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  • Re: FIBA 2010 World Championships

    elfinitty - - Sports


    I watched it,i had been following.I was really sad that Turkey lost in their stadium.Because i am from Turkey!!

  • Re: Adam Lambert copying Tokio Hotel

    elfinitty - - Music


    Quote from jerry: “You didn't know he was gay? seriously? I didn't have to read any article about him to know he was gay. He wears fuckin eye liner for fuck's sake ” This doesnt show that he is a gay.Lots of metal or rock fans do that.But they arent all gay 2016 edit:I apologize for my homophobic remaeks 6 years ago.

  • Re: Adam Lambert copying Tokio Hotel

    elfinitty - - Music


    I didnt say so.I mean Tokio Hotel sucks they are a gay band but that doesnt what makes them suck.Their music,style etc is fail.If you(or whoelse did that) are the one who gave me a bad rep for that it isnt the reason for giving someone a bad rep.My opinion on Lambert hasnt changed i am still a fan of him.This is his own choice 2016 Edit:Im sorry for my ignorant past remarks about homosexuality.

  • Re: Adam Lambert copying Tokio Hotel

    elfinitty - - Music


    @Aannddyy:Yup you are right. I was wrong about something, Adam Lambert is actually a homosexual.I didnt know much about him but i read in a magazine that he revealed this. 2016 edit: Im truly sorry for my remarks about homosexuality from 6 years ago. I have changed in a good way and i would never make remarks like these again

  • [B]You Are Blue[/B] You are detail oriented and focused. You enjoy keeping your life in order. You are a perfectionist, and you tend to take your time with tasks. Anything worth doing is worth doing right. It's hard for you to deal with dramatic, flippant, and silly people. You value maturity. You are a good listener and you expect others to be the same. You expect to be taken seriously. That explains me quite well :)

  • I didnt watch Disney Channel when i was a kid because we didnt have it in my country.Though i sometimes watched Aladdin,Mickey Mouse etc.I feel sad for little kids because now they watch Hannah Montana who isnt so nice in her real life,she washes kids brains they want to be like her.

  • Its white and there are three pink blue green flowers on it

  • Re: Who Loves Lady GaGa?

    elfinitty - - Music


    Ewww noooo waaayyyy!!!!!I hate her shes annoying,irritating and i hate her style shes a weirdo.She tries to be different but thats too much!

  • Adam Lambert copying Tokio Hotel

    elfinitty - - Music


    Okay,i hate Tokio Hotel,i think they are a gay band especially those twins.I like Adam Lambert's music and i dont think he is being like a gay.I saw one of Tokio Hotel's concerts and compared it to Adam's concerts and they are so similar.Since Tokio Hotel became famous before Adam,do you think he is copying them? 2016 EDIT!! : i truly apologize for the ignorant homophobic remarks i used nearly 6 years ago.I must admit i was one ignorant child.Im ashamed of my 2010 self. In a few years after that…

  • Re: Justin Bieber =O

    elfinitty - - Music


    I used to love him but not anymore i think hes being dorkiesh.Well he doesnt deserve that much hate but succesful people are always hated.....

  • I have watched Paranormal Activity,it was so realistic but so stupid at the same time so i didnt get scared.

  • Re: Vampires SUCK

    elfinitty - - Films, TV and Books


    Twilight made me hate vampires,wolves,wolfmen.So i am not gonna see it.Btw i cant believe that people find them attractive.They might find Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner attractive(i dont find them so) but Edward and Jacob...Really?

  • Re: Cody Simpson

    elfinitty - - Music


    I have recognized that the other English speaking countries send their babyish singing kids to the US.Canada sent Bieber,Australia sent Simpson,so what are UK and New Zealand gonna do? :D

  • Re: Cody Simpson

    elfinitty - - Music


    Quote from What up yo: “Make him stay there. I don't want to hear him in the US.” Too late,he has already moved to the US.

  • Re: What song is stuck in your head?

    elfinitty - - Music


    Kelly Clarkson-My life would suck without you

  • Cody Simpson

    elfinitty - - Music


    They call him 'The Next Bieber' and i agree so.He is like the clone of Bieber,i have seen his music video iYiYi and he was doing Bieber's moves,even the theme of video was same and he made a duet with a black man(Flo Rida) just like Bieber.And their voices are same but Cody is younger than Justin.I think he is OK,12 year olds will love him.Have you heard about Cody Simpson?What do you think?

  • Quote from zapfox: “Hi there!:) I personally have traveled quite a bit; never for study, although I know many people who have. My first recommendation would be to be careful of what company/organization you use. If possible, get some help from your school in choosing an international group for your trip. I think that going to another country for enrichment is a great way to expand your views, but you do have to be careful like you would on any trip. Explore possible foreign exchange groups (for …

  • Hi everyone.I am having my education in Turkey and i know English quite well.I am almost 15 and i want to spend a summer maybe a year in the USA for education.I can go there with my school but i want to go there with an international group.I have never been to USA or far away from my family.When do you think i should go there?Have you ever studied in another country?

  • Re: ESC - Eurovision Song Contest

    elfinitty - - Music


    I like Germany's song but their song for last year was better however they were 20st.Turkey was 2nd yaaayyy!!!But our performance was great,we woke people up after a lot of romantic songs.

  • Re: Miley Cyrus

    elfinitty - - Music


    ^^ @xelli:About Miley Yeah guys did you see her new album Cant be Tamed?The song was terrible and she shouldnt be doing that when starring in Hannah Montana.She can do whatever she wants after the final of HM,i really dont care.But she is just making little kids disappointed.I am wondering,Miley Cyrus might took celebs which were better(i mean less nasty) than her as a modal and she is like that now.What will happen to celebs of future,the ones who are taking Miley as a role modal now!!