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  • Re: Vegeterian/Vegan

    elliesmw - - Health and Fitness


    I'm 16 and have been veggie for 7 years now and despite what I thought initially I havn't missed meat once. I'm not a vegan but I don't eat milk or eggs because I hate them

  • Thanks both of you for your advice, I’m aware that my friend is seriously ill and that she needs help but the problem is who to get that help from. There’s not really anybody who to tell in 6th form as we’ve just stared and don’t know any of the adults yet, I mentioned to her that maybe we could talk to her parents about it but she was horrified and cried and begged me not to. She already sees a councillor but Zara tells me how she lies to her about her weight and the food she eats and refuses t…

  • It really doesn't matter who is more or less attractive, it only matters that you feel comfortable with yourself and that you're a nice person. The fact that she called you an 'Ape' implies that she's in general not a very nice person and probably quite a few people feel the same way you do. There are so many different thing you can be and so many different types of attractive, and you both are attractive. She just blends in with the crowd, but you stand out. In the long run you're probably goin…

  • I have a friend and the year before last she started to have big problems with her weight. She was not at all fat before the problem started but she was slightly over-weight. She started to distance herself from our other friends and I, as we tried to talk to her and very soon after we drifted apart. Whilst she was very thin and suffering from bulimia and anorexia she started to get a lot of attention from boys, which of course she liked very much and she started to mess around with a number of …