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  • Re: TOP5 TV Series

    dreamland - - Films, TV and Books


    Prison Break Criminal Minds Supernatural Bones Friday Night Lights

  • Re: My sisters keeper

    dreamland - - Films, TV and Books


    Ehh. The soundtrack kind of ruined it for me. Plus the book was better. I was disappointed with the lack of Jesse. The ending was more realistic though.

  • I read it last year. And I will be re-reading it soon for my summer reading. So I might be able to help.

  • Re: Hairstyle advice?

    dreamland - - Fashion


    I think I'll cut it shorter, but I don't know if I'd go that short again. That was really just to cut off the rest of my perm. But I did like it when it got a bit longer (like a few weeks later). Ahh, idk. :x

  • Folded a dollar bill in hopes of doing a trick No. Used a hotcomb or curling iron on ur hair Yes. Prayed Yes. Got ur ears pierced Yes. Got a tattoo No. had anything from Aero No. had anything from AE No. had anything from hollister Yes. had anything from abercrombie Maybe? bought clothes from walmart Yes. put alluminum foil in the oven No. picked up a coin u found on the ground Yes. memorized a Verse from the Bible No. been on a diet Kind of. seen a friend in there underwear Yes. eaten peanut bu…

  • Hairstyle advice?

    dreamland - - Fashion


    So I have senior pictures coming up, and my mom really wants me to cut my hair short, but I don't know. I like being able to put it up, especially w/ band starting up. So, pictures. This is what it looks like currently (only longer): Untitled-Scanned-01-1.jpg With bangs: 052-1.jpg031-1.jpg Shorter: 019-1-2.jpg003-2-1.jpg and really short (which i didn't like): user11057_pic2245_1217362923-1.jpgl_eb7d4cecaeb34e68b4dad7cc6b6889ce.jpg Excuse the emo/myspace-like pictures. And before all of those I …

  • Re: Summer reading?

    dreamland - - Films, TV and Books


    -How to Read Literature Like a Professor -Sophie's World -A Separate Peace -Into the Wild For AP English, with double entry journals, logs, final essays, projects, and a discussion forum. I've barely started. :x

  • Do you have the guts take this survey? Obviously. Would you do meth if it was legalized? No. Abortion: for or against it? I'm pro-choice. Do you think the world would fail with a female president? No, it would take more than the president, regardless of sex. Do you believe in the death penalty? No. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? I think that it should be, yes. Are you for or against premarital sex? I suppose I'm for it. Do you believe in God? Possibly, leaning towards yes. But…

  • Re: favourite TV series?

    dreamland - - Films, TV and Books


    I watch a lot, but my top two are: Prison Break Supernatural

  • What is your favorite flavor of Gatorade? ..Blue. Are you listening to music? If so, what? No. When was the last time you trimmed your toenails? Last week? Have you ever been on a boat? Yeah. Do you have a dog? Nope. How many browser tabs/windows do you have open? Three windows.. and nine-ish tabs? What browser are you using? Firefox. Would you let me borrow your phone book? No? Are your feet cold? Nope. What is your favorite type of flower? I don't like flowers. Do you like popcorn? Yeah. Do yo…

  • Re: Bra or no bra

    dreamland - - Fashion


    I always wear a bra in public. And at home, pretty much. But if you're small, I don't see a problem with going bra-less. Or anyone in certain dresses.

  • Re: What instrument(s) do you play?

    dreamland - - Music


    Flute. For... five-and-a-half-ish years. I'd love to learn piano though.

  • I definitely second Water for Elephants. You could try Ayn Rand (The Fountainhead, Anthem, etc.). The Kite Runner. Augusten Burroughs if you're into autobiographies. I really liked The Speed of Darkness by Elizabeth Moon. If you're going for something at an easier reading level: Chris Crutcher. I'm quite fond of a few of his, namely Deadline or Chinese Handcuffs.

  • Re: Boredom.

    dreamland - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Basic About you: Name: Kerry. Gender: Female. Height: Five one. Eye color: Brown. Hair Color: Dirty blonde. Birthday: October 6th. Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: Right-y. Piercings: One in each ear. Tattoos: None. Zodiac Sign: Libra. Ring Size: Idk. Grade: Junior. More about you: Are you named after anyone? My mom's friend. Do you live in the moment? Nah. Do you consider yourself tolerent to others? Sort of. Do you have any secrets? Of course. Do you hate yourself? Nah. Do you like your handwriting?…

  • Layer One: On the Outside Name: Kerry. Birthday: October 6. Current Location: My house. Eye Color: Brown. Hair Color: Dirty blonde. Righty or Lefty: : Right-y. Zodiac Sign: : Libra. Layer Two: On the Inside Your Fears: The dark. And creepy people. Like my neighbor. Your Weakness: Inability to accept constructive criticism? And spelling. Goal: Happiness? Layer Three: Yesterday, today, forever Your thoughts first waking up: Ewww. Your bedtime: Whenever. Your most missed memory: Swimming in this po…

  • Re: 70 Facts about me:

    dreamland - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. What are your initials? KLJ. 2. What is your favorite thing to wear? Pajamas. 3. Last thing you ate? Breadsticks. 4. One place you will NEVER eat at? White Castle. 5. I say Shotgun, you say: ..Oh no? 6. Last person you hugged? My mom? 7. Does anyone you know wanna date you? Not that I'm aware of. 8. Would you date anyone you met online? Anyone? Aha. Maybe. 9. Name something you like physically about yourself: I'm short. ;o 10. The last place you went out to dinner to? McDonalds. =\ 11. Who is…

  • Re: 75 questions

    dreamland - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Hello! How are you? Tired. Are you a boy or a girl? Girl. How old are you? Sixteen. Do you like being that age? Sure. So, what's your name? Kerry. Do you like your name? It's okay. Do you have lots of friends? Nah. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope. How long have you been together? . Are you a virgin? Yes. Do you want to have sex? Well, yeah. Eventually. Have you ever got into trouble with the law? Nope. For what? . Do you have a job? Nope. What is it? . Do you like it? . Do you plan on g…

  • Re: Who are you?

    dreamland - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. I’m a boy. 2. I’m gay. 3. I’ve kissed a girl. 4. I’ve kissed a boy. 5. I have a facebook account. 6. I have a myspace account. 7. I know who Sid Vicious is. 8. I wear glasses. 9. I’m left-handed. 10. I’m flat-footed. 11. I write stuff on my skin. 12. I have Sex Pistols in my iPod. 13. I smoke. 14. I drink. 15. I’m agoraphobic. 16. I wanna leave home when I turn 18. 17. I hate my school. 18. Someone already broke my heart. 19. I already broke someone’s heart. 20. I prefer books over movies. 21…

  • Short. Definitely.

  • Re: Siblings

    dreamland - - Friends and Family


    I have an older brother. I always wanted a younger brother as well.