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  • Shampoo and Conditioner

    kfresh - - Fashion


    Soo i'm a guy, and this seems stupid, but what's the best shampoo to use? I'm 14, and want really sexy hair lmfao. i have long ish hair, straight. okay, so what do i use?

  • Okay. So i see so many guys in my school with girlfriends, and i want one so bad. I'm generally picky about my choice of girls. In my school, all the hot ones are bitchy, and the nice ones i'd totally date, if they were at least cute, are well, ugly. So i don't know what to do. Girls don't even look at me though, the ones who matter. My friend said i'm setting my standards too high, but when i pick a girl to like i'm so worried about what others will think. I have a mild acne, that i'm really se…

  • So i didn't really read what anybody else posted before me, but if he does like you, he's going to love that he sees your messaging him everyday. He'll know you really like him. Just don't be needy. What you send will determine if your needy or not. Being needy is just pouring out your problems to him, so don't do that. Otherwise, be flirty. He'll like that. And if your not going to see him ever, I would get over him and move on.

  • Need advice about high school

    kfresh - - General Advice


    So this is probably the basis for every teen movie, but in real life we don't always get those happy endings. I'm a freshman in high school, last year in 8th grade I was looking forward to it sooo much but now that i'm here it's a hell hole. No, I'm not made fun of, a loner, emo, have no friends. Honestly, I'm just there. I have no idea what I'm there for, but I just show up and do what I'm supposed to. Lately I've just been feeling weird. I absolutely hate school, and everyone knows it. I'm sad…