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  • I think he will hes just really hesitant to go, saying hed rather be with me :s

  • We spoke about it last night, he was in a stupid mood so was making it a joke. I just looked him in the eye and told him what i classed as wrong and that if they happened we'd be over. He agreed to text me and says hell go out for his friends 18th (29th) im terrified, but it has to be done, thankyou all so much , you've really helped. and Melly its nice to know im not alone, thanks again x

  • I know, and we do need some space, we've been getting better at it. I do try to give him another chance, like i said while i was on holiday last month that he should go out again with his friends. That way I could get over it and not just be sat at home worrying that he's done it again. But he didn't, he said he couldn't take the risk, which is making me think that maybe he doesn't trust himself not to? I want to be proven wrong, but to me hes the most amazing person in the world, he's such a ge…

  • Quote from Welsh Prophets are Lost: “ Aren't you with him when he goes out drinking normally now?” I'm only 16 so i'm not legally allowed, plus its always just 'him and the lads' when they go. And no he hasnt done it in 4 month thats because we've been together like almost everyday and i've become into the most clingy girl in the world. And i hate it. I hate myself for it, Im beginning to think he deserves better.

  • He claims that he never gets so drunk that he doesn't realise what he's doing... he says he gets more sensible... which is unlikely... I said to him at the start of the relationship that I was taking a risk being with him (i'd got my heart broken recently before and was hesitant to give it to someone else) He says he doesnt want to go there anymore, but deep down I know he does, I told him that if he ever cheated on me then we'd be done, with no second chances. Does this count? He said he feels …

  • Can't get over it...

    Abii - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    So, its took alot for me to come here and talk bout my problem many of you will think im just some stupid clingy girlfriend, I partially agree. Anyways, me and my boyfriend have been together for a little over 8 months now, and for his birthday (in April) he went round town and into all of these clubs. See I knew he was planning it as it was his 18th, but he was arranging it for the tuesday after his birthday when everyone was free. I'd spent absolutely months saving my money and making plans fo…

  • Re: is this normal?

    Abii - - Teen Sexuality


    Whats normal for you might not be for others, its not illegal so hell why not?

  • Re: Are you still a virgin if...

    Abii - - Teen Sexuality


    yes you are

  • Did he force himself onto you ? if he did i'd suggest actually telling your mom, coz its rape...

  • Re: Uhh... Holy Shit?

    Abii - - Teen Sexuality


    dont have sex with her!

  • Re: Penis Question for Girls.

    Abii - - Teen Sexuality


    i dont think theres much diference except clean + healthy makes it pretty

  • im not saying theres anything wrong with it but like.. if your straight.. then you wouldn't even have the temptation right? I think your at least bisexual...

  • Re: Beauty standards

    Abii - - Teen Sexuality


    mine are small and yes i have a complex about it seen as my boyfriend in the past told me that they were alot smaller than he was used to... I Was like uhh thanks!

  • Re: Im still a virgin :(

    Abii - - Teen Sexuality


    things will happen in their own time you only get a first time once you don't want to waste that on making other people think your cool blah blah you should do it to make yourself happy coz you cant please everyone else right? It'll happen when your ready relax! Enjoy being innocent! <3:)

  • Re: hair down there

    Abii - - Teen Sexuality


    Go with whatever you want! it's your body right? x

  • Talk to her would be a good idea. If you love her you should be able to tell her everything

  • Re: Sexually Active

    Abii - - Teen Sexuality


    i was 14

  • Re: Is this true?

    Abii - - Teen Sexuality


    it is true, but its not as easy to climax and its not very good tbh.

  • Re: Why dont girls...

    Abii - - Teen Sexuality


    like you answer the question... WHY do you like Girl on Girl ?

  • Re: nudes.

    Abii - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from kellylee: “I've shared and received. Only with boyfriends at the time that I trusted with them.” the same with me, Its the only reason I would ever.