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  • I don't understand fully; you like her, you want to be with her, BUT you want to make/save money. Is that it? I think you should give her a chance, you might never find a girl as good as her that likes you :). Best way to lay her off easy is to tell her you don't want a relationship right now but you still want to be friends. Good luck mate

  • There's alot of people who are answering: "Noone is perfect, we all have different tastes." I KNOW no one is perfect, but you can create an imaginary perfect person in your head. And you say everyone has different tastes; i know, i'm asking you to say what they are.

  • Mandible and EJ, you're both clearly intelligent people but you concentrate your efforts into proving each other wrong and out preforming one another! Imagine what it would be like if you directed you efforts soley to giving good advise and work together. The las thing zebrahead needs is two guys fighting over a something so pathetic. Focus on the topic at hand and only that. Now. Zebrahead, as the others have said, can you give us clear cut examples of her breaking your trust? Then can you tell…

  • Having Cybersex with your bf is not a wrong! Even at your age! But, it's wrong to do something that you don't want to do. Your boyfriend shouldnt be able to persuade you to something you're not comfortable with! A whore is someone who gives they're body away easily to random people; that's not what you did, so it's okay. However, if you WANT to have cybersex with him, then go for it!

  • Re: What do you think of me?

    Fabregas - - Fashion


    Quote from clavicle: “i assume you want honesty not attractive to me at all, sorry. plus i do not find guys with their shirts off and a bunch of muscles shown off attractive either. just my opinion.” I don't mind, as long as your being honest. I haven't been on this forum for long, but i've seen a few of your posts and you're exeedingly arrogant! You seem like a person who knows that they're good looking, and therefore think that they're above everyone else. I hate people like that. Also, it see…

  • Re: What do you think of me?

    Fabregas - - Fashion


    Quote from Gabe: “Showoff, you must love attention.” LOL :rofl: I NEVER take off my top, unless i have to in PE or Games. And never to girls! I don't want attention, i just want to know what people think.

  • Re: What do you think of me?

    Fabregas - - Fashion


    Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “no chest. work on the chest and youll be in great shape” I have chest but, i couldn't tense it while pressing the button! I took this pic after absalotely no physical activity, so i look alot bigger after football or running etc. I'll try to add a better pic ASAP :) ---------- Post added at 11:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 PM ---------- Quote from TextilesGirl: “too much muscle! :thumbdown::thumbdown:” I have almost no fat! I'm like 4 kg off my ideal wieght …

  • I found this hilarious! Dude, theres no need to be secretive! Just say " i like this girl who liked me, but she lost interest and now like my friend and theres this other girl who likes me but i don't feel the same way abou her. What should i do?" Would make things simpler :). I think you've just got to compete with Boy B and prove to Girl A that your better! Win her back! Btw, if you two liked each other before, why didn't you go out?

  • What do you think of me?

    Fabregas - - Fashion


    Be honest, i don't mind

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “Your right nobody is perfect but Joanne is damn close for me Your never going to imagine your dream girl or dream guy exactly as they turn out But thats the thing, if your waiting for perfect, your never gonna find it, cause perfect dosent exist I think the reason you fall in love is because you love the person so much because there NOT perfect, and they love you back for the same reason” You're right, you can't go looking for perfect. I have a girlfriend and she is to me as …

  • I was wondering what people imagined to be the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend. What would be theyre personality, what would they look like, what would be theyre hobbies interests, would they be romantic or sexy, ect. I know alot of people might say that they just look at personality, but when you think of a perfect girl/guy, an image HAS to appear in your head. Also, it doesn't mean that you don't like your bf/gf if they don't fit it exactly, because we all know, no one is perfect. But to you, the…

  • ASK HER OUT! Don't over think it, if she asks you who you like, then tell her you like her! A bit nerve racking maybe, but it'll be worth it.

  • Quote from splitneedles: “he kissed me tho. anddd that's all we done was kiss a bunch ... the whole time and chill,talk,laugh. =D ireally like him. he called me toniggght. i wanna tell him that i like him but i feel its too early maybe?” I'm sort of confused. He kissed you, several times, wouldn't that make it obvious that he likes you and you like him? He should ask you out though

  • Mate, look at it like this: What's the point of having a one night stand when you know you might never meet the person again? Because it feels great. Having a girlfriend is a great feeling. It's like a purpose, something to drive you, something to achieve and develop. Try it out. Trust me, the incredible joy outwieghs the pain. Some people take things all wrong though. They date for the sake of dating, rather than actually liking the person. A relationship like that is almost always going to fai…

  • Good luck babe! Make sure you post with the details of your date!

  • I haven't, but i would with my gf. I'm not sure she would though tbh! I wouldn't send them to ANYONE though cos that would be downright trashy. I MIGHT tell like my closest friend because i think most lads would agree; we like to show off. I wouldn't show him though and i would delete it if we broke up. I don't think it's wrong as long as you're REALLY close to the other person and trust them 100%.

  • Whenever you make eye contact with him, smile sweetly. Guys love it, trust me. When you talk to him, stand close; so close that he can feel the heat of your body. Once again, we love that. Don't flat out compliment him for no reason! THAT WON'T WORK! He could think that you're clingy and obsessed. However, give compliments where they're due; if he insults himself about something that you disagree with, tell him. And make sure you look like your being honest. Make unnecessary physical contact; br…

  • One thing you've gotta learn mate. There is no such thing as a better guy! You're good enough for her! You have to believe that, or you're gonna face problems. I agree with Kevin and Cassie; try and get closer to her and drop hints. Talk about what you two think of as boyfriend and girlfriend material. If she asks you what a perfect girl for you would be, describe her subtly. It works, trust me. Good luck mate

  • I'm not sure what i'm going to do! I think i might get her chocolate, a card and maybe a piece of jewelry. Valentines day comes with a hefty price tag don't ya think? What esle do you think i should do?

  • Re: What attracts you?

    Fabregas - - Teen Sexuality


    Figure. I love it when girl are in shape. And eyes. Eyes are important because when you look someone in the eye it's like direct contact. Girls with stunning eyes make it hard to look away. And you're right, when my gf smiles, i feel good.