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  • take many classes and get 4.0 in them or even 5.0 in AP classes. Its possible good luck

  • Re: 13-16

    Stjowa - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    It up to you. I have seen younger. Its only 3 years and in a few years it will look normal.

  • Re: Modern Warfare 2

    Stjowa - - Video Games


    Quote from Giggity: “I don't see the point in preordering it. I could bet you it would be out on shelves, full stock, in like, 2 days? What game was actually sold out for more then like, a week. I'll be getting my hands on it, a day or 2 after. With my 5 bucks saved, of course :D. Same with L4D2” Legend of Zelda Twilight princess was sold out for awhile are hard to get ahold of. I am not sure about any other game but that was because they didn't get many games out. Game looks good and I can't wa…

  • Re: Paranormal Activity

    Stjowa - - Films, TV and Books


    Wasnt scary at all. Dont even know if I liked it yet.... I am letting it sink in.

  • Liam you need to tell her straight out that you are a homosexual. This must be one of the things you needed the anonymous posting for.

  • Re: Zombieland.

    Stjowa - - Films, TV and Books


    I loved zombieland I watched it on tvshack and I am happy I did! ---------- Post added at 10:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 PM ---------- Quote from Saradactyl: “I really liked Zombieland, actually. I thought it was funny. Also, paranormal activity was scary. Btw, how are you getting into all of these R rated movies, aren't you 16..” Even if you cant get into a movie you can watch on the internet. Not saying she did this.

  • Quote from Sidewinder: “I go on they have a lot of links to shows and movies to watch, not live though. good quality too.” I just checked this out. Nice!

  • NASA Moon Bombings

    Stjowa - - Debate and Discussions


    Has a hyperactive five-year-old taken over as the director of NASA? It sure seems like it. On Friday morning, an unmanned spacecraft launched in June will crash into the moon's surface. On purpose. Anyone not named Michael Bay is likely to ask why. Here's the answer: NASA wants to know if the twin impacts of the Lunar Crater Observation and its Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) will reveal any ice or water under the moon's surface. Finding out shouldn't be an issue. When the twin crafts hit the lunar s…

  • Re: sleeping naked

    Stjowa - - Teen Sexuality


    I only sleep naked if I am sleeping with my girlfriend (and still not everytime).

  • Re: New Modern Warfare 2 trailer!

    Stjowa - - Video Games


    Quote from DamnImGood: “I understand the war is fake or in the near future, but I mean I hope they don't have like a railgun or an energy ray or something stupid like that. Keep the weaponry modern, as the title suggests. I know COD4 wasn't a real war or conflict, but all the weaponry was real.” Yeh having sy-fy (The new spelling lol) weaponry would be contradictory to the name. If we want syfy we can play halo or gears of war or some other game. Modern Warfare gives us an idea of now because we…

  • Re: New Modern Warfare 2 trailer!

    Stjowa - - Video Games


    DIG I also thought it was to futuristic too. Like in COD4 its isnt the war now it is a fake... or future war. But whatever they do will be good. I hope what you are expecting out of it happens because we all expect something different.

  • Re: New Modern Warfare 2 trailer!

    Stjowa - - Video Games


    Lol me too because it wasnt me... ---------- Post added at 10:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 PM ---------- DIG Do you personally think the game will be good though?

  • Re: New Modern Warfare 2 trailer!

    Stjowa - - Video Games


    Quote from Shute: “I think I sent you a friend request like 5 weeks ago. You never accepted it. It is just sitting there... :lol:” No you didnt... because I dont have any requests I checked my messages last weekend.

  • Re: New Modern Warfare 2 trailer!

    Stjowa - - Video Games


    Quote from Shute: “:eek: !!!!!!! For shame!!! Multiplayer bores me unless I am playing with friends. And very few of my friends are ever on anymore so... multiplayer doesn't appeal to me very much these days. I fucking love Singleplayer, if I may be blunt about it. I have spent more time playing Fallout and Oblivion than a ten year old has spent alive. Cinematic video game trailers make me oh so very happy! We already have a few gameplay trailers for MW2, I want badass cinematic ones. Cutscenes …

  • Re: New Modern Warfare 2 trailer!

    Stjowa - - Video Games


    Quote from DamnImGood: “The trailer doesn't show me shit! Big deal so they show a couple guns. Two right off the bat I recognized from the first game (RPG and M14), so there's nothing new there. There's waaaayyy more to COD4 than the guns.” Yes there is but they arent going to give you everything in one trailer. They want to surprise people in the end it is how everyone does it. From what was shown the game looks pretty good. I am excited to play this game... I might just get Xbox Live back for …

  • Re: New Modern Warfare 2 trailer!

    Stjowa - - Video Games


    Quote from DamnImGood: “Meh. Barely any, if at all, game play footage shown. I fucking hate video game trailers and commercials. They rarely show game play footage which is what I want to see in the fucking first place! I don't give a rat's ass about some random clip of cinematics. I'm not buying a movie. I'm buying a game. I love COD4, but what got me hooked on it and interested was seeing game play footage. Seeing all the guns and the play modes and the perks, etc. Wasn't the goddamned intro s…

  • Re: New Modern Warfare 2 trailer!

    Stjowa - - Video Games


    Wow that looks great!

  • Re: Need help please!

    Stjowa - - Teen Sexuality


    Suck on the neck. I dont really like hickeys so I cant elaborate more than that but try to use your tongue and suck but dont go for the hickey right away. Start off gently.

  • Re: It Seems So Easy...

    Stjowa - - LGBT


    JC you should just scream your true feelings to random people. I mean random as in people you dont even know. Go to Boston (since you live close) and shout it in the streets that you are bisexual.... Boston might not be the place because there might be hate groups and stuff but find a safe place with people you dont know. Doing this might make you more comfortable and comfortable enough to tell the people that care about you the most. GOOD LUCK!!!