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  • ( ^ a thread like this and you correct someone's grammar!? ) *hug* i'm so sorry facebook won't help things, but talking might? =[

  • Wow, thats kinda harsh school wise You could always try a doctor? I dunno, its sorta hard to friend vent all the time, especially when they're not in the mood for it *sigh*

  • ^ yeah thats the reason I used to use that excuse, and also at the time I had school work ect and I really couldn't commit to it. Relationships are so demanding and damn annoying sometimes, need space The more you try to change it the longer she'll take in my opinion Just stay being friends for now, in the future maybe, doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't want one with you, it's she might just have more "important" things to focus on at the moment.

  • If she's ever given signs that she likes you then you can start to build something more than the "just friends" relationship, but there is no point in trying too hard if she isn't interested, it could ruin things. Also when she does dump him, don't jump in there straight away, let her get over this guy and be there for her like you would as a friend.

  • I'm like that too, which is why I think people I socialise with find it hard to accept my "illness" because I am positive and bouncy around them and I guess they'd find it hard to believe. I think I just thrive off being with people, for the company and I dunno, being part of something (even when I'm at work it's sort of like we're all in it together sort of attitude?) I dunno if thats the same thing you're experiencing. It gets worse for me when I'm at home, especially in the evenings or when I…

  • I think the only thing you can do is seek help, professionally, is there someone at school you can talk about? A support worker or something? That was really the only thing that helped me, it was getting to the point where I was cutting out of habit, like I expected myself to do it Explaining to someone about what's making you cut also helps a lot, its nice to get things out in the open =]

  • I shave, wouldn't catch me waxing lmao too much of a wuss I once tried to wax my legs and I couldn't pull the strip off because I was just to afraid of the pain lol, and when I did it hardly did anything, then I got angry at it because it wasn't working and shoved it on my arm... and when I went to getting it off it freaking worked (sods law)... thus I am not attempting to wax down there in case I wuss out and cant face ripping it off LOL

  • Re: Am I Weird?

    Organgrinder - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't think it's weird, but then that's just me, there's only like 2 years difference... but then I dunno if you'd still be attracted to the same girl if she was 2 years older? I just wouldn't form a relationship with someone soley based on how they looked. Most of the guys in my year dated girls that were in the years below (as in 2/3 years younger) and they were doing that when they were 16.

  • Re: Am I Weird?

    Organgrinder - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't think so. I mean, physically attracted, or just mentally (or both lol). Theres the saying that girls act their age and boys seem to be 2 years behind, so if you look at it from that perspective you're going for someone with the same mentality as you aha :')

  • Re: I don't understand...

    Organgrinder - - Teen Sexuality


    I like the green car... but then I'm more into what it looks like than what it can do car wise as I'm a complete idiot when it comes to shit like speed or whatever else you guys like to drool over :') And you look like a decent guy to me, congrats on losing the weight too!! But you really do need to love yourself before you can love someone else. I know that sounds a little... text booky? but it's true, low self esteem shows I don't think you need to build confidence, just build up more of a pos…

  • Re: Favorite Lyrics?

    Organgrinder - - Music


    "You're so full of games, you must never lose. Funny how the only one in your bed is you.... I know the secrets that you keep... I know where you sleep" Perfect uplifting lyrics right there!!

  • Help lines are impersonal, and I once rang because I was being bullied, I poured my heart out and the woman on the end just said "I think you should try and make friends with this girl, she sounds like she just wants to be included..." which is not what you really want to hear... I know what you mean about feeling lonely, whenever I need to talk to someone they're just not there or they don't really listen And my bf lives far away too, and I feel bad talking to him about it because well... he ha…

  • *hug* you need to tell someone who can help you A school Councillor? Or even a doctor, that is if you can't face telling your parents xxx

  • Well I kind of guessed they weren't completely hereditary I am not the only one in my family with it, who knows what part it plays, I really couldn't give a crap, it's here and it bugs the shit out of me and thats all I seem to be bothered at the moment. My mother does not do the best to care for me or my siblings, she never has, she has left it to other people and only now has she started taking some responsibility for us, and I'm a few days off 18 so it really isn't going to benefit me much he…

  • great ideas... though I'm not sure how they will help me convince my parents to let me and my boyfriend sleep in the same room. i'm 18, not 16 ffs.

  • Re: Favorite Lyrics?

    Organgrinder - - Music


    EA- dead is the new alive... so sarcastic :') Dead is the new alive Despair's the new survival A pointless point of view Give in, give in, give in, give in You play the game You'll never win Dead is the new alive Life's only living rival A casket built for two Give in, give in, give in, give in You play the game You'll never win So take me now or take me never I won't wait You're already late So say goodbye or say forever Choose your fate How else can we survive? Dead is the new alive

  • I'm shy too, I have friends now and we're drifting apart because of uni's ect and we'll all be seperated, but the only reason we are friends is because they made the effort anyway... not that I don't but when it comes to making friends I just don't seem to have the ability to make myself go up to someone and say hi. I would seriously suggest looking for architecture groups, or maybe move somewhere else ? I don't know... I work and all of the people I work with are over 50, and we do have a lot o…

  • I have bi-polar and depersonalization disorder. When they kick in I like to write and draw, that's really the only thing I can do because everything else is just so distressing. I like to play the piano and guitar too, I don't know why these help but I'm not complaining. The only thing that helps my depersonalization is music, I have to shove my headphones in because speakers don't seem to have the same release... Although I can't listen to music like this and work, I sort of zombie out? but it …

  • It's not like I can't do things, I can, I do them a lot, my work, revision, tidy up... eating... But my Depersonalization Disorder kicked in a few months ago and it's been getting worse, and I am fucked, I know I am. And I'm so scared because I don't know how much more of it I can take, and if it gets worse what am I going to do... I have managed to scrape through my art exam when the latest episode started (the episodes come in sort of waves of weeks... occasionally days but this one seems to b…

  • room cleaning is good for not cutting try knitting or crocheting too... I do that ... and it actually works