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  • Re: How far, how fast?

    ilex91 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Jenna: “I don't know where to count with my boyfriend, because we were friends for ten years before we started going out. I suppose that after we were 'officially' going out, it was ten minutes before we first kissed. I think we took a shower together around 3 weeks. We had sex at about a month and a half. And over a year later, we are still doing great. :zomg:” Aww, thats great. Kinda same with me, I was friends with my BF for 5 years, he was my best friend, then we had our first kis…

  • Re: What did you do last night?!

    ilex91 - - Teen Sexuality


    My boyfriend came to my house after work to sleepover and he had dinner and we watch some of the tennis together, and then we went to bed...but we didn't have sex, we just cuddled and fell asleep. We had sex when we woke up this morning though

  • Just a thought - you know what would have been awesome - if The Rock was in The Rock Instead hes surrendering his dignity by staring in Tooth Fairy. I've only seen the trailer and I'm already embarrassed for him.

  • I'm probably a bit more empathetic to you cause I started a serious relationship with an older boy when I was only 13...but he was only 2 years ahead of me. Still spent plenty of time being denfensive about our relationship though, so part of me wants to belive that you guys had a healthy relationships and that it was right. But if you yourself became uncomfortable with the age different then that is a guaranteed sign that the age difference IS too big. So are you still friends with him? Cause i…

  • Re: Skillet fans?

    ilex91 - - Music


    I really like Those Nights, its a great song, but don't think i know any of their other songs. I should check out some of their other stuff. Although I'm naturally cynical of any christian band cause I'll be listening to a song thinking its not bad and has good lyrics but then I realise "oh wait...they're talking about Jesus"

  • Well my boyfriend is kinda like you I guess. He doesn't have many really good friends besides me, and my house is way nicer , and my family gets along way better (his parents are divorced). So we spend a lot more time at my place But is is really smart . But its like wtf said, if she is with you despite your perceived shortcomings then she must really like you for who you are and see what a great person you (presumably) are. I lot of the time, not so much now, but I always had to convince my bf …

  • I hate that, when my bf is sick and its hard cause I feel like he needs me and I just wanna cuddle him and make him feel better but I also don't want to catch his bug. Usually I am there with him, just not kissing or being careful not to share germs, wash hands etc. But he also has a big teddy bear that I bought him for his birthday one year that he cuddles when hes sick. And a lot of the time when hes sick it isn't contagious anyway, like he gets headaches sometimes.

  • Quote from anti-hero: “Yeah I lol at the new 90210 people in their 20's playing teenagers.” Like on American Dad when Roger tells his Saudi 'lover' all about Beverly Hills 90210..."where the teenagers are all white and in their mid thirties" Teenagers on tv almost always look older. I reckon Grease was the worst, those people were like middle aged!!! Even the real teenagers, like on Laguna Beach, look way older then me

  • I'm not sure what I would have done if i was pregnant and 15, but what about 12!!!! There was a story in the news today about a 12 year old girl in Australia who got pregnant with her 15 year old boyfriend, and now shes had the baby and is going to keep it and raise it with the help of her family. Good luck to her, but damn, that pretty messed up! 12-year-old girl has baby boy - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

  • Not sure what the OP meant, but sometimes I hear a song which is ONLY instrumental, like doesnt have vocals to begin with, and i think I should download that, but then I realise, how the hell am I gunna find out what it is??? There are no lyrics that I can type into Google. Dud-il-um dud-il-um da-da-da-da-daaaa-daa-da-dar...doesn't return any matches (btw that was Explosive by Bond in case you couldn't tell :)- an awesome instrumental song)

  • Quote from hodgeheg: “My favourite in the whole wide world is IRISH! ” I LOVE Irish accents. Like that episode of Scrubs where all the females are swooning over the sexy Irishmen. I served an Irish guy at work the other day, it was so nice

  • I agree - he likes you! And I can relate, cause I was best friends with my boyfriend before we eventually got together, and we both in the same sports club too. I wanted more physical contact, i wanted to hug him and kiss him and snuggle next to him on the couch, but once I kissed him on the cheek, and sometimes he played with my hair and I taught him how to make a plat, and he put his arm around my shoulders and squeezed me once, but that was about it, cause we were both unsure were the other o…

  • Actually my bf had almost exactly the same problem, and he used to try to pretend to sleep in too but it didn't work for him either. And same as you, he could never win an argument about it with his mum either. But now hes a bit older (19) and can be more independant he tries to always make concrete plans that 'just so happen' to mean that he wont be around to go to church. He sleeps over my place a lot on Saturday nights, so instead of going to chruch he sleeps over at his girlfriends house and…

  • Re: The Cranberries

    ilex91 - - Music


    Yeh such a beautiful voice. I really love Dreams. I had to go listen to it right now when I saw your thread. "never quite as it seems, cause your a dream to me, dream to me"

  • Re: When and where you lost it

    ilex91 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from datblazianboi: “another prime example lolz:lol:” When I was 14, at home in his bed We loved each other though, i'm not one of those girls who would have done it cause all my friend were, or I was just curious

  • 3 years. 8 months. and 26 days.

  • She is still really young, so maybe she likes the idea of being able to call you her boyfriend, but she isn't willing to put in the effort to deserve to be your girlfriend. And 2 weeks is way too soon to love you more then anything, and she certainly isnt acting that way. Next time you talk to her and ask her to do something or go on a date maybe just saysomething like "Just me and you huh?" ..."I really like you, but we never get a chance to hang out together", and maybe just gently grab her ha…

  • That was pretty cold, particularly at the end where they said "they're just going to die anyway" I couldn't believe it. But already they have people (internally) who have to approve their skits don't they? How did this get through? I think bringing criminal charges is bit of an over reaction though.

  • Honestly, are you in love right now? Yes, and my bf is even better then yours Caitlynn Honestly, what color is your underwear/thong? black Honestly, what's on your mind right now? i'm dilligently applying myself to honestly answering this quizz Honestly, do you think you are attractive? umm...yeh Honestly, have you done something bad today? np Honestly, do you watch Disney channel? don't have it Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? no Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time? m…

  • Re: Bryan Adams

    ilex91 - - Music


    Nothing beats a good Bryan Adams power ballad. Everything I Do is going to the bridal waltz at our wedding. Well that might change cause it will still be years that a bit cliched? people will just think we plucked it straight of some Greatest Wedding Hits album