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  • Good Personallity. - Looks really dont matter. Good Humour. Fun to be with. Not moody. A bit sexual. Safe... Be trustworth. And a little bit daring. x

  • To be honest in britain , girls go for older bois mostly for gold digging , they have cars , money, a job, bigger cock, and think they will be more safe with them, nw honestly , if i wsa a girl i wouldnt be much more safe at all because if your wif an older boi , theyre gonna go out with theyre mates to a nightclub , and obviously go for older girls , because they wont want younger girls being all obssesive wif em , my ex went out wif me and then after tha she went for all 18 yr olds and shes ch…

  • to be honest , if she was such a good friend , she would be happy for you because your happy, shes being selfish , tbh just tell her ur going 2 meet the boi and see what her reaction is.

  • Maybe she dosent want a relationship NOW ? but if you knw what her past experiences were like with boys , maybe thats lowered her trust or confidence in boys , just be mates for a bit, talk alot , text alot , hang around alot , take her places with mates and her mates , and sometimeso n her own.

  • Quote from Alex_Rosque: “But if thats what you write... then thats your thought pattern in real life as well. Do you understand? Maybe your to picky with the guys you want to open up with?” He has got a point there , maybe the internet isnt the best choice but if you could ask boys you like in your school if theyve got instant messenger maybe it would be easier to talk to them , and you will get closer via internet and u could be more talkitive in skwl ?

  • Re: hahaha

    Welshyboi31 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Shades your a complete asshole. I feel happy for the girl who mucked you around to be honest. Because obviously she did the right choice , maybe the other boi was decent unlike you

  • Yer , im in the same situation as you mate, i myself decided to stay with my girlfriend, but if your feelings for the other girl is stronger maybe you should get with the other girl.

  • Girls in the UK normally go for the bad bois or the popular ones or the sportyones , well in wales they do, so..... If you try talking to that other girl in your class more often , get to knw what she likes , wt dont she like etc. it might be a start

  • Well you were single, and another girl asked you to dance , so she shouldnt really freak about it. If shes said yes about the movies , you will be in for a chance, maybe ask her if she thinks you to should be together , or make a move in the cinema (put ur arm around her or anything) - and if she does ask anything about the dance just say she asked you and not to be rude you said yes .

  • When you start school again , things at the beginning will get busy i had the same thing , but me and my girlfriend didnt speak for 2 weeks properly and then we started speakin again

  • Yer , you could always look on the internet with boys from your area and around your area, but always make sure they cn prove that their not pedos

  • Re: Blah;;

    Welshyboi31 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Isnt that jus sexist I think i would pissed off if i didnt cheat and my girlfriend kept asking me, thats a sexist and biast comment. If you trust him, then stay with him. If you dont trust him , dont stay with im Relationships Need Trust

  • Re: hahaha

    Welshyboi31 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from FrozenLust: “wow...this thread was a pointless attempt of attention grabbing, although you've gotten our attention, you have just shown everyone how irresponsible and retarded you are.” True You on the other thread ----> <---- thats this thread

  • Yerp , i do that sometimes but sometimes gets jealous of my friend (who are girls) and she says why dont you go off to them , nd it hurts me whne she says something like that or she calls them a slag just because they say babe to me on bebo , and sometimes she brings her ex ben into convos , it does annoy me and ive told her nd a few days back she asked if he could go into her house just the both of em after skwl , i probably been okay with it if there parents were home , because the mother dont…

  • Re: Blah;;

    Welshyboi31 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    This could be a sticky situation, If he loved you, he wouldnt be angry at you all the time , sure he might be pissed off about it but he should keep it to himself. Theres 2 Things that might be happening 1: He could be cheating on you, and you might not know it 2: These girls could either be jealous of you because your with him (maybe because they think hes good looking or maybe because hes really popular) or they might hate him , because he might of argued with them both because to be honest, s…

  • decided to give it another go with my girlfriend, but if these arguements continue, then i will have to go the single life. :(, I realise where everyone is coming from. Thanks alot, all of you , youve really helped me , Maybe in the future i can help you lot. Thanks. :love1:

  • Re: hahaha

    Welshyboi31 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Shades grow up. ur obviously some little nerd or boy behind the pc acting all a big man , when in skwl u might be the reject. Mercedes is speaking the truth, Shes actually pretty , so for some reason i doubt she would wanna kill herself over a boy , because she might be crawling with bois over her. I did feel pitty ON you , now i feel pitty FOR you , because you obviously need to get a life mate

  • No its not that ,its jus weve been together 10 months, she wants to do it , but i dont because i think she might say something, im not only interested in sex, im interested in wanting a stable relationship also. sex is just a little minor thing , because im at that age were i want it and want to experiment. I have had it in the past before. I think the relationship wont go far if she keeps being childish about things. For Example, She came on a weekend holiday with me , in the nights she had a p…

  • Re: hahaha

    Welshyboi31 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    well , id love to go on jeremy kyle , at least i treat girls with respect yes of course not all girls deserve 100 percent respect, but they all do need respect, like boys do aswell. if it werent for a girl u wouldnt of been born

  • Re: hahaha

    Welshyboi31 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    No aaron is just a tidy guy and he sees sense to your story , but every1 else opinion ur a sad looser tbh mate id lvoe 2 chuck u on jeremy kyle and see how much stick u get