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  • Quote from breakboy: “the meaning of life is to make more life love is one of the body's ways to promote this” but that means love is just apart of sexual attraction.

  • You Are The Adventurer You never want you're life to be too boring or ordinary. You're always shaking things up. You love to travel and see the world. You're interested in doing anything new and exciting. You are driven by a curiosity to know all about the world. You want to immerse yourself in a completely new culture. You resist anything bland or ordinary. If you can't add a little zing to something, you're not interested.

  • Don't skip classes? Actually keep promises? is there some particular reason you're avoiding classes? You should try to make an appeal to your principal, confess before she actually finds out on her own, this may lighten up your punishment, besides, you don't have anything to lose by telling the truth. And never is a long time, you have a whole lot of time to regain your parents trust, but you'll have to put effort into it and not break anymore promises to them. it's for your own good.

  • Quote from Deadmau5: “I think the OP just really really really wants to shower with chicks. :D” but then would'nt he be making said chicks uncomfortable?

  • lol, funny thread is funny. Was this a serious suggestion?

  • I it. It's amazing

  • Remember to balance your meals. three square meals, breakfast being the largest, minimalize ( but don't entireley cut them out at first.) between meal snacks, lots of water, but try tea sometime.

  • Quote from Elijah329: “I don't mean like when people jusat say it like that I mean lime when it is someone you really care about like your best friend and you have meaning behind the words not just saying it to say it. I think it's abusing it when people just joke around with it like you said. I say I love you to my best and closest friends because I don't know when the next time I will see them is because I believe you never truely know when the last time you will talk to someone is and I don't…

  • I've always been a three square meals kind of guy, minimal snacking, But I only ate the meals because they were being served then.Latley though, food, the sight of it, the smell, the taste sometimes, can make me nauseous, especially if I try to eat when i'm not hungry. I'm not sure if i really get "hungry" I never go out of my way to look for food. The only food that I ever really crave is chocolate... too bad i developed an allergy to it. I don't eat meat, so my protein intake is questionable a…

  • not at all, i do it all the time

  • Quote from jerry: “Yea I bet the parents of your grandparents never thought they'd see two guys kissing each other, and that it would be considered ok in society” He has a point. But if your point is that a line should be drawn somewhere, then yeah, it should, but it was drawn in a terrible place in the first place, society today realized that and is now just trying to make it right, they haven't lost All sense of morality.

  • Quote from Invent42: “Thanks for making me feel like any asshole guys (except those who were kind enough). Don't go around helping anyone else now.” that wasn't the intention. remember when I said to recognize when people were trying to sympathize? you just have to recognize it. No one's calling you an asshole for being depressed, I was just trying to show you some reasons to appreciate the chances you do have. The best of us have been scuicidal. Just don't be thin skinned, or you'll only get mo…

  • Quote from jerry: “the idea of two gays marrying, i'm ok with that. it's none of my business i don't have a problem with that. but seeing two men kissing and stuff still kindda grosses me out” Yeah i understand. I feel the same way about seeing anyone rapeing eachother's it's tongue sex or something

  • Quote from Invent42: “This thread ends here.” feel any better?

  • Quote from jerry: “Haha I actually agree with you. Before, people looked down at homosexuals, they said it was immoral, and society looked down on it. but now there are the liberals who think it should be ok. it's fine to be liberal, but not TOO liberal, if we keep going down this track, in the future having sex with animals is gonna be ok. and the people who disagree with it are just going to be called "ignorant" for still thinking it's immoral” You have a point, but animals are a far cry from …

  • Quote from Invent42: “In my town there is a man called Jim yanske. It is a small town, so everyone knows who he is. He is a drunk, a loser, and contributes nothing to society. This is who I am becoming. And it scares me. It scares me alot. But I can't remember my homework, I'm failing every class, I have no love, I have no social life, I'm a burden on my parents (they always fight because of me, seriously, I can't remember a time when I didn't cause it.) I'm becoming an alcoholic misanthrope at …

  • no escape. I hug you anyway.

  • Quote from OllieRambles: “i have a gay friend and when her parents found out she was gay they took her to someplace to receive shock therphy o_o that obviously didnt work out so they stopped soon after it started but they constantly where on her and were throwing their faith in her face or something like that . . . idk but she finally moved out and is staying with her gf now. =/” yeah, shock therapy is a common treatment for that particular "mental illness". Do you think they produce marketing p…

  • I'm sorry, but you're being kind of hypocritical. You say you don't want to be a burden, but really, how will you killing yourself NOT place a heavy burden on the ones you love? Even apart from the emotional burden, they have to pay for your funeral right? You're spending too much time worrying about what "could" go wrong, and not what you want to make right. Life sucks, it just does, but if we can't let it win by giving up, don't just throw away everything everyones ever invested in you, time, …

  • Quote from FallenAngel: “^ What. the. fuck.” she's a yuri lover, don't question it. And if it's not dangerous then yurnotdoinitrite.