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  • Quote from eswalle: “eat lots of chicken and chiles. they have proteins and capsisem witch makes your body work more to get the energy they need, the body burns more calories that way” Please, do not discuss the functions of the cell, when you do not understand the functions of the cell. >_> Anyways, regarding your query, there is a simple equation that governs the human body: energy in - energy out = fat. One's diet is governed by how much physical activity they perform in their day to day live…

  • Often times, people perceive one's ability to shrug off negativity as a weakness. In some ways, it can be. In other ways, it can be a powerful tool and show a lot more strength of character than someone who "stands up for themselves" as it shows they are standing up for themselves, standing up in ways of ethics. The teen years tend to be particularly different from the adult years. Much of what passes for normatize behavior in the teen circles would land someone in legal trouble in the adult wor…

  • Re: Need Vote

    DeaExMachina - - Fashion


    We have no pictures of her and thus know nothing of her style and are somehow suppose to choose what we think she'd like best? I do like purple...

  • Re: Politics

    DeaExMachina - - Debate and Discussions


    Consider a culture where in education was free. The primary years focus on teaching all of the mechanics of arithmetic, writing, and what not. The secondary years focus on teaching critical thinking (we don't design the US system this way even though this is the best known way to do things). The post-secondary years (collegiate) are just as free as the first two stages of life. The Government, knowing full well the advantages of educated citizens in a post-Industrial knowledge society, funds the…

  • Quote from Frosty: “What chevy said. Also whole grains suck nutritionally speaking, and all those vitamins and minerals are probably added anyway, in which case you essentially have the nutritional content of a bowl of sugar and a tasty crappy multivitamin.” Fixed for truth. I prefer the multigrain version of cheerios. Tastes pretty much the same and slightly more healthy. Also, I utterly disbelieve that stupid website about saturated fats not being bad for you. They obviously have never taken a…

  • There isn't anything realistic about the number because we can't compare it to anything. The average rent in Barberton, Ohio is $400 for a 2 bedroom. The average rent for a 2 bedroom in Long Beach, California is $1600. We can't advice the average because housing prices differ from area to area. And, since you're in Canada I especially don't know the average prices there. Just take a look around on Craiglist, in housing advertisements, even go out and ask others on the street. You'll come to a be…

  • Eating disorders are exceptionally difficult to deal with. Unlike many other disorders you simply disprove what is being said about you and by that internal disprovable you can't feel better about yourself. There are two things you should do. First off, get more liquids. I don't mean water or soda. Drink milk, lots of milk. Drink many fruit juices. You should also look int vitamin supplement drinks like ovaltine. You feel you're fat, and so you're not eating. So get around that by drinking, it i…

  • It isn't that you don't trust people, you don't give the appearance of trust issues, your issue is self-depreciation. As noted, you feel that everyone is more important than you are and thus it isn't that you can't trust another person it is that you can't overcome how low you feel. Perhaps you need to look at life from another perspective. I was discussing with a friend recently how helping people is a selfish reason and society is built upon crossing the needs of individuals. If you are not ut…

  • Re: Slacker?

    DeaExMachina - - General Advice


    Your key is simple: a lack of energy. You've discussed it yourself, you're over extended. All of that physical and mental activity requires energy from your body and your body isn't getting it. Most likely part of your lack of energy is your physical activity and a desire to be within physical measurements which are causing you to under eat. Consider the humming bird. The humming bird spends all of its life buzzing around like a bullet. It doesn't achieve this because of some special physiology,…

  • Yes, you are bad at grammar. Problem solved. Goes to walk out the door. Oh, the other problem you say? Well, its not common but nor is it abnormal. Some people develop their changes smoothly and some develop it erratically. It is just part of your body's growth. The adam's apple that you feel is actually the thing which, through its growth, is causing your voice to change. Once it has done growing you'll have your adult voice and that can take a few months.

  • Re: Politics

    DeaExMachina - - Debate and Discussions


    I think part of what is missing is this misunderstanding that I want a dictatorship; which, while being the best form of governance is fraught with the difficulty of finding the right person amidst a sea of unworthy. What is being missed here is that voting is not the problem, the problem is who gets to vote. With no constraint on what is required to vote you end up with mob rule. I am not opposed to the idea of every single citizen voting, what I am opposed to is that every simple citizen be al…

  • Craigslist. You can find room mates there.

  • Re: Politics

    DeaExMachina - - Debate and Discussions


    It comes from creating a system of government that puts those in power who are more likely to do what is necessary. For instance, I don't dislike the process of voting and spreading power, what I dislike is the process of voting and spreading power to those who have no ability to make decisions. I support voting have a stronger requirement, such as educational attainment (yes, I know that a degree doesn't mean someone is necessarily intelligent or a critical thinker but those with degrees are pr…

  • Re: Politics

    DeaExMachina - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Esmo: “Contradiction, no?” Not in the least. You see, I'm against Democracy. It is a terrible, inefficienct, and easily corrupted system of governance. Strong central authority is necessary for the proper functioning of government and the ignorant masses who can't be trusted to run their own lives let alone the lives of millions of others shouldn't be allowed to muck up the system. What is popular is very rarely what is the appropriate course of action. If you look at any Democracy yo…

  • There is an Asian with some sort of disbaility who works at my local Albertson's. >_> Anyways, non-social jobs are the way to go: clerical, data-entry, inventory, UPS delivery guy, etc.

  • Quote from Welsh Prophets are Lost: “ Well in that case that is predatory rape (i have heard)” Statutory Rape. Minors can't give consent and all sexual activity (even between two minors) is considered Statutory Rape. But, the discuss was about the ethical and personal belief of rape not so much the legal rape. She could easily have knocked on the police's door about the whole thing even if she was 18, but whether she considers it rape is different.

  • I can't believe I'm agreeing with Frosty, but he is right. The milk is considerably more healthy than the orange juice. While it is good to have something like orange juice around as a healthy alternative to disgusting sodas et al., between the two of them the milk is consierably more healthy and in some cases the orange juice can even be unhealthy.

  • It is very much like rape, I say "like" because again it is your choice. You don't have to consider it bad if you don't want to. That's the simple truth, regardless of whether other people want to consider it such we can't force you to dislike something. There are those people who see aggressive actions of males like that to be normal, though most today consider it a bad thing. The main thing comes down to what do you want to happen to him. You didn't enjoy the sex, but you seem not to dislike t…

  • Let me level with you, its rape if you want to consider it rape. There is an entire group of women (many of which non-consenting rape victims) who get off on rape. There are also those women who consider being pushed into sex not rape, and those who consider it rape. By Federal Penal Statutes rape is any sex that consent is not explicitly given. By legal definition, if you have sex and did not resist, did not say "no," but did not say "yes" you have been raped. By legal definition and most socie…

  • You're all a bunch of Catholic terror babies waiting on the Pope to activate you for surgical strikes against abortion clinics. Any denials will only prove your guilt and any supporting statements to the contrary will denounce pro-terror supporters.