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  • Re: Lil Wayne!

    GlitzFairy - - Music


    Quote from THUNDERSTRUCK: “He has some good stuff. Tha Carter III was a great album. However, his new shit is absolutely terrible. "I Am Not A Human Being" - I felt embarrassed listening to it.” I agree with you, I'm not a human being is mehh, but i still like it.

  • Roses Say You're Very Affectionate You are a classic romantic who believes in true love. You often experience deep emotions and feel warmth toward almost everyone. You are a bundle of positive feelings and sweetness. You can are easily hurt, and people should be careful with your heart.

  • You Should Pray Whether you're religious or not, it's likely that you're becoming more spiritual. You could use some time to meditate on what's important to you and what you want from life. You find happiness whenever you take time to slow down and just be still. Your inner peace comes from within. You have a lot of inner strength that you can tap into. You are more powerful than you know.

  • Your Personality Is Like Acid A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict. One moment you're in your own little happy universe... And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell! At your best: You understand the world completely, and every ordinary experience is sublime. What people like about being around you: You say and do the craziest things. You're very entertaining. What people dislike about being around you: You're unpredictable. Your mood swings are quite intense. How addi…

  • Re: Sexting!

    GlitzFairy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from LoveXx: “Sexting is teh best, I would say prolly 70 percent of all my texts are sex related. Most of the time just joking and flirting.” Do you hear what your saying? Sexting is never "the best", It is a serious matter.

  • Re: Lil Wayne!

    GlitzFairy - - Music


    Quote from Wam0bie: “I like his music, he sounds like a goat sometimes though :P” Lmao, A goat?

  • Lil Wayne!

    GlitzFairy - - Music


    Do you love lil Wayne? Just like him? Think he's hot?

  • Re: Sexting!

    GlitzFairy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from breakboy: “Quote from GlitzFairy: “ by who's standards? you're saying it like all naked photos sent are only sent to seek approval, when really there are tons of people looking to do something fun and spice up their relationship. are you going to tell me that fun should be banned because somebody might hurt himself? then you should also look to re-ban drinking, because drinking has killed WAYY more people than sexting has” This has nothing to do with drinking, you can never compare dr…

  • Re: Sexting!

    GlitzFairy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from breakboy: “Quote from GlitzFairy: “So what if your face isn't in it? Why would you send it in the first place, Why do you want people looking at your body? Why would you want to expose yourself? That to me tells me something about you. then you can judge all you want can you imagine where society would be if everyone in history cared too much about others' approval to do what they wanted?” That IS the problem today, People send nude pics to get a certain approval from others. This is …

  • Quote from breakboy: “YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. if you want you can watch this (there's more parts) and you get to see an ex pornstar who regrets it, a pornstar who's regretting it and a pornstar who's still doing porn and is happy with what the industry's done for her. of course since its tyra they're all looking to burn the girl at the stake, but 3 years later sasha grey is a huge name still doing what she does and tyra no longer has a show. will she regret it in the future? nobody really …

  • Re: Sexting!

    GlitzFairy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from OnEMesSduPKiD: “Well, taking into consideration that girls and guys both have committed suicide over the unwanted spread of sexual content regarding themselves over the internet (whether it be phone or computer), I'd say it's something that needs to be stopped. I understand all the kids coming in here think it's fine and dandy, and that's your own personal choice on what you send, but obviously kids don't know the full extent of the consequences of sending one measly picture.” Thank y…

  • Quote from breakboy: “why not, as long as the person gives permission? this isn't sexting where what's meant for one to see is going out to many. i also think that if all porn sites were blocked by the government so that nobody can watch, people would become more desperate for sexual release, meaning more pregnancy, rapes and transmission of STDs one thing i can say is that the porn industry itself is in need of some dire change. you can look more into that here | Former Porn A…

  • Re: Sexting!

    GlitzFairy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Good Ass Job.: “But you said I'd have problems in the future, merely because I have a different opinion to you.” I said "People" not you. I didn't say it just because of different opinion, I said it because of that's what I've mostly seen.

  • Re: Sexting!

    GlitzFairy - - Teen Sexuality


    No one ever said you were.

  • Re: Sexting!

    GlitzFairy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from breakboy: “actually, you're doing more the opposite and making me realize how much it wouldn't matter if i sent nudes. hell, especially if there's no face in it how is anyone gonna know that its you? the only reason id care about something like that getting out on a major scale is because one day i may become very well known, and i dont need everyone on twitter to flatter me and my sexy body :cool:” So what if your face isn't in it? Why would you send it in the first place, Why do you…

  • Re: Sexting!

    GlitzFairy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Good Ass Job.: “In my country, people under 16 are considered minors, not under 18. So you're wrong.” It doesn't matter your age, sexting is wrong.

  • Re: Sexting!

    GlitzFairy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from breakboy: “making it illegal won't do a thing. hell i doubt it'd even make a slight change. so many nude photos are circulating already, and of celebrities too. if this is truly an issue that you want to see something done about then think of ways to educate people and make them not want to do it i can see the tv ads now, "janey was just in middle school when she sent that picture, now every day she cries and her life is ruined"” I don't want people's lives to be ruined because they p…

  • Re: Sexting!

    GlitzFairy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Dwest2010: “I'm over 18. It's fun.” You need to be careful because these days over 18 doesn't mean anything. If you receive a picture of a minor (someone under 18) you can become a registered sex offender depending on what you do with that picture, so no it's not fun.

  • Re: Sexting!

    GlitzFairy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Good Ass Job.: “If you're stupid enough to send something to someone who isn't trustful enough to keep it to themselves, then you deserve to have it sent around to everyone.” How can you say that? No one deserves that. People just need to be taught that you just shouldn't send those kinds of things out. People that do send personal pictures to others most of the time trust that person. Then something happens where the person only shows one friends and then it spreads. Or something to …

  • Re: Sexting!

    GlitzFairy - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Kaycie: “The problem is when kids under 18 start sexting. It is child porn then and ppl can go to jail.” Exactly. Or if your an Adult and you receive a picture of an underage person depending on what you do with the picture, you can become a registered sex offender.