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  • Free Ipad!

    hzuleta - - Advertising Agency


    Whaddup FOLKS!!! "Free-I-Pad is once again giving away their annual coupons, this time with help from revenues. This is for the 16gb, Wifi or 3G Models * To participate in the Ipad give-away..." gotta watch the YouTube commercial [ame='']YouTube- Free Ipad Scam? Don't click this video!![/ame] I already signed up, I thought you guys would want to, why not? lol

  • lol does anyone wanna help? it would be fun if someone from here won. There is a prize and first won to get the answers wins $5! !

  • Looks like no one looks here anyway. So I'll skip the long speech and pitch and just ask you guys to please visit my website You could even just come back here and comment on how I could make the site better or if you even like it. But the real reason is the content. I'd like you guys to sign up using the big yellow button on my site and see if you can make as much money as you can. It doesn't pay pennies like other places and it also doesn't promise to make you rich. Forget that…

  • Wanna buy a Super Famicon? I think i saw one at the store around the corner. ( I live in Korea)

  • Re: How... HOW?!?!

    hzuleta - - Music


    I do believe I read somewhere that in the UK. The charts are often made by the people. What I mean is that, through word of mouth and the internet and such, people will purchase or download music just so that a certain song or artist will be #1. It has nothing to do with them being real fans, but just to see if they can bring a random artist to #1. I think a Rage agianst the machine song was your #1 for Christmas lol.

  • Re: websites?

    hzuleta - - Technology and the Internet


    I have my own website at I made it to get referrals to a site that pays you 20-60 cents for everytime someone downloads a file that you uploaded. I'm still working on it though, but the main stuff is there check it out, if u got time folks, wouldn't hurt

  • Re: First kiss?

    hzuleta - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Ya, dont worry about the kiss so much or it will make things akward. Just do what you normally do and keep kissing her where she feels comfortable....eventually she'll want a real smackaroo

  • This girl sounds very manipulative. I had a friend like that once, well a friend of a friend. And you could see right through you, and when you made her feel bad, shed turn it right back to you and make you feel like an ass. The truth was, after growing up, you realize what kind of person they are..deceitful lying screems poop to me, my friend...dont let her get to you. Youre gonna end up losing an ipod and gaining nothing real.

  • Id have to say that a girl is usually comfortable with a penis that is 12-17 inches flacid haha no actually from my personal question asking , it doesnt really matter...gotta work it though!

  • True, boy I focused on the clit too many times then!

  • I wouldnt care if she liked the teletubbies....

  • Re: Advice needed....

    hzuleta - - Teen Sexuality


    Odd. Youre too big for her NOW? What about before? I dont know anything about both of you, but sex should be part of the relationship. Of course depending on age and maturty level. But at the right level, it is a big and important part of intimacy and connection.. I think you should definitely step up to the plate and have a sit down and ask her what's REALLY bothering her. How long were you having sex before this issue came up?

  • Schools are about cliques and groups eh? Weird. I know what you mean. In highschool I was not even close to be popular, though when I look back now, I hung out with everyone! From geeks to the cool people, from the asians and whites to the blacks and latinos. I guess I was a floater and you know what, that was good for me, I like to think that I appreciated every "culture" within the school. No worries though, like someone above said, dont convince yourself that you dont belong, you do. But if y…

  • Bud, relax... though I bet you heard that before. Plain and simple, just like everyone said, there are tons of reasons to live and to be honest, you are not the only one with "problems" and I quote that because I want you to think of this... I'm not gonna be lame and talk about starving children or anything, but the fact remains that there are a lot of people out there who would probably KILL (someone ELSE) for the chance to be able to be in your shoes. You eat everyday and are able bodied right…

  • Some guys have it, some don't I can see myself doing something cheese like that too but ya, its in your style and attitude. Work what's best for you and you'll succeed. plus, he had nothing to lose..but something to gain, and gain he did.

  • As weird as it can be, girls have to keep (and guys) should...sorry, no, MUST get checked up every so often. I have no medical opinion on whats happening to you. But you shouldn't worry too much. What you SHOULD do is go see your doctor, or gynacologist and have them check you out. For the future and for the present ok? Dont get scared though. If it's anything, I did a quick google check and it looks like a lot of young women have the same symptoms. Alghouth common online though, doesn't mean it…

  • Quote from wesmel06: “Your Making A Lot of Mistakes Already How it should have went... ME: I'm really bored but it looks like I'm not the only one. HER: Yeah I'm kind of bored as well. ME: Well it's a good thing you've got such an interesting guy to talk to right? HER: Yeah I enjoy talking to you. ME: Thats cool. I just wish you were a little more interesting though..:p HER: I am too interesting! ME: Boring.... HER: lol shut up ME: You know this talking over the internet is pretty lame. We shoul…

  • Re: Are you a Virgin ?

    hzuleta - - Teen Sexuality


  • Re: Overly cautious mum.

    hzuleta - - General Advice


    You guys are right. You want to be taken seriously like an adult or an about-to-be-adult. Sit down, say you have something to talk about and talk about the things that bother you. Its kind of nerve wrecking, but trust! It works! AVOID ARGUING AT ALL COSTS. no "BUT MOM" nothing. Let your parent think they are right and let the talk sink in their head, before you know it, you will have at least unlocked one thing u were allowed to do. Patience! It will come.

  • Re: 16 and never been kissed

    hzuleta - - Teen Sexuality


    No worries, my older friend was like 20 before he kissed. Has nothing to do with looks or anything. Don't look for it and don't ruin the first one by playing a game or something like that is my advice Chill, it WILL happen, trust me:P