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  • in the swimming bath... not in the cabin but in actual water

  • You Are 16% A Child of the 90s 90s-1.jpg The 90s aren't a time you remember too well. Either you missed most of those years, or you were on some pretty good drugs! born 1994

  • Well, my first question would be, what is the reason you don't feel so great? Quote from pascus: “i don't know why...” Quote: “Aside from that, you should just tell her when she comes in the room that you're not feeling so well and you'd rather be left alone, but it's not her fault. If she doesn't accept that, I guess you could just get use to it, or put up some kind of happpy front for a few minutes in front of her.” I try to, but it so difficult to pretend that I'm happy

  • hi guys I got a big problem... today I'm just feelin bad and sad, with no reason... i don't know why... and when I'm in that mood i'm not like too chatty, so I don't talk to her (my mum). when she comes in my room to ask something i just nodd and don't really talk to her (I dont smile at her then of course, mostly i dont even look at her because i don't feel like looking at her). and when i do that, she says something like "oh, what have i done wrong that you don't want to talk to me?", "once ag…

  • single, unfortunately... for like 2 years... thats so sad

  • Re: sexual experiences...

    pascus - - Teen Sexuality


    um ok sorry to bother u

  • Re: sexual experiences...

    pascus - - Teen Sexuality


    this is just so not interesting... what do you need it for?

  • You Are Barbeque Sauce barbeque.jpg You are a social person. You enjoy cooking for other people. You are both skillful and competitive. You enjoy mastering hard tasks. You appreciate complexity more than simplicity. Your taste in food tends to lean toward interesting flavors. You appreciate exotic spice combinations. You tend to like cutting edge, fusion cuisine. You get along with all personalities from a distance. Except salsa personalities, who always seem to annoy you.

  • I had those thoughts too a few time ago. But then I just sat down on my bed, thought about it for some hours, and then I realised that my life isn't bad at all. I just had a few problems that were uncomfortable indeed, but with a bit of effort I could just "kill" them. For your dad, you could just try to get out of his way. And if you're falling behind in school, the only way is to learn with friends (I fell behind in school too a few years ago). You have 2 or 3 huger problems in your life - do …

  • Re: How Many Guests are there?

    pascus - - Teen Sexuality


    It takes me wonder why so many people are watching the teen sexuality forum... I mean, it's not that exciting for adults, is it? They had been teens too...

  • Re: Today's Photography

    pascus - - Creative Writing


    Cool! My brother (he's a graphic designer) uses .raw format too sometimes, but I never know what it was good for

  • Re: Today's Photography

    pascus - - Creative Writing


    @1st pic: nice perspective! the lights are just awesome on this pic! @2nd pic: i dont know why but this picture is stunning @3rd: what can I say? awesome light (and cool rays) did you edit the pics with a program?

  • Re: How dodgy are you?

    pascus - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Upstanding How refreshing that there are still people around like you, who respect society and the law. Your Grandparents would be proud. You have a good knowledge of the law and a good public spirit, or you have rarely left the house… Either way - keep it up old fruit! [FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono] Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*: [/FONT] [FONT=Courier New, Courier, mono] Years in prison: 14 Potential fine: £2000 [/FONT]

  • Re: New hair: yay or nay?

    pascus - - Fashion


    it looks amazing!

  • You Are Warrior II warrior2.png You are confident and brave. Failure is not an option for you. You aren't easily intimidated or scared off. You will stand and fight. You have more endurance than anyone you know. You have a will of steel. When other people are giving up, you're the one just getting started.

  • Re: Your Favourite Genre(s)

    pascus - - Music


    Alternative, Indie, Britpop

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    pascus - - Teen Sexuality



  • this is making me so sad...

  • if i watch porn i usually do it on my ipod (has a nice 3,5" monitor). this is great for in bed... and if someones coming in, i can just click the movie away and pretend to listen to music

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    pascus - - Teen Sexuality

