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  • Quote from iamivabe1992: “Not true. I haven't touched soda for eight months and i still have pimples. Soda is very acidic, so drinking it can affect your stomach lining. I had the same "addiction" as you; I drank two liters of soda a day. I made a bet with my mom that I could go a year without drinking soda, and in just the first month I lost fifteen pounds. After about the first month-and-a-half or so, the smell of it made me want to vomit though, and I didn't think I would have withdrawls. Sur…

  • Re: Anal sex?

    username #91 - - Teen Sexuality


    Two thumbs up. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

  • Re: Sexting!

    username #91 - - Teen Sexuality


    Oh baby. Let's sext ALLLLLL NIGHT LAWNGGGGGGG! YEAH! "Why do so many teens sext?" You wanna know why? Because they're teens... they're horny little shits who want to get laid at every possible chance, and "zomgz, bewbies!!!"1/!!" are kewl and stuff. So sexting becomes like so kewl to do.

  • Greg Giraldo Dies

    username #91 - - Films, TV and Books


    Report: Comedian Greg Giraldo dead at 44 TMZ is reporting that comedian Greg Giraldo, who was hospitalized over the weekend after an apparent accidental overdose, has died. "RIP Greg Giraldo" is already the top trending topic on Twitter as fans and other comedians mark his passing. Close friend and fellow comedian Jim Norton: "Greg Giraldo passed away today. This is the last photo of us together, taken June 28 at Noam's wedding. RIP buddy." Sarah Silverman: "RIP Greg Giraldo. Belly-laugh hilario…

  • Re: WTF happened to Linkin Park?

    username #91 - - Music


    What do you mean "what happened to them"? They sucked immediately the second Reanimation was released. That, folks, is what we call selling out. I loved their old stuff, and I lost a lot of respect for them and didn't listen to their future music after Reanimation came out, because it was shit. Meteora and Hybrid Theory were fucking awesome.

  • What the fuck is wrong with you? "WHOO! INFERTILITY!"

  • Yeah, he wants your dick. That's probably it dude. He just wants to get laid...

  • Re: Boys.. #2.

    username #91 - - Teen Sexuality


    This one probably should have needed the 1/2 inch increments, because it's likely not going to vary from 99% of the votes being either 4" or 5". Anyway, I'm a little under 5.5" around, so voted 5" to follow your rules. :p

  • Quote from Detrox: “I know this may sound kinda like a really insecure guy, but I really would feel awkward walking into a nail salon around a bunch of ladies and getting your eye brows waxed. Not anything against gays but that seems a little feminine to do so and I definitely don't have the guts to walk into a nail salon in the first place.” Erm, I wasn't aware all gay guys got their eyebrows waxed? Or rather... I wasn't aware that all gay guys were feminine? Hmm... odd. Silly me.

  • Re: Double Standard

    username #91 - - LGBT


    Do I feel like there is a level of a double standard? I don't need to FEEL that there is, it's pretty obvious there is a huge double standard as far as that's concerned (basically exactly what RMG already said).

  • Re: Boys...

    username #91 - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm 7.5", so I guess since you want us to vote down (pfft :p) I voted 7".

  • Re: My gay friends

    username #91 - - LGBT


    Quote from Jjplane: “So anything in a book must be true? ” Of course. I mean, afterall, the Bible is completely true. Seriously man.

  • Re: I totally dominate.

    username #91 - - Video Games


    You're so kewl. Can I be just like you... being all dominating in video games? :o I wanna be a dominant video game player!!! YAY!

  • Re: Anal sex hurts!? >.<

    username #91 - - Gay


    Yeah, it's probably just air. Try like... err, I dunno. Releasing gas before you do it? :p And yes, it feels good when done properly.

  • Re: Guys that wear pink

    username #91 - - LGBT


    Clothing colour determines your sexuality. It's a known fact. Personally though, I don't like pink. Like maybe darker pink, sure. But I'm more of a light blue colour wearer.

  • Re: My gay friends

    username #91 - - LGBT


    For the record, gay/bi guys are said to give the best blowjobs. Soo... more reason to want to do it. Guys know what guys want, just sayin'. :p

  • Doesn't exist. Those are my thoughts on it. I need no further elaboration, those are my beliefs. You die, that's it.