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  • haha nice i like the last 2 lines.

  • Re: Mute

    The Sorrow - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    haha i live 2 places. in my head online. real lifes for losers. [jk]

  • Re: Mute

    The Sorrow - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    Quote from DREAM3R: “I haven't been depressed in a long time, but about 2 years ago I was really depressed. After a year of being depressed I stopped talking entirely, talking only when I had to. and every time somebody talked to me I just wanted to slap them, I literally didn't say a word for a good 2 months. Now I talk to people, but I can go for days without talking to anybody. I am not depressed I just think that people are stupid and a waste of my time. I feel like I could live in my head. …

  • Quote from khatem: “My love of my life has confessed to me in the summer vacation of how much he loves me and that he would even die for me, and this at some point made me feel ugly? He's my best friend in high school who is the goodlooking guy who everybody is attracted to. He only hangs out with female friends (mostly) + is very popular... The problem here is that all this love he's givinh me made me feel unworty, I feel that he deserves someone who is much better and MUCH better looking than …

  • Quote from NewYork: “Video games get boring too, sadly... And I'm a really active person, I can't play games for more than an hour without getting really bored of sitting/laying. ” k then go outside and adventure around lol! if your the kinda person that likes being active, go and wounder around into new places [preferably with a map encase ye get lost]

  • Quote from Aleksandr: “The sorrow isn't even a boss fight.” PFFT LMFAO -offtopic much??

  • Quote from mjames: “i hate my life, my parents hate me, i cut, my friends betray me all the time, i dont even know if life is worth living anymore, i talk to my friends but they dont help me they make things worse, i dont want to live anymore!:(” OKAY 1) get a new life 2) stop cutting, cut somthing else (inanimate preferd) 3) get new friends or lose em all together 4) life is always worth living. no matter what is going on, just the pure fact that you can understand something is bad should shock…

  • Quote from ConfusedBoy69: “OK, so here in Australia every 9 or so weeks we get 2 weeks holidays (not sure if it is like that anywhere else) anyway, last holidays the day before school (TERM 3) I couldn't sleep. I couldn't figure out why though. I freaked out so much ie.over thinking, body temperature increase that, this is embarrasing just to type, I got my mum to come sleep in my bed. My fear ran over the next 3 days and then i was OK again. With just 7 days left of these 2 weeks holiday i real…

  • Quote from NewYork: “Hey TeenHut, I'm feeling sort of depressed. It isn't like I hate myself and that all my friends hate me and such. I love my life and my friends are great. It's just that the same boring cycle of school, home, eat, homework, bed is getting tiring and that I'm losing interest in it. I get out whenever I can, such as to the school football game or to my friend's house for a few hours. Anyone been through this before?” yea play video games! <3the cycle never seems to have happen…

  • Quote from FallenAngel: “This person has made 3 different threads and hasn't responded to anyone's advice. :confused:” really? i only counted 2 including this one....

  • Re: What song is stuck in your head?

    The Sorrow - - Music


    Source Code (13 lines) >im in a musical loop<

  • Quote from Katie94: “heeeey i haven't cut for 57 days!!! i'm soooooo happy Turns out all i needed was my mum, we grew apart especially when i was cutting but since i've sorted my head and life out we've become reaaaally close and everythings great again so i no longer want to cut so yeah turns out i just needed to be close to my mum again! anyway this thread is pretty pointless but ah well i'm so happppy :D” congratz! im glad things are going well for you Katie! im also glad your okay with your …

  • Quote from Alone_Kaytee: “ive just got into bed and the tears just came so fast that i coudlnt take it. i needed someone to talk too so i logged onto here. i just want friends, i just want a boy to want me for me and not sex, i want to feel beautiful and not worthless. i just question why am i still here? gods taken so many lives, so so many people who had a reason to live, a reason to carry on and then theres me. Im that girl in the back of your class who doesnt ever speak. The one who dissapea…

  • Re: All hope, no faith

    The Sorrow - - General Advice


    maybe you should just be spiritual. dont rely on a god to think for you, discover your beleifs on your own, with yourself. for minor offensive comic relief: two words... Pat Condell. (youtube it) basically everything he says about religion is true.

  • Quote from JP_588: “I ’m a 18 year old male, I have a very low sperm count and most times I’ll fail to reach erection so in other words I have a sexual dysfunction. Never been able to climax don’t know what an orgasm feels like, have had vaginal intercourse and anal...hardly feel any sensation my doctor has me on hormone pills and all they do is give me bad stomach aches and headaches....with that in mind My girlfriend isn’t satisfied with oral and clitoris stimulation she wants penetration but …

  • Re: Is it safe?

    The Sorrow - - Teen Sexuality


    in the end its more like just luck. you could be on the pill + condom and sill get pregnant ;;life just works that way sometimes and i love your analogy of the plane-crash... there quite simmilar... fear, shock, unwanted things happening, drops from high altitude.. wait; how does the last one fit? meh, not important.. but still- i like it haha

  • pfft... damn pea dose an there cheese pizza x.x i personally believe thats very wrong; im 16, i only date people within 14-20 [my girlfriend is 18 but her intelligence and pure comprehension of.. everything; puts her at more like 15-16]

  • Re: Im getting confirmed!

    The Sorrow - - General Advice


    O.O uhh.... details please?

  • Quote from A.J. Edwards: “Want _______________________ Smart Intellectual At least a 6/10 on the scale Always want my attention Do not want _______________________ Poor hygiene Naggish” well if your willing to drop off he Smart and Intellectual part, and accept the naggish thing; YOU CAN HAVE MINE!!!!