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  • Re: A levels

    Banana - - Education & Jobs


    wrong section

  • Quote from hheartstrongg: “So I guess you've never made a mistake in your life?” after it being in production for nearly 2 years... i'd call this a fuck off mistake. and Matthew darling, the signal issue only occurs when you hold BOTH corners of the phone at the bottom, which is stupid because who grips the phone that tightly anyway? I liek them, they're nice to use. I'm gonna be getting the new one next year thgouh

  • Re: New Laptop?

    Banana - - Technology and the Internet


    Acer are good brands for laptops we have 7 in our house and they've all lasted a good while

  • Any of the HTC phones. Theyre fucking amazing.

  • Quote from SE7EN: “I don't even think you'd know who Steve Jobs was if it wasn't for me telling you.” yes i bloody did you smelly bum

  • Quote from SE7EN: “Bless you, You can't have one. I pointed out their lameness!! And guess what, Steve Jobs suggestion was "Hold it differently".. WHAT A FIX! Where as, his suggestion for the poor Wifi connection for the iPads was "Make sure you have set the correct settings." Seriously, Steve Jobs must think "cool" means "clever" because he thinks we're dumb.” sweetcheeks, I know all of this lol I've been working with selling them and then dealing with complaints about them for like 3 days now

  • I've been selling them for the past two days they're lovely yes, and people are going mad for them i want one. now.

  • Re: E3 Expo.

    Banana - - Video Games


    Quote from SE7EN: “I loved it man. I'm eager to get Kinetic, even though I'm still a little sketchy with it, but its A LOT better than it was last year. I also love the fact how they release a new console at the EXACT same price, and also give evey one at their expo a FREE COPY of the damn console, so unfair.” It's Kinect... Not Kinetic.. tut tut tut Quote from rCours: “Is there anything new about Project Natal?” And yeah it's not names Kinect

  • Re: Cure for cancer

    Banana - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from NikAngelo: “You're a dumbass because you're a dumbass and posts like your latest help to support that. Disregarding improper grammar and logical fallacy your argument has no fact in it whatsoever. I mean how much simpler can I make it? You're an idiot. And the Duke brothers are my cousins and my uncles and my grandsons so watch your mouth. And by watch it I mean never open it. ---------- Post added at 11:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 PM ---------- And why the fuck are pe…

  • Yeah I decided I didn't like them, buritos are better

  • hard ones, i don't really like them thoguh >_> not worth the effort

  • I remember a convo that JR and my had on here where I told him I had never tried them and he was pretty shocked... So I'im giving me them a try now, and they're too fucking awkward to eat than they're worth >_>

  • Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops

    Banana - - Video Games


    wrong section.

  • Re: ThePirateBay

    Banana - - Technology and the Internet


    wrong section dude

  • NOTHING relating to us on there anymore </3

  • Re: Europeans...

    Banana - - Debate and Discussions


    this should be moved to debates section ---------- Post added at 07:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 PM ---------- oh and can I just say that the English culture has more people on benefits that non-english people it kills me with embaraasment when people state that these 'immagrants' are taking 'our' jobs. You wana know why there are more non-european dotcors, dentists, engineers, lawyers etc? Because they have to work damn fucking hard to get into the country to study. You think the…

  • Re: Europeans...

    Banana - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Mr Jack: “Well, I really don't think us Englishmen move around, all that much. But Europeans in general, move around tons. I'm not trying to sound anything other than genuine, by saying a lot of it is coming into the UK. But nobody seems to move out. Hence causing all the problems we have with jobs, and our economy, etc. Although you get the people that retire to go live in Spain, or France, even Portugal.” you're wrong.

  • Re: Europeans...

    Banana - - Debate and Discussions


    the main reason why Europeans move between contries withing the EU is because you don't need a visa to like in an EU country if you're already European.

  • Re: Iron Man 2

    Banana - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from Batgirl: “It means I'm not going to watch a movie based on Marvel drivvel.” pfft! marvel > DC. all the way