena Baccarin Hayden Christensen and Garrett Hedlund

  • Just more comfortable than the mesh that most swim wear have in them.

  • Re: GED or Diploma?

    GregW - - General Advice


    There's nothing wrong with that. You can take extra classes online, and they are easy as hell to ace. I'm enrolled partially online and in a traditional public high school. You could take a bunch of bullshit classes online for credits here and there, and attend high school. Could do it easily in a year or two. They also have accelerated courses online for people in just these circumstances. Just need to do your research. I'm not saying the GED is the 'easy way out'. Or to even suck it up. Just l…

  • Re: GED or Diploma?

    GregW - - General Advice


    Some people still see in black and white. Not acknowledging that is ignorant. They're not always going to look at the situations that forced someone to get a GED, and discrimination happens whether you like to see it or not. Your best shot is to get your diploma. Something like that looks better on paper anyways. Everything comes down to papers. When you die, that's all that will be left. Papers.

  • Re: GED or Diploma?

    GregW - - General Advice


    You'll be looked down on your entire life, and beat out for promotions by people who might not be as efficient or good as you. Power through it, and get your diploma. You'll feel more accomplished too.

  • Go outside! Get some Vitamin D, whitey. lol

  • I seem to be attracted to guys with less body hair. But I don't mind it. I'm not very hairy at all. I've got some hair on my arms, and legs. But not much elsewhere besides my armpits which are the hairiest place on my body besides my head.

  • Re: Pre-Ejaculate

    GregW - - Teen Sexuality


    I am shameless. I'd explain it to the doctor.

  • Re: Pre-Ejaculate

    GregW - - Teen Sexuality


    :o How the fu-

  • Re: Pre-Ejaculate

    GregW - - Teen Sexuality


    It's not that I don't want to. It's that my body is in the mood when I'm not. And I can't just be like "Hey, I'll have myself a good ol' wank," and go at it. It's impossible for me to do that. I heard that anti-depressants can work to suppress these feelings. Can anybody vouch for that?

  • Pre-Ejaculate

    GregW - - Teen Sexuality


    Now, I'm one of those guys that wanks every month or so... One problem I have is pre-ejaculates. I get it all over the front of my boxers and sometimes shorts depending on the material. It's embarrassing, and I get an erection at even the most insignificant things with girls AND boys. I get pre-ejaculate fluid on myself any time I'm erect. I was wondering if there's any solution aside from jerkin it every other day. Any medications? I need something. I keep a change or two with me where ever I g…

  • Re: Awkward Hard-On?

    GregW - - Teen Sexuality


    Most girls seem to take it as a compliment. I can attest to that, for I've been in many situations like that.

  • I was 11-12 when I got armpit hair (first sign). Some of my friends didn't get armpit hair til they were 16 and some still don't have any. Got pubic hair at about 14. Voice is still cracking. (I'm 17)

  • Re: is it wrong to ...

    GregW - - Teen Sexuality


    if you have to ask, it probably is wrong. In this case, it definitely is bad for him to do that. Very disrespectful.

  • Usually just shirtless, or just in boxers. if I need to be discreet I usually just do it through the boxers with shirt on. It's my usual attire when chilling/relaxing.