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  • I don't think I'm wrong

    TwitchingEye - - Friends and Family


    My mum and her partner have secretly been together since I was a toddler, when I was 11 he moved in much to my surprise. They bought a house together and we moved to it, my siblings and I having only known about him for a week at that point. For reference my mums partner earns more than she does so I think he should be paying more in to the joint account in accordance with his earnings but he doesn't, and he doesn't help to pay towards my siblings and I or my mum. On the very occasion (every few…

  • I don't think I'm wrong?

    TwitchingEye - - Friends and Family


    I forgot to mention that I'm turning 15 soon

  • I don't think I'm wrong?

    TwitchingEye - - Friends and Family


    My mum and her partner have secretly been together since I was a toddler, when I was 11 he moved in much to my surprise. They bought a house together and we moved to it, my siblings and I having only known about him for a week at that point. For reference my mums partner earns more than she does so I think he should be paying more in to the joint account in accordance with his earnings but he doesn't, and he doesn't help to pay towards my siblings and I or my mum. On the very occasion (every few…

  • Oh my god!! Abortion and adoption aren't your only options if you can't afford the child!!

  • Go to the doctors they will tell you what your options are. You don't have to tell your parents but when you are pregnant you will show signs not just a bigger stomach so I struggle to think how no one has found out? and express your thoughts; that your parents might make you abort against your will

  • Parents are legally required to provide for their children regardless of whether or not they do chores/jobs, although I can appreciate that there are things that children don't require. A child doing chores/jobs in return for things that they are entitled to doesn't seem right to me.

  • If you believe that those are OP's only rights then you are misinformed. Food clothing and shelter aren't the only rights that human beings have.

  • Those chores aren't chores, they're jobs, and they are laborious. An adult wouldn't do the things you have listed for free; there are adults that get payed to do the jobs you have listed. Do you mean that your mum gives you 5 mins of video games for each job? What basics rights does she take away if you don't do them? Do you know that she has a legal responsibility to you to provide you with your basic rights regardless of whether or not you do something she wants you to do?