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  • Haha funny thread xD For me I think 7-10 in one day. I got bored?

  • Re: alcohol consumption

    Zachary - - Health and Fitness


    I drink a lot at parties, but not much at all when i'm not at a party. Usually I'll have 5-10 cans of either cider or beer as well as half a bottle of vodka mixed with whatever i can find. Personally I'm quite good with alcohol, I never get sick and I can always control myself. I think it's really down to each individual as to how much they should drink. If it's affecting you in a bad way then cut down.. otherwise I would say there is nothing wrong with the level that you are drinking. Zak

  • Re: What do you guys think?

    Zachary - - Creative Writing


    Ahh I love photography too! Very good composition in both photographs with the angles and the depth of field. I'm assuming you have a pretty good dslr/lens due to the great bokeh too, keep it up. My favorite is the first one by the way. Zak

  • Ok well, I think that Religion should be taught in schools because it is always good to educate people about other peoples culture, it opens your eyes to the world and it gives you a deeper understanding of how you should behave around people of different cultures to your own. However, I do agree that it should be taught fairly and give the facts rather than a different take on the facts. It is education at the end of the day. Personally I do not believe in any religion, afterlife or whatever. B…

  • Re: The Killers!

    Zachary - - Music


    Yah, The Killers are awesome. Although I don't listen to them that much at home, I've seen them live a couple of times and the crowd is just immense. The way that their songs get the crowd moving and not to mention the lyrics.. so catchy haha. Greta band in my opinions

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Zachary - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: The Fast Food Thread

    Zachary - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Cyndaquil: “You could just make yourself your own tacos... Stuff beef, cheese, avocado, and salsa on a tortilla.( corn/flour) BOOM! Now you magically have a taco. Being from Mexico is awesome!!!! food-wise.” Aha, well to be honest it's no so much about being able to make my own. We have Mexican food very often here and its yummy... enchiladas are my favorite! But as far as being able to pick up a Taco Bell Quesadilla... I'm stuffed; and thats what i fancy! haha

  • Re: The Fast Food Thread

    Zachary - - Health and Fitness


    OMG all you lucky American people.. do you have any idea how much I'm craving Taco bell after seeing this post!! *DROOOL* they should really open a chain here in England, it's pathetic. I might just book a flight to America now haha Zak

  • Okay well to me I think you may be over thinking things a bit. Obviously you really like him and you clearly don't want to loose him so perhaps that's why. About the bad communication over text/msn or whatever, surely thats a good thing! Surely it's much better to have a real face to face relationship than a virtual one, everybody needs some time to chill out and not be disturbed; I know that I don't really like being woken up in the middle of a night by a text. As for the best friends thing, we…

  • Re: Flash Games

    Zachary - - Video Games


    Haha, I used to love that one but now my favorite is shopping cart hero 2

  • No in all cases, gosh I'm bad at getting my words out. Well its not so much the individual but rather a whole gang of lads together

  • Re: Chatroulette?

    Zachary - - Teen Sexuality


    Wayy too much penis for me!! haha

  • Really it's down to what you enjoy the most. Personally I'm going to be doing Computer Science at university. If you enjoy software development I would say CS, If you enjoy hardware and things like that then CE. Hope this helps. Zak

  • Flash Games

    Zachary - - Video Games


    You have to love flash games, always there to kill off any boredom that there might be; or even to play during a boring maths lesson! But what's you're favorite flash game of all time? Zak x :o

  • Re: Is It Really Worth it?

    Zachary - - Advertising Agency


    Ahh sorry about that. New here, my bad.

  • Now this might just be me but I feel pretty strongly against the yobs and chavs who hang around on street corners intimidating every passer by. We all know who I'm talking about. Personally I don't think it's fair that elderly people often fear going down to the local shops because of the gangs of youths hanging around and causing them grief. In my perfect world nobody would be allowed to walk the street with their hoodie hood up unless it's raining, snowing, sleeting or whatever. These elderly …

  • Is It Really Worth it?

    Zachary - - Advertising Agency


    Hey guys, would really appreciate any comments here as I'm really in two minds what to do! Okay so last week I started setting up an online flash games website, it's taken hours of my time and now has quite a lot of content. However, I'm really starting to wonder if it's at all worth it? I mean it's massive competition between arcade game websites but regardless I want to succeed. I would appreciate it if you could have a look at the site, tell me if you think it might have potential or even giv…