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  • Are all girls stupid enough to make sweeping generalizations? No? Thought so....

  • Well, I disagree with people saying he should erase someone from his life just because his girlfriend has a lack of trust in him; that is not up to Sarah to decide. If he had any self respect he would be capable of making his own decisions. Whether he chooses to keep or not keep someone in his life is up to him.

  • Re: How do I...?

    Bigsteve - - Teen Sexuality


    Well, if you don't have the looks you'd have a better chance of getting laid in a relationship than trying to act like a whore. Guys have standards, ya know?

  • Toned? Hell no, the only guys turned off are by guys who feel threatened by having their counterpart fitter/stronger than them. Body building type physique is a huge turn off on the other hand.

  • Turn the situations that you cry over into situations that you can cope with. How do you go about doing this? Put yourself into even worse situations that test your mettle. Basically, toughen up. Try some things on the wild side (not in the hooker sense :P) and i'm sure you will stop crying over petty things. Also, you can try increasing your testosterone levels (long term solution). -Working out -Consuming sufficient fruits and vegetables -Have eggs more often -Consumption of more white meats -…

  • Being a disappointment to others is a horrible feeling because it leads to you being disappointed in yourself. It is all fine and dandy when others think nothing of you, but when you view yourself in the same way then we have a problem. *Insert wall of text of blah blah* You probably already know of the important aspects of your life that you want to improve upon. You can either sit and moan and pity yourself all day or do something about it; your choice.

  • Having been to a uniform school I can tell you now that there is literally nothing you can change that won't end up breaking the rules in some ways. Teachers will exploit and be picky about your uniform if you ever get on their bad side as well. IMO, just deal with it and move on.

  • Re: Fake Tan ?

    Bigsteve - - Fashion


    Ya, fake tans are lol, but even worse off when you know the person that has it resorted to it because they never ever leave the house to get some sun light.

  • This must be a troll, please....

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “a brain” Well played.

  • Re: Senior year help...

    Bigsteve - - Friends and Family


    Well, in most schools in order to be popular you need to drugs and alcohol when you get down to the basics. IMO, just stop caring, if you have to change yourself to accommodate the lifestyles of people you will never speak to after high school or don't truly enjoy hanging out with then forget it. I was in a similar situation in high school; I didn't touch drugs or alcohol with a ten foot pole and lost a majority of my old friends over the course of my high school career. Good riddance :).

  • There is really only one option and you know it. Man up :P, tell him no and give a few reasons why and leave it at that.

  • Lol @ that credit card fail; not very bright are they? Going to predictable locations while on the run is also another fail bound to happen.

  • Re: Blonde or brunette? (PICS)

    Bigsteve - - Fashion


    You're very good looking in both; it doesn't matter which way you float the boat. Be thankful you have options.

  • Actually you've got it all wrong, i think you reversed the poles on this one. -Eating ONLY healthy foods is... my god... healthy for you.... "don't go mad"? What will happen if you do eat properly + only healthily hmm? -Don't exercise more than walking up and down staircases and walking? It really depends on your goal kiddo; try running a marathon in good time with only doing a flight of stairs every now and then. YA OK LOL. Just because you don't give a fuck, doesn't hold any bearing on the dec…

  • Re: I wan't to be a model!

    Bigsteve - - Fashion


    I thought you were a chick at first TBH.

  • Quote from Cyph3r: “yea, i do think there is a limit to staying "fit" but that does go way over that limit. and yea i hate it also” Haha, only if you have an average mindset. I personally don't impose on what other people do with their body. But, I never think there is a limit! That's just the mindset of comparing yourself to the average human. Lots of people like going above and beyond the norm with hard work. So, if she's happy eating healthy and exercising then don't discourage her. (unless s…

  • Can't give the exact amount, but I can tell you A LOT.

  • You're just lucky she didn't slap you in the face before breaking up with you; better yet, you're lucky she even dated you in the first place. QQ cry more

  • Quote from longlion16: “God! It's my favorite thing ever! I'm straight but it's such a good male bonding experience. I've done it twice. The first time my friend didn't cum. The second time (another guy) he came but it was so dark we couldn't see each other I agree w/ CSTARK. Men kno how to jack off the best, seeing as we do it all the time. I'd happily jack a buddy, even suck off. As long as it feels good, who cares if it's a man?” Straight, ey? I beg to differ. And if my best friend was a girl…