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  • Re: Marijuana

    blink182 - - General Advice


    ok well i thought it was a rip off. My friend is notorious for being like the worlds best con artist. thats why i asked about it. So you think i should pay like 20? and he said its headdies with some middies or watever. i honeslty know nothing about these drugs so if someone could kinda help me out some??.... like, i know it will give me a joint and i was thinking about useing the soda can thing because i have nothing to smoke it with. i said i think it will help me cuz i heard the high helps yo…

  • Marijuana

    blink182 - - General Advice


    What do you guys think of Marijuana? I think it may help me... I think theres enough said about it... Whats the high like? Does anyone know about headies? i think thats what its called. My friend said he can sell me a gram of headies i think he said it was, for like 35 dollars. Is that overpriced? Do you reccomend me to use these drugs?

  • Re: confused

    blink182 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    i just kinda play along....

  • Re: confused

    blink182 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    OH MY FREAKING GOD this is exactly what i thought ---------- Post added at 01:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:14 PM ---------- Quote from NinjaGuy1337: “She wants you for the sex or whatever haha. She's NOT going to break up with her boyfriend for you. You might have a chance IF something happens between them. She's just generally being flirty and doesn't really care that she has a boyfriend. Basically, she's going behind her boyfriend's back for a little "sexual fun" and being a horrib…

  • confused

    blink182 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    So i met this girl threw my cyber school. She lives two hours away. We were chatting one time on fb and shes like put a pic of u up (i just got the fb so i didnt have one of me) and so i did and shes like omg you are sooo cute and im like i am? shes like yeah i would TOTALLY go out with you. Im like ?!!?! and shes like totally. but i have a boyfriend. so i cant. Im like oh well. But then shes like if i ever break up with him i will. So i took that as a complement. Who would really talk about bre…

  • when someone touches you on the shoulder and puts his arm around your waist that means bissness. he likes u

  • Re: akward....

    blink182 - - General Advice


    just because its normal doesnt mean its not akward. did u no im 1 of six kids? uahg that gets so annoying. then my mom got pregnant and believe me i was GLAD the baby died. not only that my moms 40 and my dads 54 im not becomeing a preist either

  • why are other people concerd about someone elses life? hey OP your a fucking gaywad

  • akward....

    blink182 - - General Advice


    so a little while ago i used to hear my parents making noises at nights. they would b like ohhhh!! ohhhhh!!! and it was really weird SO i was thinking mayb they were u no, doin IT. and then im like no, probably not. but then my mom got pregnant. but that baby died b4 it was born. do u think my parents were doing it? it was so akward at least my room is downstiars now its no where near my parents room anymore. but yea... it was really akward wat do u think?

  • Re: Whats your top 5 games ?

    blink182 - - Video Games


    1.skate3 2.skate3 3.skate3 4.skate3 5.skate3

  • Re: DSi?

    blink182 - - Video Games


    i have a dsi. its deff better than the old one. but the internet sucks fucking balls. its soooooo slow, it wont play sound nor will it play videos, you cant go on some forum websites like these, IM doesnt work, yahoo email doesnt work, you cant upload pictures to the internet (on facebook you can thou) otherwise u cant (it has a camera on it) what else sucks about it..... hmmm... oh yeah, when you type stuff on the internet, you have to touch letters on the touch screen with the stylus because t…

  • Re: my redarded parents

    blink182 - - Friends and Family


    um i use foul language wen i get pissed off and how the hell does it show immaturity? and wtf someones master named the fallen. this isnt star wars is it? im not talking to someone from a galaxy far far away am i?

  • Quote from feedtheflame: “and what do u like and hate about ur phone.” what i hate about my phone is that i dont have one. fucking parents

  • actually my former gf was older than me by a year... i dont care and neither did she and yea if i find a girl i like it never fails--shes always a year older than me im like wtf

  • Re: my redarded parents

    blink182 - - Friends and Family


    im not looking for sympathy. im asking how i should deal with them. I dont need Master Yoda telling me to wait until im on my own. i dont like my life and i wanna go to real school and live a normal life. and whover said that normallife would b boring. believe me i know what boring is i sit around isolated at home every day if i could just get out and live like everyone else i dont thin i would b bored. ---------- Post added at 02:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 PM ---------- think*

  • Re: i need people to talk to

    blink182 - - General Advice


    Quote from Journal: “Do you, hurrr durrr often?” no:rofl:

  • Re: my redarded parents

    blink182 - - Friends and Family


    watever man

  • thank you bro i love skillet too i just hope she even reads her emails i dont think she has been doing that lately ---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 PM ---------- btw thanks for the mods who deleted those posts i didnt like i aprecaite that some people have it others dont

  • Re: Help

    blink182 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from wastry: “before you do anything think to yourself *realistically will the relationship last knowing that even my best friends think im dating a gay* cause thats allot of added pressure on a relationship and whats the point of entering a relationship in the first place if you don't think its going to last :)” this.

  • tell him to get his act together man up and gpo make some friends and stop being such a girl about it