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  • Well you don't need a teacher or lessons to play the piano... I've never had either and I can only use one arm but I still play piano. Try messing around with the keys and then matching the sounds to a song you like. I've figured out a few songs just by listening and it just takes time- which is what you have :p you also don't need a teacher necessarily for photography or art. Just grab a camera and walk around finding things that look nice and take pictures. Just have fun, don't try and be perf…

  • I understand some of what you're going through... My life seems perfect to so many people yet I find myself completely depressed. I'm also struggling with my sexuality and watching my best friend, the love of my life, date this girl and constantly talk about her. I know that I can't fix your problems but I'd love to talk to you to hopefully ease the pain, stuff like that has helped me before. One thing I can say is that you're obviously great at animal science and it sounds like you enjoy it- ma…

  • Re: Dad hates gays :(

    Jjplane - - LGBT


    Agree with sharxbyte for the most part. You really should talk seriously with your dad after giving him some time to cool off. It is even possible that it is a phase, but your father should accept you regardless. Just act normally and he'll see that you are the same

  • Re: Effeminate = gay?

    Jjplane - - LGBT


    He sounds like he could be bicurious but merely acting feminine doesn't make him anything. Everyone has a unique personality

  • Re: Guys that wear pink

    Jjplane - - LGBT


    Hey if you want pink underwear go for it, you don't need our approval :p a color is just a color, wear it if you like it

  • Re: Losing him and my mind

    Jjplane - - LGBT


    It's kinda difficult to move on when you're crushing on your best friend who spends the night 3-4 times a week, sometimes experiments with you, and always talks to you and stuff... I know I need to but it's gonna be freaking hard lol. College will make it easier to move on... But also it sucks because where I live there's either no gay/bi guys, or they are but they'll never say it, or they are but they are completely flaming and not my type at all... He'd be perfect

  • Re: Losing him and my mind

    Jjplane - - LGBT


    Thanks for the advice it really does help to hear it. I really do try and look at it logically to decide if he's bi or not, I don't want my feelings to convince me of a lie. But also I've told some people who have good gaydars about him and what we've done and they seem to think he's bi at least. I do believe that even if he was bi and managed to admit it he still wouldn't let himself date a guy. I do feel like I need to tell him because I hate faking it around him but then I'm afraid things wil…

  • Losing him and my mind

    Jjplane - - LGBT


    So I've known I'm bisexual for a few years now but I've only told one person, but I haven't even told my best friend. I'm afraid because I'm in a conservative area and he's said he hates anything gay. I'm completely in love with him and we are closer than anybody i know, and we've even experimented numerous times. But he's also said he would never like me, but idk sometimes it seems like he's bicurious. Now he found out that the girl he has liked since freshman year (we're seniors) likes him and…

  • Re: Two moms and two dads

    Jjplane - - LGBT


    I absolutely agree that children should be brough up in open environments; it would greatly reduce the prejudice in the world foe future generations. But that can be done in any situation, whether the parents are straight or gay and whether it's 2 or 4 parents, but I'm just wondering what a gay couple+lesbian couple raising a child together brings to the table that a normal family (2 parents) can't? I'm sure the kid would adapt just fine, but I don't know if it would be better than two parents. …

  • Re: Two moms and two dads

    Jjplane - - LGBT


    Well having 4 parents could be a little confusing for the kid; it means 4 people to share love with, favorites would probably be picked, 4 ppl could mean more intense arguments when sides are picked... It would just be strange I suppose. Is there any particular reason you specified a gay and lesbian couple? I mean, wouldn't it be pretty similar with 2 straight couples?

  • Re: My gay friends

    Jjplane - - LGBT


    Quote from hipster: “i'm glad someone realizes this. also the bible is more unrealistic than star wars just sayin.” That's fine for you to think that, you're perfectly entitled to your own opinion I'm just happy I have God to believe in; but I'm not going to force my religion on anybody- that's taking two steps backward

  • Re: Friend may be willing to try stuff?

    Jjplane - - LGBT


    Hmm I don't know if I'd say anything about it yet- at least not in a serious context. You could joke about it and be like "so I guess I turn you on since you couldn't keep your hands off me last night" and laugh it off, but see how he responds. But yeah just build your relationship, expand his comfort zones, and then try to get him to do stuff

  • Re: Friend may be willing to try stuff?

    Jjplane - - LGBT


    Yeah that's a good place to start, let us know how it goes and good luck

  • Re: Friend may be willing to try stuff?

    Jjplane - - LGBT


    Wow first of all, lucky you secondly it SOUNDS like he may be interested, but it's hard to tell with this amount of evidence and the fact that we don't know him. It could be that he is a restless sleeper, but then again he was touching you alot. How long did it take for him to touch you again after you moved? Also I'd suggest making some more attempts at finding evidence. Ex: talk to him about jacking off, see if he'll do it with you or even let you do it for him, etc

  • Re: My gay friends

    Jjplane - - LGBT


    No I understand that many people don't believe in the bible... Which I'd exactly why I didn't use it to support my argument. I merely mentioned I believed in the bible, I never used it as evidence against him getting blowjobs. You're right though, it would have been contradictory had I used it to back my argument up

  • Re: Im Confused about my friend

    Jjplane - - Gay


    I don't really think you should worry about it... I mean it may look suspicious to him if yours is trimmed because it shows that you've been thinking about asking him and that may freak him out. But it's really your choice just do what you feel comfortable with

  • Re: My gay friends

    Jjplane - - LGBT


    Lol relax peeps I was only talking about the idea of "if it feels good then do it," I don't give a crap if he gets a blowjob. I do think that reveals some level of bicuriosity at the least, seeing as he can get aroused from a male friend, but I have no problem with it. Yes there is a definite distinction between rape and getting blown by a friend, which I why I was merely debating the theory of doing whatever feels good, not the actions themselves. And yeah I do believe what's in the bible is tr…

  • Re: My gay friends

    Jjplane - - LGBT


    So anything in a book must be true? Also I don't agree with saying that we shouldn't attach meanings to actions, actions speak louder than words. And I disagree with doing something because it feels good. Murdering others feels good to some people and do does raping-- doesn't mean you should do it. I'm not telling the OP to not give blowjobs if he wants to, just saying we should have discretion in what we do.

  • Re: Im Confused about my friend

    Jjplane - - Gay


    Well first he could be faking the reaction to sound straight or also he may think that only because he hasn't had the opportunity to try it. I have a friend who says he thinks gay stuff is disgusting, penises and everything is repulsive to him, he'd never be able to jack off around guys...and he jacks me off fairly often and I do the same for him could be for his reputation or something. If you get him alone dare him to jack off and get him to the point where he's comfortable doing it around you…

  • Re: Im Confused about my friend

    Jjplane - - Gay


    Actually if he says no flat out to his girlfriend then maybe you have an even better chance. Besides he sees your friendship differently than he sees his relationship with his gf- sex with his gf is one thing, but just experimenting with a bud is much less serious. Don't worry about how he acts around his gf- focus on how he acts around you, especially when it's just you two alone. I know you said his parents won't let him spend the night but you should try asking again or get your parents to as…